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Feeling of guilt and personal responsibility


When you live your life fully, you are constantly exposed to all kinds of situations, experiences… and not always as ideal and wonderful as we would like.

Life often brings us difficulties: an unexpected accident, the loss of a loved one, a storm, a bad relationship, the loss of a job…

Whatever your situation now, I encourage you to have courage and realize that pain is a signal to grow, and not to suffer.

Don't get me wrong, of course I don't like having difficulties either, and none of the examples cited have been or would be amusing. I don't like it as much as anyone. But despite everything, it is in hard and difficult times that we can see and prove who we really are. EFT has helped me a lot, which is why I use it constantly to help my clients, so in this article I show you how to use EFT to heal and make the best of a conflict situation. With this technique you can stop feeling a victim or guilty to feel powerful and responsible.

The well-known Law of Attraction states that you will attract who and what you are in your life, affirms that you are the Source of all your experiences. And it does not mean that we should blame ourselves for the terrible thing that happens to us as it is often misunderstood.

It really is that everything is your responsibility and nothing is your fault. I repeat: EVERYTHING is your responsibility, and NOTHING is your fault.

If you analyze the word (responsibility), you realize that it means "the ability to respond", to act. How we choose our responses is what

which leads us to what we continue to attract, create and be.

Thinking that life will be free of challenges is an illusion. Challenges are the way in which we are aware of how we have or have not evolved in our ability to respond to conflicts and difficulties, our ability to take responsibility.

I encourage you to be brave. Observe and become aware of how each difficulty and challenge contains a gift, like a lotus flower, pure and luminous, growing in the middle of the mud.

I encourage you to view all the situations in your life, not as a blessing, but as an opportunity to test your level of "the ability to respond."

You can go beyond appearances and ask yourself:

1-What is this teaching me about myself?

2-What can I learn about myself and about the world through this situation?

3- And most importantly, how can I use this situation to grow and evolve?

Little by little you will notice how your ability and ability to respond to situations evolves and changes over time.

I invite you to another observation: What does it connect you with, and where does responsibility lead you? And the guilt?

Indeed, guilt is not only absurd and useless, but it keeps you hooked on a past that you could let go of because it is no longer real, it never belonged to you and it also does you no good. There is only this moment, and it is with this moment that you connect responsibility and your ability to learn from the situations that you encounter in life. Transforming the present moment to improve the future.

When you can find goodness and gifts in all situations in life, even the most difficult, the Universe guarantees you more gifts and goodness.

Here are some EFT phrases that will help you free yourself from fear and guilt, bringing you closer to personal power at the hand of your will and responsibility.

EFT to get the best out of a difficult situation:

At the Karate Point:

- Although… this situation… makes me suffer, I love and accept myself completely and deeply.

- Although I do not know how to overcome… this situation… I love and accept myself completely and deeply.

- Although - what has happened - does not allow me to get ahead and makes me feel terrible, I love and accept myself completely and deeply…

And I open myself to the possibility that behind this unfortunate situation, a gift is hidden for me. I open myself to the possibility that I can learn something from this situation to improve my life. I open my vision and take my personal power, taking charge of my life.

1st round: emotions and fears that the problem unleashes in us. Example:

Eyebrow: This pain

Side Eye: This anguish

Under Eye: This distressing situation (name it) that I am living

Under Nose: This feeling guilty

Under Mouth: This pain

Clavicle: This impotence

Under arm: This anguish and pain

Crown: This impotence

2nd round: Opening ourselves to possibilities. Example:

CJ: What if everything was different?

LO: What if you could see further?

DO: What if I don't blame anyone and accept what is happening?

DN: What if I can do something to change this situation?

DB: What if everything depends on me?

CLV. What if I can learn something from this?

DBr What would be the hidden gift in this situation?

C: I open myself to see the positive part and that leads me to change and growth in my life.

Take a deep breath and observe the responses that come from your unconscious after this round. Actively seek the learning and gift of this situation, write it down, and include it in the positive round.

3rd round: Positive

CJ Everything can be different

LO: I can do something to change this situation

DO: I choose to learn something new to improve my life now

DN: I choose to take responsibility and observe what my part is in creating what I am feeling.

DB: Everything can be different !!

Cl: I choose to see everything from another vision and another perspective

DBr: I am grateful for the positive message that this situation brings

Cr: I choose how I want to feel, and I choose PEACE AND WELLNESS

If in round 3 you encounter resistance, go back to the first with what has arisen and so on as many times as you need until you can see the positive learning and active change that you can make in your life by taking responsibility and evolving with the "problem".

Feeling of guilt and personal responsibility