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Fundamental rules of coaching and empowerment


The success of companies is largely based on the type of decisions made by leaders and managers who manage organizations, and for this to happen in a more effective and efficient way, they have implemented new tools such as "coaching" and the "empowerment" with which it is intended that better results are obtained, and that the collaborator is more committed to their work. Throughout this article we will go into detail about what each of the aforementioned tools is about.


It must be taken into account that for a company to achieve its success, it needs collaborators who have the capacity for leadership and teamwork, in order to improve their performance within the organization.

Formerly, the collaborators were seen as just another machine in the company, for which they had no gift of command, they simply dedicated themselves to carrying out their work with the instructions given to them, with the passage of time their conditions have been improved and at the same time that they have been adapting to the needs of the client, that is why they have called it "human capital or intellectual capital" since it is the primary basis of companies so that they can obtain benefits, and that is why, now they have decided to delegate responsibilities and involve each collaborator, entrusting each of them to carry out their tasks and thus be able to make decisions when they must.

Leadership and motivation are decisive to improve the performance of employees and are linked to the achievement of the objectives stipulated by the management, which is why based on the empowerment of their capacities and at the same time enhancing them will be one of the great advantages with which the company will have compared to its competitors.

Coaching concept

These types of concepts that will be developed throughout this article, go beyond transferring new knowledge to collaborators, it is rather about improving attitudes by promoting their personal and professional development.

The collaborators through these tools are intended to develop skills and competencies that each one possesses, in order to change negative attitudes or paradigms to transform them into positive thoughts and actions. Example: I can't do it; when I can do it, I am not able to do it; I do it.

Coaching or; personalized advice, is where a person or people help another or others to develop their maximum capabilities, helping them to break down barriers and limitations, in order to achieve the best of themselves. It focuses on achieving objectives and thus promotes strategies aimed at thinking and action.

The word "coach" comes from the medieval English word car or wagon or carriage, itself it translates as a vehicle in which the person is taken from one point to another where they want, this coach, visualizes the person and detects their behavior and then gives advice to improve some situations that arise.

Francisco Yuste in his book quotes José Luis Menéndez and says that “coaching is a series of techniques and processes that help you to do better what you already know how to do, enhancing all abilities and capacities and at the same time, it allows learning of concepts necessary to get where you want. " (Yuste, 2012)

Another quote in the book Coaching for Success says that: "It is the personalized and confidential training process that bridges the gap between who you are now and what you want to be."

And finally, it says that: “It consists of unlocking the potential of a person to maximize their performance. It is about helping him learn rather than teaching him. "

For which it is understood that coaching is a tool where one person directs and helps another to achieve their goals, by enhancing each of their abilities and skills that they have, teaching them to learn by themselves.

According to Robert in his book, he says that there are some types of coaching (Dilts, 2004)

  • Project coaching which is the strategic management of a team to achieve objectives effectively Situation coaching focuses on the expansion or specific improvements of performance within a certain context Transition coaching involves helping women people to change jobs or one role to a different one. Vital coaching that helps people achieve their own goals that are outside the organization.

In coaching it must be considered that it is working based on its objectives and with this they must

  • Generate possibilities Make options Set expectations Communicate clearly Manage time Learn from past mistakes Solve problems Improve labor relations Manage in all directions of the organization chart Balance private, professional and work life

The objective of coaching is to improve or maintain the productivity or performance of employees, at the same time to achieve the proposed goals. For that, a process must be carried out where one must learn and teach; and based on that your skills will be better developed.

A concept that must be taken into account in coaching is learning since through which the necessary knowledge will be generated to carry out activities correctly and more efficiently, taking into account that each one has their own ways of learning.

One of the skills that a coach must have are:

  • You must create a safe and reliable environment You must know how to focus on the person and know how to ask questions Be a person who knows how to listen to others Be an observer You must suggest your ideas, but not give orders Share the results of the process, give feedback Stimulate the achievements obtained by children who have been.

Coaching creates activities such as:

  • Development of personnel aimed at the achievement of objectives Person-to-person consulting Transform the organization through mutual agreement between employees and managers towards future objectives It makes it easier for people to adapt to changes efficiently and effectively. core values ​​and human commitments Stimulates people towards the production of results Renews relationships and makes effective communication in human systems Predisposes people for collaboration, teamwork and consensus building Uncover the potential of people, allowing them to achieve goals that are otherwise considered unattainable

Empowerment concept

Empowerment emerged in 1988, which was promoted by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey. Where its translation in Spanish means empowerment or empowerment, which refers to the fact of delegating power and authority to collaborators; and that they feel that they are owners of their own work.

Sergio Hernández in his book explains empowerment as:

"Administrative tool that allows analyzing the authority structures and division of labor, in order to increase the powers of employees, units and work teams to streamline production processes and decision-making, and reduce payroll costs. " (Hernández, 2002)

For Carlos in his article he says that it is “as a management tool it refers to a delegation of power and authority that the manager makes to the people and teams he leads within a decentralized and autonomous model of organization. (Álvarez, 2006)

For which it is understood as empowering employees, or freeing them of knowledge, so that they can share information and make better decisions in their work team, in order to improve the operation at the same time they achieve better development of their activity.

This concept brings together various concepts that lead to empowerment such as leadership, communication, delegation and teamwork, at the same time greater responsibilities, commitments, autonomy and authority are generated towards employees, all this helps to acquire and develop new skills and knowledge beyond what your job role requires.

By letting yourself be led by empowerment, what will trigger a model based on self-directed teams and which will have advantages such as:

  • Being a proactive person, or anticipating tasks, going beyond what others can see Being a flexible person Someone with innovative qualities AND having a high level of commitment

Elements to implement in companies through empowerment:

  • Effective and solid relationships Strengthen the identity of employees, a gift of belonging Encourage teamwork Orient goals towards a satisfied client Seek personal, professional and organizational development Strengthen communication channels Create a work environment where respect and commitment are established.

10 fundamental rules in Empowerment

  1. Clarity in tasks and responsibilities. Each of the members will have their specific tasks, functions to perform, as well as their responsibilities. Many of the times the staff does not have this type of information and can become demotivated and lack of productivity, due to lack of training, but especially not having good communication within the organization. Full delegation. Employees must be clarified up to their limitations within their hierarchical level, identify the potential they have, clarify the company's objectives and that everyone will work to fulfill them, assign the necessary resources to be able to fulfill their duties, make a schedule of activities, give feedback to your collaborators about their work, above all recognize the success obtained,Give authority balanced with the responsibilities involved in carrying out its activities Measure excellence. Carry out a measurement using indicators and standards to demonstrate the results obtained. Training. Give the collaborator knowledge through constant training, be it practical, academic, theoretical in such a way that she can perform her functions well. Through a good communication culture, it will be possible to improve the activities that have to do with other departments, it is one of the best ways in which yields can be increased, since the lack of performance of tasks and duplication of them is avoided, it is For this reason, all communication channels must be open in order to motivate collaborators and generate a sense of belonging in them. Feedback.The objective is to improve what has been improved, carry out things and see that they are being fulfilled and if not, direct them and improve them.A happy and motivated collaborator is one who is recognized for his achievements, this could be included in an example of salary that companies should establish within their work benefits. Have confidence in the ability to perform their activities correctly, for this, you must know each of the members, know their potentials and help them maximize it. This is a key point within empowerment Margin of error. Nobody is perfect and therefore mistakes can be made, either through carelessness or ignorance of the action, that is why, you must be aware that small failures can be made during the operation,But that does not mean that all the capabilities it possesses will be put aside, it will be learned from this and the risk of their recurrence being minimized, as Benito Juárez said in a part of his famous phrase. "Respect for the rights of others is peace" in companies, respect for all members should reign, as well as in the way they address each other, if the senior managers treat their subordinates well, who are the ones who give a direct face customers, they will also be able to treat them with respect and dignity.If senior managers treat their subordinates well, who are the ones who face the customer directly, they can also treat them with respect and dignity.If senior managers treat their subordinates well, who are the ones who face the customer directly, they can also treat them with respect and dignity.

Relationship between coaching and empowerment

Coaching and empowerment are closely linked and hand in hand in the development of people, since through coaching it is possible to have guidance, support and teaching from a coach to carry out the activities, while empowerment increases confidence, the responsibility, authority and commitment of oneself, to improve their work and both come together to achieve the same goal which is "to achieve the objectives set."

Figure 1 The Empowerment Circle (Wilson, 1996)

Empowerment enters a process where someone can capture the ideas and desires of other people around him, he can be called a “coach” for which he will develop his skills and achieve goals through new learning. you want. That is why the two tools are merged.

Figure 1 shows what the empowerment circle is and that through it you can go in the company of a coach to start the path in the first stage that signifies the desire to change and improve and thus each one will go through step by step from the stadiums, learning from each one of them, and, little by little, freeing himself from the coach who initially helped him to encourage himself to enter this change.

This set of tools is important when complementing each other, coaching helps people to develop, while empowerment provides capacities and responsibilities to improve their personal and professional development.


Currently, companies lack these tools and cause a brain drain thanks to the lack of maintenance of the collaborator, not having a coach vision and only continuing with the old authoritarian behaviors do not help to have better communication, it does not allow make decisions and when left sometimes they question them as wrong and this causes demotivation and in other cases frustration.

That is why motivation is an essential part of the two development tools, if a person is not motivated, they will not be able to perform their functions correctly and that decision-making arises within them.

It is like that new person in a job position has many skills and aptitudes that made him earn that position in the company, but when he gets there, the way of working in each company varies, to which he looks for their work instructions and their operating manual But this does not exist, and it happens that, she feels frustrated and afraid of doing things wrong, for which she does not develop her empowerment and becomes demotivated at the same time that she stops being a productive person.

In this example, the two concepts of coaching and empowerment are included, it is necessary that within the organization they take into account these tools, in order to achieve the goals that need to be reached faster. Clearly, it is necessary for someone to teach how to do things in the first stage of coaching through training while at the same time giving them confidence and developing their capacities and in the course of a few days by learning about their activities and the collaborators who tell their position, you will be able to develop empowerment by letting people use their own intelligence, experience, intuition and creativity to help the organization improve and succeed.

Thesis proposal

Implementation of administrative tools as a strategy to improve departmental decision-making to increase sales at Cafiver SA de CV


Carry out a Coaching and Empowerment strategy, aimed at collaborators to detect the inefficiencies they have and make each of them develop their potentials (skills, attitudes and knowledge) in order to know how to handle unexpected situations that may arise and in their moment they can make the best decision without waiting for someone at a higher level to do it for them.


I make special mention to the National Technological Institute of Mexico, Technological Institute of Orizaba, to the Master in Administrative Engineering and the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering taught by Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, for motivating the realization of the article and the knowledge that I acquire in each of the topics to be investigated, but above all to CONACYT for providing support to continue my postgraduate studies.

Bibliographic references

Álvarez, C. (March 2006). www.factorhuma.org. Retrieved on November 05, 2017, from www.factorhuma.org: https://factorhuma.org/attachments_secure/article/8305/empowerment_cast.pdf Cecilia Solano Consultores. (2009). Coaching.

Dilts, R. (2004). Coaching, Tools for change. Barcelona: Uranus.

Hernández, S. (2002). Administration, thinking, strategy process and vanguard. Mexico: McGraw-Hill.

Metropolitan University. (October 2006). like Coaching and empowerment, they contribute to improving performance in organizations.

Wilson, T. (1996). Empowerment Manual. Spain: Management 2000.

Yuste, F. (2012). Personal Coaching Tools. Spain: Desclee de Brouwer.

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Fundamental rules of coaching and empowerment