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Reflections from the book think, it's free

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In life there are people who are rivers, there are people who are waterfalls, there are people who are mountains, there are people who are deep and dark valleys from which sometimes you can hardly ever get out and some very few are volcanoes that teach teachings that they transcend our life. These are words spoken by the author of the book "Think, it's Free", Joaquín Lorentes. In this book the author describes 84 principles divided into three main approaches: Intimate Attitude, Business World, and Advertising.

Keywords: Thinking, Life, Success and Attitude.


These three words (Think, Life and Success) form a nice simple rule of three, where the result will be linked to the proportionality of these three aspects that we already know a fourth that is the unknown, such a formula would be established as follows:

Thinking = Success
Life =?

Where the result or the unknown, in this case for me would be the Attitude.

The objective of this essay is to approach through a perspective or opinion the 84 principles that the writer Joaquín Lorentes describes in his book “Think, it's free” and that in my opinion can be summarized in these four words: think, success, life and attitude, which are dependent on each other; And he expressed it this way because, if we don't think, if we don't act, if we don't have life we ​​wouldn't be successful, or by simply saying if we don't have life we ​​don't have all the others.

Sometimes it is so difficult for us to understand the meaning and strength of each of these words, I still do not understand them, but what I do know is that they are the result of our existence and are worth living for, I think that's what the author of the book is trying to say and I can clearly see it in principle 4 “Knowledge is a stopped engine. What moves him is the attitude ” in which he declares: All acquired knowledge (thinking) is our engine. But in the race of life, what will really be decisive in our advances, drifts, off-track, accelerated and podiums (success) is going to be our attitude.

In principle 4 we observe a clear example that the simple rule of three makes sense and that they do not necessarily have to be established literally in the way in which the first-instance approach was made, but that, depending on the context, we can change our unknown and reformulate the statement of the equation.


First we will cover a series of concepts that allow us to understand the development of the topic, to later cover some examples of why I think that the author in some way in his 84 principles determines life, thought, attitude and success as the main characters and finally emphasize how to address these four characteristics in the day to day of our existence.

What is life?

The concept of life comes from the Latin vita. This is a difficult term to define, since depending on the discipline in which we place ourselves, various responses will be obtained, which may even be antagonistic to each other.

For example, life is defined by biology as the ability to be born, breathe, develop, procreate, evolve and die. On the other hand, from physics, life can be understood as the time that things last or as the evolutionary phase, that is, that the stars have life, something that would be incompatible from biology.

What is thinking?

Thinking means staying open to questions, information, understanding, making present, understanding meanings, connecting with each other and providing meaning; It also involves explanation of causes and preparatory reflection on activities, as well as making decisions, establishing judgments. In short: ordering material and immaterial facts about ourselves and our world.

What is Success?

Originating from the Latin term exitus (“ exit ”), the concept refers to the effect or the correct consequence of an action or undertaking. Its roots become more or less evident depending on the context in which we use this word, since it often expresses “stand out”, “go above the competition”, “come out of the darkness of anonymity”.

According to Jim Rohn “Success is made up of 20% capacity and 80% strategy. You may know how to read, but most importantly, what is your plan to read?

What is Attitude?

An attitude is a form of response, to someone or something learned and relatively permanent. The term "attitude" has been defined as "positive or negative affective reaction towards a denoted abstract or concrete object or proposition."

  1. M. Judd defines "Attitudes are lasting evaluations of various aspects of the social world, evaluations that are stored in memory" and for R. Jeffress: "Attitude is our emotional and mental response to the circumstances of life."

Up to this moment we have seen each of these words in isolation, however when delving into the concept of Attitude, I can identify a particular aspect in which it is described that attitudes are acquired and learned throughout life and it acquires a direction towards a certain end, and it is at this moment where we can connect them again, this does not mean that the simple rule of three has to turn in relation to attitude, let's look at it from another point of view.

According to Maryam Valera, professor at CESMA Business School in the Senior Management Program for Directors and Entrepreneurs, success is based on 4 pillars, for the purposes of this essay I will only consider three which are: Believe in yourself, have a direction and take a risk, here we can see the formula from another perspective, so it is not always necessary to revolve around the attitude, sometimes you have to rethink the formula. If we realize that the word life, thought and attitude are not literally described, but if we carefully analyze each of the pillars of success that the writer exposes, we can see that these words are somehow embedded, that is why I believe that the 84 principles established by the author are linked in this way.

In Principle 1 “Think, it's free” emphasizes the fascinating and powerful machine of the universe: Our brain, the central organ of the nervous system with the capacity to think and to house 2.5 million Gigabytes of information. Thinking is our supreme energy and our thoughts, adjusted to each circumstance, are decisive in the conduct of our lives, says the author, and it is here that we find the first relationship between thought and life.

In principle 3, we find the second relationship between success and attitude, where the author describes: Success is always at the end of an obstacle course full of demands, setbacks, trips and misunderstandings that you have to be willing to assume and face. The base of the podiums is built with fundamentally human materials: tenacity, effort and an unbreakable will.

In principle 51 "A goal specified in more than two lines is a myopia", here the author once again highlights our simple rule of three, only now the result is thought and the other characteristics are the part that we already know.

I could go on listing and mentioning how each of these principles are related in some way, but the objective is not to verify what is described, rather the core part is found established in principle 26 “In the company there are only three moments: to grow, remain and dilute ”.

The cycle of life is being born, growing up and dying; If we focus on the principle 26 of the author, where birth would be to grow, to grow to remain and to dilute to die, we will observe that the cycle of human life and the cycle of business life are very similar. The author, within the same principle, asks a question: Which one are you living? It would allow me to rephrase the question as follows: How are you living it?, Since I mean by this; How many people work on what they are passionate about or enjoy? How many people would give their last breath of life working on what they do to this day?

From my point of view, I believe that this is where the problem of why many times within corporations there is no growth, permanence or brilliant development begins; It is not the fact that we lack knowledge or the ability to do things and I can assure you because as said at the beginning, in our brain there are 100,000 million neurons capable of storing 2.5 million Gigabytes of information, therefore, we could deduce that It is during the journey of our working life where we lost ourselves, perhaps at the beginning we had that spirit or that passion, but in the end, we only focus on making money and it is not that it is bad, but quite the opposite, money allows us to have certain comforts, but what if we made money doing what we love? Would it really be a job?It is in this moment where I would like to make a difference between building a life or earning a living, totally opposite approaches that will allow us to make a difference.

It would not be worth explaining what it would be like to earn the money, since part of it was addressed in the previous paragraph, but if I wanted to highlight what it takes to build a life.

Building a life is responding in a positive way to the following questions: When was the last time you gave thanks for the job you have? When was the last time you got out of bed enthusiastically to go to work? When was the last time you developed an improvement or change proposal for your organization? When was the last time you submitted your work before the date it was requested? and how these questions are many more that we could continue to address.

What I am trying to say is that we are human beings, where nobody is perfect and that we make and will continue to make mistakes, I am not saying that we spend our whole lives making them, but rather it is the fact that it is okay to make mistakes because we learn from them, what is not right is that we only remain as spectators and do not make the decision to do something.

Life is one of the most beautiful gifts that we were given, because it was no one but you, it could have been someone else, but no, it was you and we cannot let it pass fleetingly without anything happening, like The author establishes it in Principle 30 "When nothing happens, nothing happens."

Have you ever wondered what makes you angry or what makes you happy? It could be that this question is the beginning to make that change of attitude in which we have found ourselves to this day and that it does not allow us to grow and develop in our work environment, at some point in some way the author also conceptualized it, since in his Principle 7 “Good memories lull. Great projects awaken ”, it constitutes: Having an achievable goal and doing everything possible to achieve it is to put neurons to pedal, it is to revive, but this time looking forward. When it happens, we live our today with more vitality and greater enthusiasm.

So what are we waiting for to get up and undertake what we are passionate about, what allows us to be revolutionary people and make a difference as agents of change, it is time to make the decision and change the course, since no one else will do it for us. The author in his Principle 5 "The future is the time we have left to do what we had done before" mentions: The time that is not filled with a minimum return of gratification is time that hits us. And in life, receiving a few blows is inevitable, but accepting that our days become an endless sum of laziness, dissatisfaction and downtime is the path that leads directly to disappointment.

I am not saying that it will be easy because the top, the podium, the goal, the dream, the General Management of the organization requires a lot of effort, work, dedication and time, in the same way the author expresses it in his Principle 13 "Genius breaks the established. If you measure everything by the known, you will never reach it ".- To reach the light you need conviction, tenacity, a lot of effort and a very high implication and in its Principle 79" Do you only have one problem? Lucky! Now you just have to find the solution ”: - Finding the solution to the problem is what allows us not to back down and even achieve success.


The 84 principles that the author describes in his book "Think, it's free" at no time takes us by the hand to establish in an orderly or sequenced way the ideas to potentiate talent as it is literally described on the cover of the book and is It was probably not to follow a cooking recipe, but rather for a kitchen to do it as a recipe.

I have found it interesting in the way that the author addresses each of the principles and of which we could apply in a practical and dynamic way on a day-to-day basis, this is not just one more of the success or self-improvement books that tell you how to live, rather I think it is a book for daily living.

I would like to conclude with Principle 40 "You need a big challenge" Take note: everything can be done better.

The best of the history of the world was and will be possible, because there have always been and will be people who did not accept what was established and set out to change it.

It doesn't matter where you are, but where you are, always be the best at what you do and do your job with passion. Think is free.


  1. Joaquín Lorentes. Think is free; Publisher: Planeta.
  1. Read more at:
  1. Read more at:
  1. Scharfetter. Introduction to General Psychology; Publisher: Morata, SA. Madrid, Spain 1988 2nd. Edition.
  1. Read more at:
  1. EDU-FISICA Journal Eduphysical Research Group:
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Reflections from the book think, it's free