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Be a believer to overcome and improve our quality of life


Life shows that the only people who always succeed in facing the continuous and harsh adversities that existence presents are the Believers. Only people who "believe" can successfully pass the tests. Unbelievers are permanent victims of this unholy dynamic.

Conceptually the "Believer" is not only associated with a dogma or a doctrine. The believer, as the term itself indicates, is the person who "believes" in something. While it is true that the character of this "something" strengthens, or does not, one's own belief, its very existence enables an advantageous participation in the process.

The adversities that life presents us definitively condition our attitude towards it. Our attitudes, at the same time, have a decisive influence on our way of facing the daily routine. This is an inescapable dynamic of living and there is no possibility of avoiding it. The only thing left to do is learn to navigate this "game" where the rules have always been established: either we are victorious in the process or the process defeats us.

Life itself has shown that the only people who always succeed in facing the continuous and harsh adversities that existence presents are the Believers. Only people who "believe" can successfully pass the tests. Unbelievers are permanent victims of this unholy dynamic.

Conceptually the "Believer" is not only associated with a dogma or a doctrine. The believer, as the term itself indicates, is the person who "believes" in something. While it is true that the character of this "something" strengthens, or does not, one's own belief, its very existence enables an advantageous participation in the process.

Someone may argue that deep down all human beings believe in something and therefore apply in the category, but this is not the case for a very simple fact: the Believer lives actively based on what he believes. It's not just about believing, it's about living based on what you believe. And living according to what is believed is not a simple thing, it requires character. The latter significantly reduces the number of people who can enroll in the category.

Others may argue about the moral quality of belief because indeed there are those who believe practically "anything." But the latter are not among those who can go through life victoriously because good fruit does not emerge from bad seeds. Life always pays good for good and bad for bad.

Believers are a select group of people who are very consistent with themselves, very strong. They hold a powerful vision, they work hard to achieve it, they don't look unnecessarily to the right or left, and they have a lot of patience. By the mere fact of firmly believing they are very secure people, they always operate in the front line and rarely look back. The man who believes holds his gaze towards the rising and his back towards the west. The temporal dimension in which it unfolds is the Future, nothing can be done about the past and the present is only a starting point for the future.

The size of the Believer is proportional to his belief, as long as it is greater, he is also greater. That is why it is necessary to deeply evaluate the nature and dimension of what we believe in. On the other hand, the greater the dimension of what is believed in, the greater the Believer's humility, the greater his capacity to honestly measure himself, and the greater his respect for the powerful energies that govern circumstances.

We must reflect deeply on the things we believe in because the quality of life that awaits us depends on them.

It is necessary, but it is not enough. Believe in yourself, you must also believe in others. This is not easy but it is essential; the walk that is in front of us cannot in any way be done alone. The lonely man is one of the most defenseless creatures in nature and is also one of the most lacking because with this single fact he demonstrates his inability to "be" also for others. Believing in others and receiving from them what is expected and needed is the product of having given a lot and of very good quality. The Believer has sown in others what he now demands and now receives to face adversity with advantage.

Sowing in others what you want to receive from them is another task that dramatically sifts the category of believers. Few can do it and still fewer can sustain it during the long and bumpy road that life presents.

Everything that the Believer professes manifests in Positive, there is no margin for the negative. The genuine believer (because there are more false believers than one can imagine), thinks positively, acts positively and endures adversity, failure and loss positively. This is another factor that qualifies the category because it is not easy to put into practice either, it is true that the weight of life is infinitely greater on a person's neck than on a sheet of paper like this; but this does not discredit the statement: if the Believer does not develop in a Positive, it takes away the power of one's own belief, because essentially it is necessary to BELIEVE that things happen for the better because oneself acts well. The negative is like a stream of water that runs through the channel that one establishes, and if space is given in the domain of belief, there it enters and floods everything.The negative man is not only the product of pessimistic thoughts that emerge from an "objective" calculation of the probabilities, he is also a fairly conscious victim of his own negative acts, which are very different from "mistakes". The latter are always committed and have nothing to do with the Positive or negative attitude, they are natural elements of life. A negative act is something else because it brings a negative consequence. The Believer must have the firm conviction that acts of good only produce good results and from there must emerge the granite security of LIVING Positively. BELIEVING the latter is an essential part of being a Believer.He is also a fairly conscious victim of his own negative acts, which are very different from "mistakes." The latter are always committed and have nothing to do with positive or negative attitude, they are natural elements of life. A negative act is something else because it brings a negative consequence. The Believer must have the firm conviction that acts of good only produce good results and from there must emerge the granite security of LIVING Positively. BELIEVING the latter is an essential part of being a Believer.He is also a fairly conscious victim of his own negative acts, which are very different from "mistakes." The latter are always committed and have nothing to do with positive or negative attitude, they are natural elements of life. A negative act is something else because it brings a negative consequence. The Believer must have the firm conviction that acts of good only produce good results and from there must emerge the granite security of LIVING Positively. BELIEVING the latter is an essential part of being a Believer.The Believer must have the firm conviction that acts of good only produce good results and from there must emerge the granite security of LIVING Positively. BELIEVING the latter is an essential part of being a Believer.The Believer must have the firm conviction that acts of good only produce good results and from there must emerge the granite security of LIVING Positively. BELIEVING the latter is an essential part of being a Believer.

Finally, the Believer makes use without pause of the most powerful weapon that is reserved for the select few that are included in the category: gratitude. For the Believer, gratitude is a weapon, it is not just an attitude, it constitutes the fuel that brings him closer to the goal, the energy that invigorates him in the process, the soul that supports sacrifice and effort. Gratitude is also a wonderful remedy against adversity.

The Believer says a thousand times Thank you for every time he asks himself Why is this happening to me? The Believer says Thank you when something went wrong because from it he must extract some teaching, some corrective. The Believer shouts Thanks in the face of failure and thus cancels it, because in this way it deprives him of power. The Believer understands that only those who know how to lose win and therefore give Thanks in one case or another. The Believer knows that Victory is only reserved for those who knew defeat and for this he gives thanks in both cases. The Believer announces to the four winds his gratitude because he knows that by being able to do so he is alive… and if there is life there is an opportunity to fight again for what is Believed.

That is why the Believer deeply loves Life, because it has shown him, over and over again, that after each dark and cold night the Sun always rises.

Be a believer to overcome and improve our quality of life