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Reflections on the prosperity in which we live


Prov. 28:20: "Man will indeed have many blessings"

"Up to 400,000 liters of water per day will be possible to collect in the desert of Peru to supply families in extreme poverty with 'fog catchers'".

We live in an incredible time of the human being and with a tendency to improve in all areas thanks to science and human will.

Einstein said:

"There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will"

What were we at the time of the caves? Frightened blades moved by nature. If we remember the life expectancy in the 1400s, Caligula's days of terror, it was 22 years, today it has tripled and has been growing. Scientists already predict 100 years on average for newborns. Immortals one day? Magnificent news by itself and all the greatness that they contain in technology, medicine, sanitation, quality of life. That is the prosperity that sometimes we do not recognize, or give thanks. We see it as an acquired right without appreciating it.

What would our grandparents and great-grandparents say when they saw the 1,000 items that we take for granted that we have today and that they never saw. We mostly enjoy them on credit and affordable to our ability. We are in a sea of ​​superlative abundance. A grandfather told me that to buy a Motorola radio I save a year.

Today in Africa a cell phone is bought in installments and has among others: Bank, clock, radio, medicine, weather forecast, etc. Cell phones in Africa, India, and South America have lifted thousands of families out of extreme poverty by banking them. This is abundance!

This prosperity and abundance make us better human beings. What Shakespeare says we can apply in a good sense to all humanity; it is something like abundance is the best glue of love. Proof are the millions of foundations, associations and crowdfunders that are dedicated to giving. Because prosperity comes from the Latin "prosperitate" (it is given). Millions of dollars are donated to many causes around the world; the great millionaires donate their fortunes among them are: Rockefeller, André Carnegie, Warred Buffed gave 85% of their fortune "44,000" million dollars to the Bill & Melida Gates foundation.

Hundreds of billionaires accumulate wealth to return to society; this philanthropy grows and expands.

Especially since 100 years ago, they began the happy and good habit of donating their fortunes for the good of humanity. Custom impossible to carry out in other times: How about the time of slavery or feudalism.

One million lives are saved per year by organ donation; doctors and scientists donate hours of work, the chain multiplies incessantly.

In this abundant, flourishing world, poverty, hunger and disease have been reduced. Bill Gate gives a millionaire award to the one who designs the best toilet (cheer up). Wars have decreased as well as violent deaths (except in Colombia); capital income has risen around the world and the list of good events is endless.

Strengthened and improved democracy has been established in most of the world so as not to back down. The power of the internet drives human freedom, knowledge, and many other things like wealth. How much fortune has the internet generated for humanity and individuals every day around the world, if not, look at a Chinese man, who without having a job created “Alibaba”. According to Forbes magazine, 85% of the rich have made their fortune themselves using their knowledge and the different tools that the world offers us.

Prosperity is indisputable in universal terms and not only as economic growth, but also human, intellectual, scientific and that has touched us. But our "brain amygdala" developed at the beginning of humanity to protect us from danger, only registers the bad, the fear, the bad news. Day by day does not allow us to be grateful for the wonderful and great things that humanity has achieved for our benefit and well-being.

Prosperity is here to stay, the abundance of water in that desert in Peru is just one example of the good times achieved by technology that will certainly not stop and solve the many challenges still to be solved for humanity.

MIT magazine has selected 10 technologies that will change the world among them: large-scale water desalination, super-photosynthesis, invisible architecture (Caltech).

Reflections on the prosperity in which we live