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Requirements for a proper reengineering application


Although not all Reengineering efforts are generated at the top levels of the company, the majority of those that have been successful are those that get their approval and support from the beginning of the project. The level of authority depends on the scale and scope of the Reengineering program.

Reengineering work can be carried out from any level of the organization, since all its members know those steps that are too many and that only manage to hinder the rapid and effective performance of the processes.

The opinions or appreciations about the processes are different and it depends on the role that is being carried out within them.

  • From the employee's point of view, the obstacles, limitations and bottlenecks that prevent the tasks from being carried out more quickly are known. From the customer's point of view, all the limitations that the processes allow to appreciate, which they do for him, are known. somewhat slow and faulty operation.

Both points of view are valid, but not impartial, since in the first case, perhaps the speed of the service carries risks, by removing some steps from the process or it may imply adding other tasks to the current functions. “Then it is not convenient for the employee to say what the obstacles or bottlenecks are. "

In the second case, the client is interested in being attended to quickly, so he assesses and develops the processes at his convenience, without taking into account the inherent aspects of security and control of the organization.

The foregoing shows that while the evaluating body is part of the process, it will seek a particular benefit, without impartiality. In order not to have this problem, it is necessary to rely on people outside the process, whose function will be the evaluation and diagnosis of current processes and the implementation of new ones that seek greater effectiveness and satisfaction for the client.

These people outside the process become analysts and / or advisers, whose purpose is to analyze the processes that are currently used, which may be employees of other areas of the organization or external advisers of the same.

Therefore, the most important requirement and / or condition for all Reengineering projects is to create WORKING GROUPS, which must be led by a Project Leader, who does not necessarily have to be from the higher level, but must have the support permanently. They must also be made up of people who know the process and people who are totally unaware of it.

Both the leader and the members of the work team must have at least the following characteristics.

Initiative and creativity: Ability to do new things.

Impartiality: Lack of particular interests in carrying out the new processes.

Openness and mental independence: Lack of knowledge of the reason for each of the activities that make up the process, as well as the internal demands of the organization.

Futuristic vision: Ability to create processes that can be useful in a long time, adapting them to the new demands of customers and the great trends that dominate the markets.

On the other hand, the requirements and conditions necessary for the application of Reengineering programs will depend directly on the particular characteristics of the organization where it is desired to apply, however there are five common factors that can be considered essential for its effective implementation in any type the organisation.

These five requirements and conditions must be part of the culture of the organization and their development begins at the higher levels of the company, gradually disintegrating towards the intermediate and lower levels that make up the organizational structure of the same and in particular towards the teams of work to be carried out by the Reengineering programs.

The five requirements or conditions are the following:

  • KnowledgeConvictionCommitmentCommunicationTraining

In general terms, the first three conditions must have the consent of the higher levels of the company, continuing with the following two conditions which aim to involve all the members of the same, but at the end the cycle is closed by starting again the development of the first three conditions in all members.


The knowledge of the philosophy of Reengineering, as well as of its component elements is the first condition to be successful in its application.

Although there are no unique methodologies to carry it out, it is important that the interpretation of its principles, guidelines and theory are properly understood.


The conviction that Reengineering is a useful philosophy for the organization is undoubtedly the most important condition for successful application.

But this conviction goes beyond the simple acceptance of its usefulness and the advantages and / or benefits that can be obtained with it, it is also important to be convinced of the feasibility of its implementation within the organization and the probability of concluding it with the desired success.


Engagement must begin at the top levels of the organization and it is from here that the work of change must be encouraged and supported by dedicating time and resources to those in charge of implementing it.

The commitment to change must occur at all levels and is a fundamental condition for implementing Reengineering programs. If entrepreneurs and / or administrators are not convinced of the benefits of applying Reengineering, it will be difficult for them to assume the commitment to lead their subordinates and instill in them a culture of change, the advantages of applying this type of program and much least create commitment in the other members of the organization.


Officially communicating the implementation of Reengineering programs within the organization is important to achieve the acceptance and support of all its members.

People must understand the reason for the changes as well as the vision of the future and their participation in it.

It will be difficult to obtain the commitment of all the members of the organization, if they are not communicated what is intended when applying Reengineering programs and the benefits that can be obtained with it.

Keeping all members of the organization informed about the changes that occur within it will be a good support for them to communicate the changes to customers and users of the products and / or services, which will result in making modifications and evaluate results quickly.

It is important to take into account that rumors arise as a result of a lack of communication and easily become threats to any attempt at change.


Training everyone involved in the implementation of Reengineering programs is important to achieve spectacular changes and / or improvements.

Only by training will it be possible to instill knowledge of the subject, and achieve conviction in the need for its application, and then create the commitment of everyone who is involved in its implementation.

It is here where the cycle closes and again begins with the first condition described, to continue again with the following ones and create a culture of change at all levels of the organization, under the philosophy of Reengineering.

Requirements for a proper reengineering application