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Reflections on management by objectives


Managers are those who are in charge of the entities directing them, they have the essential responsibility of developing an effective human organization for the achievement of organizational objectives.

I find this topic very interesting and of great results due to the fact that I use it on a daily basis, applying this tool and making it part of the management style of each of us as managers will make our management much more effective.

The basic principle of management by objective is that each one of us be very clear about what we have to achieve where participation is important and assume this with responsibility and quality at all times.

Peter Drucker in the 1950s popularized this idea in his 1954 book The Practice of Management, according to which "it is based on defining key areas in the company to establish challenges and evaluate results"

George S. Odiorne also developed this topic a lot, he said that “it can be described as a process by which the superior and subordinate jointly identify their common objectives, define each individual's main areas of responsibility in terms of the expected results. of him, and the use of these measures as guides for the operation of the unit and to evaluate the contribution of each of its members.

He proposes a model composed of a cycle of seven phases :

  1. Establishment of performance measures of the organization and delineation of organizational objectives to be achieved Review of the organization's structure, based on the proposed objectives From the two previous stages, each manager establishes purposes and evaluation measures for their subordinates which in turn proposes objectives The superior and each of his subordinates reach the same agreement on the objectives and evaluation measures of their own work Continuous monitoring carried out on the periodic results of the subordinate's work, against deadlines intermediates previously established in stage 4. Periodic and cumulative evaluation of the results of the subordinate's work, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as those measures proposed for their development.Evaluation of the performance of the organization as a whole.

I have found that people feel more motivated and committed when they know what is expected of them, in terms of results, than when they are approached in confusing terms, the manager must establish objectives together with each collaborator in the company and guarantee integration of the objectives of each position with the planning and general strategy of the organization for the development of the general objectives of the entity.

When applying management by objectives, effective management will be favorably impacted, it motivates the use of planning, with it there is a greater degree of organization, it generates to a great extent a higher level of motivation and commitment in team members, it promotes having effective controls, the application of this tool should be used with a high degree of leadership, participation, effective communication and a large dose of commitment.

Although this management style has its detractors and is not perfect at all, I have lived through its contributions to a more productive management, I think that the time of being on top of it almost harassing employees and being too rigid in management is something archaic and not contributes to the achievement of objectives effectively.

Douglas Mcgregor published an article on this subject in the 1950s, there he criticized traditional evaluation programs, he suggested a new evaluation approach based on the Drucker concept of management by objectives, saying that subordinates had to be evaluated based on the degree of fulfillment of the objectives that they had set themselves with their superior.

Society has changed and with it the labor dynamics, this must be understood very well by today's managers, management by objectives can be adapted to our management style and make it part of our management philosophy, achieving an integration between all the parts that add to the achievement of the organization's objectives and thus achieve the desired result of a win - win.


A utor: Atty. Michael Aular - Micdan Consulting

Reflections on management by objectives