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Political and economic reflections on change


We build too many walls and not enough bridges ”. -Isaac Newton

There is much talk about change and it has been found that even the change changed.

What happened in the decade between 1993 and 2003 to put eternal change in perspective?

In the past decade (1993-2003) there have been significant events and changes:

1. The economic takeoff of China and India, as well as the depression in Japan.

2. The advent of the networked economy and the resulting boom / bust.

3. September 11, 2001 and the War on Terrorism.

4. The War in the Balkans.

5. The discovery of dark energy.

6. The underpinning of an always ready, always connected and always available society.

7. The creation of the Euro.

8. The rise of the Anti-Globalization Movement.

9. The collapse of corporate giants like Enron and Parmalat.

10. The acceleration of productivity.

11. The warning that the “Y2Y” was not a problem.

12. The movement of nanotechnology from the periphery to the center of science and technology.

13. The demise of the music industry as we used to know it.

14. Among other situations.

Source: SCHWARTZ, Peter, author of "Inevitable Surprises" (2003).

Some unusual facts and figures

Please note, carefully, the following information:

“… 60% of our products today did not exist six months ago. 80% did not exist a year ago. And 95% did not exist two years ago…. "

Source: Meyer, Davis and Davis in "It's Alive" (2003).

Powerful current trends


The change from a national economy to a global one.

The shift from 'power of labor' to 'power of technology'.

The shift from company-defined markets to markets now determined by consumers.

The shift from an 'industrial economy' to 'a knowledge economy'.

The transformation of the employer / employee relationship.

New relationships and government structures regarding vendors and suppliers.

How has over-communication changed the whole game of communication and influencing people?

Over-communication has changed the whole game of communication and influence on people. What was an overload in the 1970s turned into a mega-load in the early 21st century. Here are some statistics to put the problem in context:

From 1970 to 2000, more information has been generated than in the previous 5,000 years.

Total printable knowledge - by the year 2000 - doubles every four to five years.

A weekly edition of The New York Times - to the year 2000 - contains more information than the average person was able to find in England during the seventeenth century.

As of 2000, more than 4,000 books are published worldwide each day.

As of 2000, the average “white collar” worker uses 70 kilograms of photocopying paper - double the number from the previous decade. -

Source: TROUT, Jack author of Differentiate or Die (2000).

Without rhetoric, how can you manage customer relationships strategically?

Manage a portfolio of customer relationships instead of a portfolio of products or physical assets.

Achieve higher returns on investments by focusing on valuable customer relationships.

Find new opportunities to create Value for your customers and “capture” for yourself a portion of this value for your shareholders.

Leverage knowledge about your customers to increase the value of those relationships.

See technologies as a means to give customers what they want, when they want it, and in the way they want it.

Given the current pace of change, what are the most frequent lies used by managers and entrepreneurs when they are not reaching their goals and objectives?

"It is due to an execution problem."

"It is a problem of alignment of resources."

"We have to concentrate more."

"It is the responsibility of the regulators."

"Our competition behaves irrationally."

"We are in a period of transition."

"Everyone is losing money."

“Asia / Europe / Latin America turned sour.

"We are investing in the long term."

"Our investors don't understand our strategy."

What is important to always keep in mind?

Always remember that the good companies that fail today are organizations that, for a long time, refused to admit the decline of their strategies.

What are the three factors that determine the wealth creation potential of any business concept?

The extent to which the business concept operates as an enabler of customer benefits.

The extent to which the business concept is unique.

The extent to which the business concept activates 'profitability amplifiers' with the potential to generate investment returns above the industry average.

Useful questions for those who intend to be an entrepreneur in these current times

Where and in what ways is change creating the potential for new rules and for new spaces?

What is the potential for revolution inherent in things that are changing right now or have already changed?

What are the discontinuities that we could exploit?

What aspect of what is changing can we understand better than anyone else in the industry?

What is the deep dynamic that will make our business concept so important right now?

Who pays attention?

Most of the people in an industry are blind in the same way - they all pay attention to the same things and they don't pay attention to the same things.

What is a transleader?

TransLeaders are experts in the arbitration of knowledge, moving discerned intuitions between those who are acutely aware of trends and / or developments and those who are unaware of what is happening or is about to happen, between those who know and do not know, between the avant-garde and the rear.

About the future

The future is going to be invented, with or without you. But if you want to build the new, you must dismantle your current belief system and start from scratch.

Mental models versus business models

In most companies it is virtually impossible to re-design business models without first challenging the dominant mental models. Mental models expel and reinforce the present business model.

A business model is a "thing." A mental model is a set of beliefs about a "thing." The mental model reflects the "central tendency" of beliefs around the key variables of business concepts, as follows:

What is the mission of our business?

What is the scope of our product / market?

What are the bases of differentiation?

What core competencies are important?

What strategic assets do we need to have in possession?

What core processes are critical?

What is the best way to configure our resources?

How do we get to the market?

What kind of information do we need to serve our clients?

How do we rate our products and services?

What is the main benefit that we obtain when we “package”

our products and / or services?

How do we integrate with suppliers and allies?

Which profitability amplifiers can we take advantage of?

Where to look for creativity?

You should look for disconfirming evidence regarding those things that are not suitable in instances where things are not working properly.

Belief systems versus the future

The problem with the future is that it is different. If you are not able to think differently, the future will always come as a surprise. The surprise will be positive or negative depending on whether you have been paying attention and, therefore, preparing properly. question: What do you need to do? ANSWER: Question the current validity of your oldest beliefs.

Eloquent quotes about change

"This is a dangerous world and it will become an even more dangerous one… We will not be interested in chaos but chaos is interested in us." - Source: Robert Cooper author of "The Breaking of Nations: Order and Chaos in the Twenty-first Century "(in English," The Rupture of Nations: Order and Chaos in the 21st Century ").

"If you don't like change, you will like, much less, to be (permanently) bewildered." -General Eric Shinseki, Chief of Staff. US Army

How to leverage your organization with the web?

As an example:

1.- Replace your paper communication with emails.

2.- Give everyone an email address.

3. Make top management available online to your clients and investors.

4.- Build a website for better communication with your customers.

5.- Print the address of your Web page on everything, doing your marketing online.

6.- Use your website for electronic commerce.

How should things look?

The perspective (point of view from which an issue is considered or analyzed) is equal to 80 IQ points. Seeing things in a fresh way is more valuable than the greatest power of the mind. Every revolution in art (Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, and Postmodernism) was based on a re-conception of reality. It was not about canvases, paints or brushes that were exchanged for better materials and instruments, but about how the artist (leading trans) perceived the world. Likewise, all industries use information technology. However, what it is all about is having the ability to escape from the already known. The essence of strategy is variety. But there is no variety in the strategy of individuals without them having variety in their way of seeing the world.

The agenda for new innovation

Some ideas to achieve this end:

Continuous improvement and non-linear innovation

Innovation in products and processes and Innovation in the concept of business

Wealth Release and Wealth Creation

Serendipity and Capacity

Visionaries and Activists

Scientists and Mercadeologists and the Tireless of Silicon Valley

Focus (how should you focus?)

Some criteria:

Focus on the present (operational). Focus on the future (strategic).

Focus on certainties (operational). Focus on possibilities (strategic).

Focus on the real (operational). Focus on the "game" (strategic).

Nature of present knowledge

To put in perspective:

Confirmation of knowledge (operational). Knowledge development (strategic).

Static language (operational). Dynamic (strategic) language.

Rooted in your industry (operational). Concentrated on creating an industry (strategic).

Implicit assumptions (operational). Explicit assumptions (strategic).

Current rules of conversation

Let's see:

Intercession (operational). Dialogue (strategic).

Authoritarian (operational). Hypothetical (strategic).

In search of the "closure" (operational). Opening new conversations (strategic).

In need of "specialists" (operational). In search of "generalists" (strategic).

Trying to make a decision (operational). Staying in lifelong learning (strategic).

Intellectual property. The intellectual property is the exclusive property of Andrés Eloy Agostini D., with the express exception of the citations mentioned in this work, mostly taken from the works listed in the "Bibliographic Source" section. All rights reserved. It is forbidden to copy, partially or totally, through any means, electronic or not, without the prior written and express authorization of the Author. This material does not have, in whole or in part, profit-making purposes, express or otherwise, neither directly nor indirectly.

Political and economic reflections on change