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Do you know what success is?


In our society, success is related to the final conclusion of notable professional performances and, consequently, there is the perception that should be reflected in the possession of material goods, status, power, fame and other components. For this reason, a discrepant notion should be developed.

It is common to meet people - of all ages, backgrounds and conditions - who work, save and struggle to achieve it. In my opinion there is the wrong impression that success is distant, unattainable and, by the way, is associated with comfort and social prestige. Do you really know what success is?

The prosperous Mexican magnate Carlos Slim Helú –one of the richest men in the world- offers an interesting, simple and different insight: “Success has nothing to do with what many people imagine. It is not due to the noble and academic titles you have, or the inherited blood or the school where you studied. It is not due to the dimensions of your house or how many cars will fit in your garage. It is not about whether you are a boss or a subordinate; or if you are a prominent member of social clubs. It has nothing to do with the power you wield or if you are a good manager or talk nice, if the lights follow you when you do it. It is not due to clothing, or if after your name you put the dazzling acronyms that define your social status. It is not about whether you are an entrepreneur, you speak several languages, whether you are attractive, young or old ”.

Likewise, in his letter to the university community (1994) he presents a deep and truthful reflection: “… Success is not doing things well or very well and having the recognition of others. It is not an external opinion, it is an internal state. It is the harmony of the soul and its emotions, which needs love, family, friendship, authenticity, integrity ”.

From my point of view, the compliments, promotions and distinctions received, professionally and professionally, are not always synonymous with success. To relate it to the external is a mistake. Its full achievement is observed in the inner world of each one of us. In our intimate, spiritual being and, therefore, in the attitude assumed towards life.

I like the words of the Mexican intellectual José Luis Barradas Rodríguez: "Being successful in the little things you do lifts your spirits, your self-esteem and prepares you to be successful in the great things you do. " There is the central point of my reflection. Victory begins with achievements and conquests forged by perseverance and determination inspired by self-esteem.

Purify the internal sphere of fears, suspicions, stubbornness, resentments, complexes and negative feelings that contaminate the positive vision of tomorrow and, therefore, diminish us. We are able to carry out an intense internal cleaning in order to achieve our development and growth.

Let us avoid worrying so much, as is usual in third world societies, by the external. An expert with outstanding academic degrees, a good salary, car of the year, large credit cards, fashionable clothing, a member of representative social clubs, and yet overwhelmed by hatred, charges of conscience, prejudice, frustrations, family heartbreak, etc. Will it be successful? Those who do not know the ins and outs of their individual sphere could probably envy their "success".

Let's avoid putting this qualifier to a mortal just because of his labor and economic merits. Let's look over what is related to work to assess other areas - we do not perceive with the naked eye - and judge what has been achieved by our peers. Let's be thorough and thorough in our observations. Also, let us take with serenity what they may lead us to believe about our supposed triumphs.

On more than one occasion I think about its complex definition. Each one has, with all right, its evaluation and interpretation that is reflected in the actions destined to achieve success. One man may believe that success is having a job, another being a general manager, and a third being the owner of the company. What is questionable is necessarily "standardizing" success with the superficial, material and monetary, without taking into account what is offered by life to achieve personal improvement, beyond competitiveness in the labor market.

A few weeks ago two of my students from the San Ignacio de Loyola Institute (ISIL), Allinson Liza and Fiorella Larrea - students full of commitment, talents, hopes, good will and who feed our illusion in teaching - asked me: Which do you think What is the factor for success? I replied:“I believe that success is in a sum of small details. If they remember her when she leaves; if you leave a positive mark in this life; if along its trajectory it threw seeds and others collected them; if there are more people who consider you to be their friend than you think to be their friends; if you manage to get up every day with a clear conscience, displaying clean hands and pockets; If you have inner peace and enjoy your work, you are successful. In such a way that, my definition differs from the one that, by habit, is had in our environment ”. Welcome to success, dear reader.

(*) Teacher, consultant in event organization, protocol, professional image and social etiquette.

Do you know what success is?