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Requirements for empowerment and coaching

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This article shows a bit of the broad overview of the tools and resources that management uses to achieve organizational objectives. Two tools are shown here, coaching and empowerment. It explains what they are, what they are about, their objectives, as well as their benefits and an explanation is offered of why they are considered as development tools within the company.


The ECC considers coaching that way.

"Coaching is the art of asking questions to help other people, through learning, in the exploration and discovery of new beliefs that result in the achievement of their objectives" (European School of Coaching, 2003)

The Spanish Association of Coaching (ASESCO) defines it as follows.

“Coaching is a new discipline that brings us closer to achieving goals, allowing us to develop personally and professionally. It is a competence that helps you to think differently, to improve the communications you maintain and to deepen yourself "

And the International Coaching Federation (ICF) considers it as follows:

“Professional coaching consists of an ongoing professional relationship that helps to obtain extraordinary results in people's lives, profession, company or business. Through the coaching process, the client deepens their knowledge, increases their performance and improves their quality of life "


Coaching is a professional practice that consists of accompanying a person or training a group of them with the aim of reaching a common goal, achieving significant achievements in their personal or professional life or developing different specific skills.

Coaching is a tool that allows developing competencies that help to think differently because its function is to place the person from another angle of the situation to broaden their understanding and panorama of the problem, giving them another point of view and thus achieve the achievement of the objectives.

The mission of this competition is to ensure that each person can achieve an understanding of the situation, live with more awareness and authenticity and become a teacher of himself. (Leader-beam-Go, 2011)

The term coach etymologically comes from a town in Hungary and made reference to the exchange of carriages at that time to take people from one place to another.

In English the term coach is translated as coach, so by making a conjunction of these two descriptions it can be deduced that the word means the training that a person receives from another to get from a place, which in current terms can be translate as the current situation, until taking it to another, which is considered as the desired objective.


It is the person who uses the coaching tool in a professional way, that is, as a discipline to make the coachee able to achieve the objectives pursued.

It can also be that person who is a leader and who is at the head of some action in conjunction with a work team, that is, an individual who has an inspiring vision that can transcend through a disciplined attitude and committed to the objectives and results, which can lead a team through various situations, achieving that the goals set can become real and tangible.


It is the person who receives the coaching process. It can be a single individual or a group of them as a team. ((Vico, 2015)


There are different types of coaching depending on which area you want to focus this tool. There is a wide range of coaching classes that are applicable for different processes in life. The most prominent ones are mentioned below.

Mainly it is divided into two branches: coaching that is dedicated to personal life and coaching that is oriented towards professional and work life.

Life coaching

This type of coaching maintains the focus on the empowerment and development of capacities that help the person to build a healthy relationship with their environment. Likewise, it seeks to strengthen the personal image and then project the resources obtained towards an action plan that allows finding a balance in the vision of life that that individual has.

Personal coaching: Assist in the achievement of personal goals, overcoming losses and obstacles and personal improvement in general with the aim of living more fully.

Sports coaching: this type of coaching can be considered as the origin of the tool. It is the integral process by which the individual allows the optimization of sports performance.

Financial coaching: Tool that allows the development of necessary strategies to conduct personal finances in order And thus achieve the desired financial goals. 3

Among others, such as leadership coaching, music coaching, coaching for expatriates, etc.

Executive coaching

This type of coaching concentrates its tools on promoting the development of skills among workers or leaders in an organization. This type of coaching can be given individually or in teams and is structured through planning that indicates the way of acting of the organizational structure to reconcile personal needs with organizational competencies and objectives, the values ​​that the individual has along with the vision and the culture of the company to which they belong so that personal well-being has an impact on the quality of work.

Coaching for entrepreneurs: this type of tool seeks to provide support to the person who is trying to establish a business or follow up on a new idea.

Business coaching: this method is aimed at the person who runs an organization AND that the people of their work must assist in relation to different professional aspects this type of coaching also focuses on the person as an individual, however the consequences directly affect the organization. (Entrepreneur, 2010)


Empowerment is a technique used by management, which consists of delegating or transmitting power and responsibility to workers or work teams in an organization so that they can make decisions and solve problems without the need to obtain the approval of a superior. That is to say, while managers, superiors and bosses previously were exclusively dedicated to directing and controlling people, now they let workers put into practice their ideas and personal methods to carry out tasks through their own skills.


The main objective of this tool is to properly distribute power, authority and responsibility within the organization and thus strengthen each of the members that constitute it as well as make the company grow by making the most of the knowledge, skills and capabilities of collaborators.


Through the application of this tool, the workers with the work teams that make up the organization have greater decision-making power and execution of ideas as well as greater authority to solve problems, greater autonomy for the development of their functions and greater responsibility for the execution of the tasks, for the goals and for the results obtained. Organizations that work through empowerment guide, motivate and stimulate staff so that they can develop their leadership skills to the maximum, they also recognize successes and reward results. (CreceNegocios, 2017)


Information management

This item makes evident the fact that employees have to provide the necessary information so that they have a broad vision of the situation they face, because the decisions that the employee is going to make are based on their own criteria when the boss is absent and the employee is completely dependent on the information and knowledge he has about the situation. So the knowledge that is provided to the employee will depend on the consequences of the decision to be made.

Delegation of authority

It is necessary that the employee be given the permission to decide because many times the employee is put in extreme situations without this permission and the fact that he cannot make decisions causes serious problems.

Communication with internal areas

It is necessary that the areas in direct contact with the client allow full access to the information to the areas that do not have contact with the client so that in this way they can make the right decisions.

Support for

Showing support to the employee is easy when they make the right decision, however, bosses often behave differently when the employee makes a mistake or the decision made shows some errors. It is important to make the employee feel confident and support the initiatives he takes to solve problems as well as try to create an environment that encourages initiative.

Service attitude

One of the main objectives pursued by empowerment is to decrease the response time to the client, therefore one of the basic premises is to do everything possible to satisfy the client without harming the company through an appropriate service attitude. (Escobar, 2017)


Coaching is the accompaniment that is given to a person during a process of personal growth, while empowerment is the capacity that is granted to a person for decision-making and the execution of actions without the authorization of a superior. These two tools go hand in hand since in order to carry out an empowerment process it is necessary to go through this process through a companion, that is, a coach.

One of the main reasons why coaching and empowerment are considered as development tools within an organization is because both tools promote competencies that help to think differently, thus allowing effective action to be taken in decision-making and Responsibility for the results obtained from the objectives set while increasing the image that the individual has of himself, improving communication and deepening work and personal relationships.

These two tools together provide growth for both the organization and the collaborators, since if the people or individuals who work in an organization grow, consequently and as a result the organization will also grow.

If a person is given the option to act on their own, that is, to make decisions and the responsibility for the consequences of those decisions, that person will be made a participant in the success or failure of the task, for which reason, when she feels responsible for that activity will show more performance when performed. If this empowerment is accompanied by a coaching process in which the coach helps the coachee to exploit their full potential, it will reflect positive results within the person, which in turn will reflect improvements within the organization.


Some of the benefits offered by the application of these two tools are:

  • They generate diverse possibilities within different areas (decision-making, achievement of objectives, ways of working, use of tools, among others). Add value to executive development programs. Provide and / or maximize leadership. Team Balance private life with professional life.


It is vitally important for current organizations that they know these tools and that they can implement them within their organization because they are tools that provide broad performance and promote the development of the company's collaborators, which consequently causes the company to grow too.

Every individual carries with him a talent that he hopes will be revealed, if that person is given enough tools to discover that talent and exploit it, the person can be made aware of everything he is capable of doing, fostering a self-knowledge with which he can be able to find a way to achieve both personal and organizational goals.


Application of the coaching and empowerment tools to the students of the master's degree in Administrative Engineering.


Provide an accompaniment to the student in order to help him in the discovery of his skills and that through the empowerment tool he can carry out the development of them, to achieve the achievement of his objectives.


The preparation of this article is part of the study of the Master in Administrative Engineering that the author is doing, therefore she thanks Dr. Fernando Aguirre and Hernández for assigning the activity; to the National Technological Institute of Mexico and CONACYT, for their support in carrying out these studies.


  • Grow Business. (2017). Grow Business. Retrieved on November 02, 2017, from https://www.crecenegocios.com/el-empowerment/Entrepreneur. (August 16, 2010). Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/263605Escobar, R. (2017). HCN World. Retrieved on November 2, 2017, from http://www.hcnworld.com/es/networking/articulos/29-empowermentEuropean Coaching School. (2003). EEC. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from http://www.escuelacoaching.com/eec/que-es-coaching/26#Lider-haz-Go. (2011). Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from «http://www.lider-haz-go.info/que-es-coaching-3/#.WfqMI4-Cx0s.Vico, A. (2015). Be Fullness. Retrieved on November 1, 2017, from
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Requirements for empowerment and coaching