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Reflections on Ken Blanchard's Well Done Book


We consider Ken Blanchard's proposal in his book Well Done to be extremely important and we see it as very favorable to apply it in all human areas, including in dealing with animals, as the text describes well. Among the learned techniques that we consider we can and must incorporate in our daily actions with other people so that they obtain a high degree of performance, we can mention the following:

Activate Performance: To activate the performance of our collaborators in the tasks they must perform, we must establish clear and feasible goals and administer the necessary training, in this way they will know what they are supposed to do to obtain a good performance.

Observe the Behavior: This is to verify that the results that are being obtained are the expected ones and give the appropriate feedback according to the observed behavior, which in any case should be positive or redirection when the obtained performance is not the desired one.

Feedback: Or the response that we must adopt to the observed behavior must be redirection or positive.

Redirection: is the effective way to deal with undesirable behavior. The most appropriate way to redirect a person is to describe the mistakes made without reproaching them, show the negative impact of that mistake, if necessary we must blame ourselves for not having given the training clearly, review the task in detail with that person and make sure that you have understood well and express the faith and trust that each person deserves; This will help to adopt an open attitude towards learning.

As far as positive feedback is concerned, we must value any progress in the right direction and praise it; It is not necessary to wait for the people with whom we interact to do things perfectly, it is enough that they make the slightest effort in order to achieve the desired goal so that we can start the process of positive feedback. This positive feedback can be done through praise, a learning opportunity or even a promotion, in the case of children, positive behavior is reinforced with a hug, allowing them to watch television, giving them something they like or granting them some special privilege.

Another important thing that we have learned is that when a person thinks he is smarter and insists on continuing his unacceptable behavior in those cases it is an attitude problem and the redirection response will have very little effect since these people already know what do, in those cases we must let them know clearly that what they are doing is unacceptable and the impact that this error would have, also telling them the disappointment, confusion or frustration we feel and end the dialogue with a positive reaffirmation from that person, this will allow Let her see that it is her behavior that is unacceptable and not her. Every negative feedback tends to hurt us as managers.

We must focus on the brilliant, noble and wonderful qualities of the people with whom we operate, this allows more and more and better desired results to be obtained. The more attention we pay to a behavior, the more it will be repeated, what we pay attention to grows, what we ignore withers, therefore we must learn to ignore or ignore undesirable behaviors although we recognize that these are the ones that have traditionally called our Attention.

The Well Done answer is not the goal but the way to get the people we interact with to do the right thing because they enjoy doing it so after giving many answers. Well Done! We can start making comments like “I bet you felt good when you finished that project or task before the deadline”, or “You must be proud of what you did with that report”, in case of any collaborator we know of. feel satisfied with the performance achieved, we can encourage them by saying “Tell me how it feels to have achieved it” or “How do you feel after having done such a good job”, then we must listen to that person carefully and reinforce their sense of pride and achievement.

The phrase that according to the book Well Done expert Anne Marie learned from her dad when she was little I think we should learn forever, this is: “It's great to be in a position of power, but don't use it. The only way you can really get people to do what you want is to develop a positive and trusting relationship with others. Be positive with people and you will get positive results ”.

Finally, we want to point out that the work Well Done makes a contribution of immense value to the family, we consider that this book should be read by all mothers who, as in our particular case, need effective guidance on how to lead their children favorably. Likewise, we very emphatically alert parents to read it since their learning is essential so that homes truly benefit from the teachings of its content. At this time, I will present Well Done to my husband and trust God that our children will benefit greatly.

Responsible: Nelly Taveras Ureña

Book: Well Done by Ken Blanchard, Thad Lacinack, Check Tompkins and Jim Ballard.

Reflections on Ken Blanchard's Well Done Book