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Social responsibility and human rights

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We will begin by analyzing “ Social Responsibility as a way of conducting the business of a company in such a way that it becomes co-responsible for social development. A socially responsible company is one that has the ability to listen to the interests of the different parties (shareholders, employees, service providers, suppliers, consumers, community, government and the environment) and incorporate them into the planning of its activities, seeking to address the demands of all of them, not only of the shareholders or owners »:



Social Responsibility is to commit to society and the environment in which we operate, not to be an observer of the problems that affect our country but to be an active agent of change.

The guidelines for being socially responsible were materialized in a “global agreement”, which emerged at the World Economic Summit in Davos in 1999, in which the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, invited companies to cooperate by demonstrating a global citizenship wherever its field of action was. This agreement included three specific areas in which there is a shared international consensus: Human Rights, Working Conditions, and Environmental Protection.

However I think; The global compact is not a regulatory instrument, that is, it does not monitor, impose, or evaluate the conduct or actions of companies. It could be said that the Global Compact is based on accountability to the public, transparency and the well-understood interest of companies, workers and civil society, to launch common substantive actions in favor of the principles. on which the Covenant is based.

The agreement is based on ten principles, complying with them is what effectively gives the quality of Social Responsibility to a certain company:

Human rights

1. Companies must support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights within their sphere of influence.

2. They must ensure that they are not complicit in human rights violations.


3. Companies are asked to support freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

4. That they promote the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.

5. That they promote the effective abolition of child labor.

6. That they promote the elimination of discrimination in relation to employment and occupation.


7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental problems.

8. Support initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.

9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies.

10. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

But well we analyze a very important difference for the life of lawyers the remote difference that exists in a social responsibility and a legal responsibility, it differs in that social responsibility does not have an institutionalized adjudication process that is; There are no specialized courts to judge social responsibility that is not provided for in legal norms. Social responsibility also differs from political responsibility because it is not limited to assessing the exercise of power through a state authority.

The author expresses “The social responsibility of the company is a combination of legal, ethical, moral and environmental aspects, and it is a voluntary decision, not imposed, although there are certain regulations on the subject.

But? Logically Orienting the efforts of the company only to produce are results based on the theories of producing and selling more with the minimum cost regardless of the social impact, it is over time, the worst business in the productive sector that seeks profitability. The current strategy and its expected benefits, with such a position, may be the reason for your failure tomorrow.

And let's analyze productivity, it is understood as the ability to produce and sell more, at a lower cost and with excellent quality, which allows the brand that is promoted to maintain and grow in the markets to which it belongs, whether national or foreign, becoming so much more competitive.

Productivity and competitiveness are then the reason that leads management decisions to make an assessment of the cost benefit, the investment made with respect to the profits generated, but unfortunately with a short-term vision, without measuring consequences of the harmful effects of the investment in the future of the brand or the company itself.

THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS!!! Employs an author, are we sure the means are justifiable ??? Good question right…. Well, the truth is I think that the more than justifiable means are disastrous and the ends less coherent.


Regarding this issue of social responsibility, we find a series of dangerous pretexts that are part of the current culture and that finally accommodate the financial interests of some companies or companies, making them feel that they are acting under rules, under the law or morally.. Among these pretexts of our business and social culture we can note some of them:

IN MEXICO we have many companies that are socially committed but the sole purpose is to achieve a profit regardless of the most interesting points in a society, let's take the example of Coca-Cola, a company that sells, promotes and that are products that are favorable to Mexican society. But does Coca-Cola meet all the requirements to be a company fully responsible to society? Whoever affirms that yes, every society that pursues profit is wrong puts its interest before that of a society, sometimes justice if it is blind.

But let's see the positive point, social responsibility should be asserted throughout the world as a source of subsistence and world peace. The application of these norms would bring us an advantage for the Mexican people.

We really must start with our legislation from a practical point of view because it is already theoretical.

Social responsibility and human rights