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Strategic reorganization


You already know, that I do not intend to give lessons on management and leadership, on optimization of organizational performance, on internal communication, etc.

My intention in writing this, and other texts, is to make you reflect on some issues, concepts, circumstances and experiences, from day to day work, business and professional, that can help you improve your organizational, business, and organizational approaches and approaches. labor.

Do not think that when I speak of strategy I am referring to the concept that in recent years too many professionals in the field of management and business management have used, egocentrically. Do not worry if you are aware that you have acted like one of them when you finish reading the text. The important thing is to re-organize as soon as possible; as they say "better late than never"; although in these times, time costs a lot and it is difficult to find it.

Do you consider yourself a "mimetic"? I have written a text about this group of salon strategists, whose sole objective is their own benefit and that of some of their nice assistants, and external collaborators, who together spin the skein of corporate makeup, which sadly and unfortunately, have placed the companies they run in a position of corporate weakness, of technical bankruptcy.

A strategist in the field of business organizations, works for the community of the organization he directs, under the parameters of a professional ethic that guarantees profit in the income statement. Mr. Ramón Adell (President of the Spanish Association of Executives) declared in a media outlet: greater training in ethics and values ​​is necessary.

Mimetics are not transparent, they change color, shape, and when it is time to smell. We must recognize a certain art of camouflage, of the Mediterranean picaresque. They build their speech with the words "that touch" according to their strategy to hide negative realities of a bad business management, a management style and leadership that are unhealthy, counterproductive, and cause of great economic losses.

You may wonder where is the mimetic? Are you in my company? Are you a colleague on the management team? Am I one of them, and I don't identify myself? In these last times of economic bonanzas, of astral projections, it was difficult to identify them. Everything was going well, everything was justified, everything was wearing makeup; That the Governing Board of the Cooperative, the Board of Shareholders of the society know virtual reality, that they listen to what they want to hear, and see what they want to see, this is the maxim and the principle of all professional behavior and action of a mimetic.

I have to honestly tell you that I'm not interested in mimetics, from a personal point of view, they seem to have succeeded even though the medals are made of tin in the back room. What I am very interested in, from an organizational, professional and business improvement approach, is to remove make-up from these types of professionals who cause so much damage to the companies they manage and direct, due to their attitudes, behaviors and decisions that are harmful to corporate health, in its integrity.

Diseased companies are not only sick in the economic aspect, but also in the human aspect, affecting the health of many workers, generating losses due to absenteeism, poor performance, and a bad corporate image.

The strategic reorganization must be carried out in the first place by the professionals of the management team, to later implement it throughout the organization, with the participation of the Governing Board (in the case of a Cooperative), or the Shareholders' Meeting (in the case of a society). It is very important to guarantee the success of the corporate strategy that everyone is and feels involved in the RE-ORGANIZATION of the company.

Now that we know how unprofitable and dangerous mimetics are, we should work to detect them, and adopt personalized measures, always under the criteria of professional and business ETHICS, and with an eye on the community, on the great benefit it generates. a strategically organized, directed, and managed company.

International markets, competitiveness, financial instability are removing make-up from many professionals who have lived (like a king), lords of the kingdom of good living; without prejudice to his egocentric managerial behaviors.

Reorganizing companies strategically is from my professional point of view, urgent and necessary to face the adverse circumstances in which we are immersed. The strategy begins with oneself to give and serve others. It is necessary in moments of professional tension, to retake the perspective of the situation. You don't have to travel to an exotic country, or venture to fly in a paraglider, or so many adventures that they want to sell us; You can, and should, find spaces for reflection, if it is much better in nature, and reorganize your managerial approaches: keeping everything that has worked, and correcting the errors that you have detected.

You can ensure the success of the reorganization, working every day to change the BUSINESS and professional CULTURE that you want to implement in the company you run, slowly but surely; little by little, establishing the principles of the new management style that you are going to implement with your example of collective leadership, being a SERVANT LEADER.

Learn the job of serving yourself, and you will be guaranteed success as an integration manager for the team you lead; generating a company culture based on collaboration, on work commitment, on professional proactivity, on WORK EXCELLENCE.

Strategic reorganization