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Reengineering for business management


Companies currently operate in a changing world, with a globalized economy and with dizzying technological advances, especially in the fields of information technology and communications. This panorama has caused that in the business and academic field the classic organizational objectives, methods and principles have had to be reviewed, which were good and achievable for other times but are now obsolete.

In recent decades, within the new contributions to business management, the concept of Reengineering emerged, which is aimed at making a company competitive. According to Hammer & Champy Reengineering "is the radical revision of processes to achieve spectacular improvements in contemporary critical and fundamental measures of performance, such as costs, quality, service and speed".

Since its appearance this new administrative approach has been the subject of numerous studies and various methodologies have been proposed to carry it out, one of these methodologies is the one proposed by Raymond Manganelli and Mark Klein, and is known as La Rápida Re.

The Rapid Re consists of 5 stages: Preparation, Identification, Vision, Solution and Transformation. The Solution stage is divided into both Technical Design and Social Design, which are executed simultaneously. The stages are designed to run consecutively. Let's see in a general way the basic characteristics of each of these stages:

The first stage Preparation, has the purpose of mobilizing, organizing and stimulating the people who are going to carry out the redesign. This stage will produce a mandate for change, an organizational structure and the constitution of the Reengineering team, responsible for the project, and an action plan.

In the second Identification stage, our clients, processes, activities that add value, returns are defined and the processes that must be redesigned are selected. The purpose of the third stage Vision is to develop a vision of the process, capable of producing a decisive advance in performance, it is here where comparative measures of the current performance of the processes are produced, opportunities for improvement and objectives, and a definition of the changes that are need.

The fourth stage Design is divided into two, as indicated above, in the Technical Design the technical dimensions of the new process are specified, here the technology, standards, procedures, systems and controls used by the Reengineering process are described.

The purpose of Social Design is to specify the social dimensions of the process, such as staffing, positions, career plans, preliminary hiring plans, education, training, reorganization and relocation of personnel. It should be noted that the Technical Design is done simultaneously with the Social Design. The last stage of Transformation is intended to carry out the vision of the process by implementing the design produced in stage 4.

As we can see, Reengineering implies a comprehensive effort by the company to question everything it has been doing, seeking to renew itself, to be competitive and increase its value while keeping in mind the importance of the human factor in the success of the project.

Reengineering for business management