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Six levels of listening to better relate


Knowing how to listen is vital to get closer to others and to avoid inconveniences. The higher the level of listening, the higher the quality of your interpersonal relationships.

Here are the six levels with which you can sharpen your hearing and enhance your bonds:

1st level: Understood: You will only have participated in a conversation if you really understand what was stated in it. And if you are absent, who did you associate with?

2nd level: Attended: Whoever listens generates constructive links. No one will want to relate to you if they don't feel cared for by you.

3rd level: Respected: Do you want respect? Start by respecting. Your ability to listen is directly proportional to your ability to generate respect.

4th level: Confident: The greatest quality that we expect from a trustworthy person is logically listening and it is the great difficulty in achieving it.

5th level: Close: There is no solidity without closeness, and our ability to be close to others depends absolutely on our ability to perfect listening.

6th level: Human quality: Listening is the best way to show solidarity, interest in serving, helping others.

The previous six points fall from a truism, however, most people dedicate themselves to speaking without first having learned to listen, which is like wanting to run without knowing how to walk.

On the other hand, we must understand that it is a habit to acquire, to the point of doing it instinctively, without pondering, without doubting, without reasoning whether or not we should listen to the other, but simply listen to them. It is ultimately, like all habits, an attitude, and as such we can, to a greater or lesser degree, make it our own or ignore it.

Finally, it must be clear that by its nature, listening will always be essential to acquire all other habits. It is a pillar, it is a source, it is a platform to promote a solid structure of excellence.

Just think how much more spiritual wealth you will get with the simple attitude of listening to your loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, in short, to everyone who touches your existence.

" Only by understanding the other will you be able to see yourself as their own reflection." Jaime Mora.

Six levels of listening to better relate