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Responsibility of managers over the company


Lasting "good luck" will never exist if we ourselves do not prepare the way and start generating it. I have heard many managers assign all responsibility for the current situation of their companies to the socio-economic environment that surrounds them, thus freeing themselves from any direct involvement regarding negative results that they may have. Referring sometimes to the bad luck they have had and the good fortune that others have is that they justify unwanted results in their organizations.

The drop in sales, the lack of suitable personnel, the rise in taxes, the entry of new competitors, the departure of important suppliers, the change in technology, the change in consumer preferences, up to the level of demand The customer, among others, are factors that can directly affect business results and which managers often call "bad luck." Among these, there is a smaller group of managers who can affirm that a large part of the success or failure of an organization is linked to a stroke of "good luck" that they may or may not have during their business management.

Based on the aforementioned, it is worth reflecting and asking ourselves:

  • Are successful managers and organizations really getting lucky hits all the time, in a way that allows them to stay on top? Are they really that lucky to always be getting lucky hits?

I think that any affirmative answer to the questions mentioned above would sound very little credible. And it is thus thus, it is not that the managers of successful organizations are people who by chance in life constantly receive good luck blows, rather, they themselves are the ones who generate that good luck, they are not sitting around waiting to see how positive they are. happens.

They are constantly looking for and taking advantage of new opportunities, innovating, and keeping in mind above all "that not everything that is good now, will continue to be so tomorrow", so change and adaptation must be continuous. Today's managerial recipe may be good for today, but it is very likely that tomorrow it will no longer work, and finally, “good luck does not exist by chance, you generate it yourself with your previous actions”.

Another example that good luck is not a success factor is that the vast majority of people who have won the lottery, in a short period of time, have returned to the same resources and lifestyle that they had before winning it, With which we affirm that if we can receive a positive blow from chance at certain times, this should not be taken as good luck, but as a tool to achieve it later and in a sustainable way, and which we must have the ability to take advantage of it in a sustainable way. effective. The key to success is that from this positive stroke of chance, you can personally generate good luck continuously and not wait without doing anything that will touch me again. You yourself generate your good or bad luck with the actions and attitudes that you take or stop taking previously,because from these he sows his future.

In conclusion, it would be worth reflecting to see the degree of responsibility of managers and of any person in the positive or negative results of the company and its daily life, as well as the influence of chance on the latter with the following questions:

  • What do I do to generate opportunities for growth and development in my company or in my daily life? How do I prepare the way to be successful and bring "good luck"? Is what I currently have for good (or bad) luck that I have had or the actions and attitudes that I have had?

It is important that when leading an organization and our own lives we forget to leave everything to destiny and justify any result, positive or negative ”to chance and the fortune that one may have, and we focus on generating a variety of strategies and new opportunities that allow us in a sustainable way to have a lasting "good luck". What I mean in this regard is that lasting "good luck" will never exist if we ourselves do not prepare the way and begin to generate it.

Responsibility of managers over the company