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Business resilience


Resilience is the ability to face adversity and thus be able to adapt to tragedies, trauma or even stress.

Being resilient does not mean being immune to suffering or emotional pain in the face of the difficulty of adversity, for example the death of a loved one or the news of suffering a serious illness, these events strongly impact people, causing uncertainty and emotional pain. However, people manage to overcome these events and adapt over time.


The same thing happens in an organization, there are various factors that emotionally and financially affect the course of the company for reasons that they cannot control, however they must not only be prepared to face them but also have the necessary tools to recover and comply with their objectives.


From the organizational point of view, a company is considered resilient when, despite the constant changes it undergoes due to globalization and the evolution of technology, it remains firm, adapting to those derived from socio-economic crises, that is, it overcomes despite circumstances adverse to it.

According to CS Holling Resilience emphasizes the conditions of a complex system where it is far from being balanced and that its instabilities cannot be transformed, so resilience is the ability to measure and transform the magnitude of these disturbances.

It is important to mention the concept of sustainability, since we remember that it is the ability of a complex system to maintain itself in time despite the uncertainty and fear caused by time through continuous evolution.

So we can say that organizational resilience consists of the contribution of an idea so that organizations, individuals and the units of which they are composed achieve desirable results in the midst of global adversity.

According to Weick and Sutcliffe (2001), organizations will be more resilient when they not only survive events if they do not anticipate them, adopt controls towards the environment and are able to simulate unexpected events.

Resilience is based on various processes that promote competition and foster growth even in difficult situations. The processes that most resilient organizations use are:

  • Intercession in the proactive and preventive analysis of vulnerabilities. Prevention of failure, questioning assumptions and favoring a more sensitive operation to operations. Training of errors that have occurred. Transfer of decisions to people of different rank.


Applying resilience in an organization is important for various factors, not only should it be taken as part of a strategy to maintain a strategic “survival”, some important points are pointed out below:

  1. The world is in constant change, causing risks and opportunities for failure for organizations. Even if there are indicators in organizations, it is not possible to react all together in a situation of change. You cannot determine the level of resilience in terms of what has not yet passed, that is, an organization cannot be declared resilient just because it has never been at risk Have the necessary tools to be able to predict how well an organization can perform in the risk environment over time.



The CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT - RMM) is a capabilities model for the management and improvement of operational resilience, it has been modeled and standardized in software that operates in risk management


  1. Establishes a convergence of operational risk and resilience management activities such as:
  • Security Management Continuity Management IT Operations Management
  1. Application of a process improvement approach through the application of a capacity scale (Friendly with CMMI), which expresses levels of maturity in the processes. Follow-up of ISO27000, COBIT and ITIL

The following figure breaks down the tool to understand its operation and approach.

Fig 1 CERT-RMM Operational Resilience Management

Fig 2 Own elaboration based on reading the CERT model


This model was born by knowing the experiences of many customer interactions from all over the world. The requirements for Organizational Resilience are summarized in three essential elements: the excellence of the product, the reliability of the process and the behaviors of the people.

  1. Product excellence

The "product" refers to any product, service or solution that an organization brings to market to generate revenue. The starting point is to be clear about the type of market in which the organization operates.

  1. Process reliability

Generate habits of excellence for the development of products and services and their introduction into the market. Organizations need to have a broader, systematic approach to the word quality. It must be ensured that workers do the basics well while leaving room for innovation and creativity.

  1. Behavior of people

The values ​​of an organization determine the success of the business. People are said to do business with people. This includes how employees treat customers, and how the company interacts with the environment, civil society, and its supply chain partners on ethical and social responsibility issues.


In this type of company, workers are encouraged to have a link beyond a simple work relationship in order to create ties such as:

Fig 3 trust ties

The set of these virtues facilitate productivity and healthy coexistence among workers, that is, an organizational climate where at least the basic rules of coexistence are respected such as greeting and not referring to people in a derogatory way, since we remember that to That a person really causes a change is making them feel valued.

Promotion of education. This is another characteristic that resilient companies have, the concern to train their staff while the workers feel appreciated, causing the company to be more productive, however it is important to set limits on all workers, including managers.

These limits are given to the characteristics of each company, for example:

  • No one will be able to do someone else's work: each person is trained to carry out their tasks, letting this happen can cause personal problems among workers that will later be very difficult to control and eradicate. Time limits: Most people believe that the more The time they spend in the office more work, but this is not always the case Establishing the type of support that will be between colleagues: it is valid for some worker to ask for help if he needs it, all workers will be able to improve in areas where they are considered weak. the needs of workers: Take into account various forms of work.

Let's not forget that a resilient company expresses positive and realistic expectations; these expectations can be used positively or negatively.

If the expectations of an organization are very far from reality, the hills are likely to be frustrated, but if the expectations are marked on a timeline and realistic program, the possibility of their being fulfilled is greater.

For that, planning, objectivity and positive people are required within the organization.

It is important to define who is the leader in each project, so that the workers are the one to turn to if any mishap arises.

Resilient companies are also characterized by valuing the specific talent of each person and seeking that each member has different qualities, since together they make the company more productive.



  1. Sharing the same vision: The kinetic potential is born with a global and individual vision Creation of a positive expectation of participation: creating an environment where passivity is frowned upon and where people feel the need to participate and contribute new ideas to carry out a project.Share information: all members of the organization need to have access to the information that concerns them regardless of the position where they work, as this enhances their performance Clarify meanings: when information is shared it must be contextualized by giving it meaning, In other words, communication is only effective if the person receiving it is capable of understanding it and it is useful to them, the obligation of the organization is to make sure that people understand what you want to say to them.A team can lose up to 40% of its productive capacity when processes and basic rules are not specified to focus the conduct of meetings.Take advantage of diversity: The belief that different behavioral and perceptual differences are an obstacle to productivity must be changed, However, the differences are precisely to generate new ideas as long as the appropriate process is carried out. Design consensus-building processes: The most common process for making decisions is through voting where one wins, however, it is not always the best decision. You have to find a method that is win-win and not win-lose for this, there are many options to encourage the creativity of the team members.A group uses its strategic thinking to make decisions something possible to carry out, however it is not enough to agree and agree on options, it is recommended to use a SWOT analysis among others Establish self-monitoring processes: monitoring should not be limited only to the processes, if not that each team needs to establish self-monitoring procedures. Share the success: It may sound of little importance, but it helps to significantly increase the satisfaction of all members making an ideal work environment.It may sound of little importance, but it helps to significantly increase the satisfaction of all the members by making an ideal work environment.It may sound of little importance, but it helps to significantly increase the satisfaction of all the members by making an ideal work environment.


Being resilient is a very important quality that is currently not given the importance it deserves, we live in a world with constant changes, such as technology, which is why many companies ceased to exist, unable to adapt to it.

An organization that considers itself resilient will have to have a complete analysis of how it is run, that is, what it does and how it does it, as well as the environment in which it is involved.

This has to be in order to identify areas of opportunity for operational improvements in your products / services and processes with the simple purpose of continuing to meet the needs of your customers over time as well as creating an organization that values its people and is capable of governing itself.

Bibliographic references

  • Weick, Karl E; Kathleen M. Sutcliffe. Managing the Unexpected - Ensuring High Performance in an Era of Complexity. San Francisco, CA, USA (2001). Tapia Gustavo Norberto, Resilient companies and the relationship with organizational value. Buenos Aires, Argentina (2012) CERT (Computer Emergency Response Teem, Computer Emergency Response Team) to a group of people responsible for developing preventive and reactive measures in the face of security incidents in information systems Senson Melinda, Garmestani Ahjond (2011). Can We Manage for ResiJience? The Integration of Resilience. Thinking into Natural Resource Management in the United States. Environmental Management Elements and domains of Organizational Resilience, Foster R. Innosight. 2012


"Analysis of resilient characteristics in workers of company X"


Implement a qualitative and quantitative analysis to the workers of company X, in order to find the degrees of resilience to be able to work on them.

Crawford Stanley (Buzz) Holling, OC FRSC (born December 6, 1930) Canadian ecologist. Conceptual founder of ecological economics. In 2009, he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada "for his pioneering contributions to resilience theory and green economics."

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Business resilience