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People willing to help are requested

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In these times when there is more competition, more population, more things to do, more jobs, is when we have more opportunities to help others. This means that we need to be more willing to solve all difficulties and transform them into great opportunities.

This behavior of the human being manifests itself by transforming what seemed impossible into something possible, it is turning a NO into a Yes. It is an act of magic, it is the ability to act with a true disposition to help ! I believe that we have all gone through the mysterious and often inexplicable experience of receiving a “can't” in response to a request for help.

Let's see if you agree with me

All of us at some point of trouble have felt the debilitating experience of hearing answers such as:

That is difficult.

It can not. There is not.

We are no longer on schedule to do that.

No, excuse me, but you can't, due to company policies.

I would love to help you but I have no way to do it, sorry I can't.

It is that we are going to close.

Better for another round or come back another day.

Have you ever encountered obstacles like these? Well, me too. But the big difference is that some people when they hear this type of denial they believe it and others do not believe it! And that is when they maintain their ideal despite the apparent evidence that hinders them, it is the same ideal that disappears in those others. people who believed that it could not be done because someone without a disposition told them no. What is the common denominator of all those attitudes of denial before a request? Strong answer: Total lack of real willingness to help.

In my experience I have been able to verify, indisputably, that when you find yourself with the happiness of having someone with a true willingness to help, everything that seemed impossible and that, in fact, was so in the face of various evidences, it transforms into something perfectly possible and achievable.

In fact, it can be done. But how was it achieved in the end? Only with the true disposition to help of that other who managed to do what others judged as impossible. Someone with a disposition is a magician, he transforms the things and circumstances that others believed impossible into possible.

There is always a way to get things done

As impossible as it may seem, as much as they go against the whole rule, no matter how much evidence that shows that the objective cannot be achieved, at the end of the story, if there is availability by the parties involved, of course it can! Everything is possible. It's just a matter of that powerful, magical and transformational ingredient: disposition.

Curious and motivating is that the dictionary of the Spanish language defines the word "disposition" with meanings such as the following: "Gallantry and gentleness in the person." Another: "As a courtesy formula to offer one person to another." There is also: "Being fit and ready for some purpose." That is why people with a disposition feel so good, because they feel immensely useful to other people.

See for yourself! Apply the knowledge you have obtained from this article and analyze many work collaborators, vendors or service providers: their frustration is noticeable by leagues, you see them leaning on the counters with the illusion that no one will approach and that soon the time to go. And it is logical, they have no provision.

Many people have not awakened their disposition and believe that someone else should awaken them. The human being by herself can awaken her disposition for total help and there enter paradise to find meaning in her life, it is when the person takes a mission and only rests, physically and spiritually, when she fulfills her goal. It is there when the disposition generates the strengthening experience of a commitment, the same one that does not allow the option of “it cannot be”. It is when it is not known who is happier, if the person with a total disposition to help or the one helped, by achieving their mission together. Willing people are what our country needs.

Do you want to be willing and live the magic of life?

Fall in love with helping people. Even if you don't like your work very much, you still have all the capacity there to refocus your activities and develop them to the sense of help. There, as if by magic, you start to feel good about your work. And if you still definitely don't feel good where you work… What are you doing there! Get out there and help in other ways.

The fear of losing your job is nothing more than fear of running out of money, but if you have understood the message that I present to you today, you will never need money as long as you have the disposition. In your mind you must think: How can I serve you ?, and the first answer that appears in your mind, action! Help. It serves. In a word, be willing. If I had to summarize everything that I have told you in this article, I would say to you: There is so much power in you if you really wanted to use it for the benefit of others! So much is achieved if you really wanted to collaborate with your help!

Being willing to help is not heroism but joy experienced by the passion to serve, where the experience of investing that time in achieving the desired goal is most enjoyed. The willingness to help is to serve others without asking for anything in return, it is to give a sincere hand to solve the problem and achieve the solution.

Thought: "Each of us are angels with only one wing, and we can only fly when we hug another." Luciano de Crescenzo.

People willing to help are requested