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Reflections on leadership

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Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked by the leader; Leadership is defined by results and not by attributes ”. ―Peter F. Drucker (writer and management thinker for over 60 years).

Who is the leader?

The leader is the one who leads by inspiring individuals, transferring power to make decisions and so that they become a key difference in the organization.

They typically handle options rather than plans, prefer the possible over the perfect or the shabby, and desire shared commitment rather than obedience. Leaders have the vision and then breathe it into their team members, thus energizing them. His authority is exercised in sustaining the fight he has waged to show that he deserves it. That is, its authority is based on earned, technical and ethical merits. It is the one that has followers (work team), since without them their COMMON CAUSE cannot exist, allowing the referred followers to do what is correct and timely. Your activity makes you so visible that you must set examples and become a role model. The leader delegates and personally performs what he believes should be remembered. In other words,the leader -with his work team- solves the "here and now", imagines the future in the present, recreates the future and WANTS TO TRANSCEND.

Leaders educators and learners at the same time

The processes of continuous change and the increase in the impact of the technological, political, economic, social and environmental environments (properly speaking) to which our context is subjected and its corresponding implications towards our organizations, forces the leader to think about the need for become an agent of self-transformation, permanently acquiring new skills and concepts. Additionally, he must have the ability to unlearn notions that are no longer valid, in order to adapt to new situations to achieve the necessary change.

Leaders and their skills

A skilled leader knows how to converse with a work team through his style, voice, and manner (body language). In addition, he communicates non-verbally what he believes in and how to live. Both his ability and also his personality are evident. Therefore, he makes it easy for others to achieve success, creating infinite pre-conditions for the success of the team for his team. Under your supervision, your team members can unify and combine efforts. Bad leaders, on the other hand, make their people feel bad.

Good leaders make their people feel good. The best leaders make their people feel good about themselves. The greatest leaders are like orchestra conductors - they reach a point beyond the musical notes and bring out the inner magic of the players (the team members).

Good ambition and leadership

Positive ambition is conceived as the need to embark on a path, the desire to work in the right way and the requirement to be especially loyal and honest to the corporations and companies where the individual operates. Ambition is the "Energy" that motivates us to achieve goals and objectives.

A good ambition, free from selfishness and greed, is essential and must be based on man's dreams and even more on their realization. A dream is part of the imagination, its realization depends on the ambition of each individual, which motivates that dreams do not remain in the mind, but, in turn, become actions. It allows you to visualize scenarios and then make them come true, seeing the "pros" and "cons" (cons) in an optimistic and positive way.

However, the following should be noted,

Ambition must seek a purpose that is worthy and superior to money, power, or the solution of a personal problem. The goal is to call others to collaborate, harnessing their talents and guiding them through diversity.

Positive ambition drives values ​​that must be maintained in decision making. Honesty and acts of humanity can make it difficult to obtain profits, But the cost of breaking the principles would be much higher.

The ambitious manager, in addition to being inspiring, must listen to dissenting voices, balancing control and freedom, not assuming either soft or autocratic positions. Control must be shared, promoting the generation of ideas and participation.

How is control shared?

Clearly, for control to be shared, not only the leader, but each of the team members (common cause), must, in addition to ethics, possess personal and technical maturity. They must be equipped with the skills and expertise required by the core business. It is very common to receive complaints from team members who want a higher level of execution and performance. In Latin America, surely as in other parts of the world, this is very frequent; You want to go from the womb to the presidency of some of the top 10 Fortune 100 companies. Many times there is an unknowing rush.

Integrity refers to the quality of a person to be upright, proven, faultless. I comment on this in advance of the following thought by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who asserted: “The supreme quality of leadership is, unquestionably, integrity. Without integrity, there are no possible successes, it does not matter if it is a group of people, a soccer field or an office ”.

Leadership and motivation

The leadership that is exercised implies being a very dynamic and passionate person. We tend to view passionate people as negative. Without passion, there are no talents, there are no wonderful people who achieve immeasurable goals. Jack Welch, former president of General Electric, never tires of repeating it, you literally have to be “energized” to energize others.

Margaret Mead tells us that: “… never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world”.

To lead better is to compete better, with better strategies and, therefore, with higher productivity rates. Dr. Michael Porter, Nobel Laureate in Economics and Professor at Harvard University, tells us the following: “… the company (or the person), which successfully implements a new or better way to compete, is because (this person, organization or company) continues (perseveres in its activities) with stubborn determination, often in the face of sour criticism and serious obstacles. In fact, to be successful, innovation imposes pressure, need and even adversity on us, making it clear that the fear of loss is often more powerful than the hope of winning… "

How do you recognize a leader?

Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery (1887-1976) gives us some good ideas on how to recognize a leader next. “You have been in front of a person who leaves a void when he leaves, because you have just met a leader. Napoleon Bonaparte says that "… a leader is a negotiator of hopes…".

Some characteristics of leaders

The first and most important quality of a leader is to keep his head fresh, to receive impressions of what is happening, and never anguish himself with regret or discontent or amazement or intoxication of good or bad news (regarding successes or failures). The successive or simultaneous sensations that the leader's mind receives during the course of a day are classified and occupy only as much attention as they require, because common sense and good judgment are products of a comparison of various sensations considered.

Some eloquent quotes about leadership

“… Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality… The biggest myth about leadership is that leaders are born with a genetic leadership factor. The myth claims that simple people either have certain charismatic qualities or they don't. That's ridiculous; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made and not born… ”. -Warren G. Bennis

"Leadership is the ability and willingness to mobilize men and women toward a common purpose and a personality that inspires confidence." - Sir Bernard Montgomery

“All great leaders have one characteristic in common: their willingness to unequivocally confront the greatest anxieties of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership. - John Kenneth Galbraith

Intellectual property Intellectual property is the exclusive property of Andrés Eloy Agostini D., with the express exception of the citations mentioned in this work, mostly taken from the works listed in the "Bibliographic Source" section. All rights reserved. It is forbidden to copy, partially or totally, through any means, electronic or not, without the prior written and express authorization of the Author. This material does not have, neither totally nor partially, profit purposes, express or not, neither directly nor indirectly.

Reflections on leadership