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Seven tips to achieve the alchemy of success


Have you ever wondered what success really is and why all humans on this planet regardless of race or culture would like to get it but only a few can touch it?

I once heard that successes are the culmination of intentional purposes. And I really thought- "that's something extremely easy to do", we just have to try to finish what we started and that's it… that's it !!!

But then I read in Albert Einstein's autobiography that he said "don't try to be a successful man, try to be a man of values." That's when I really understood that there is nothing more difficult than trying to get something that we don't really understand what it is about.

This is the great alchemy of success, that for it to work you must not only understand and cultivate each ingredient, but you must also put everything into practice, otherwise it will become just a sterile recipe.

Also remember that everything is achievable in life it only requires understanding, patience and an unbreakable will.

1- There is a simple but powerful element that we would have to know how to recapitulate as we try to fulfill our purposes.

This fundamental element will be the greatest motivation to focus your attention helping you shape your creations. This great element is called Vision.

Recap The Vision you once had about your project will be one of the main factors of this alchemy.

This visualization will be the main seed that will shape your dreams and it is from this seed that your vision will materialize in your daily reality.

So take a break from time to time, identify every detail of your vision and visualize the highest purpose of your project and create…

2- The second element has everything to do with trying to eliminate those mental habits of boycotting our projects and mentally training ourselves to believe faithfully in our visions and in our actions to achieve it.

You heard right, I said "train us", "learn to", "educate ourselves to". This is extremely important to understand, apply and really know how our thoughts affect our entire environment. And be aware that if there is a mental tendency to doubt, fear, boycott, then also know that we are capable of learning to Believe in our instinct, Believe in the way, Believe in our vision.

This ingredient can really determine the success of the results in this alchemy. Learn to trust, to believe in yourself.

3- Now that you recognize the details of your own vision and believe faithfully in it, we are going to add an ingredient that is the clearest link that joins that vision to this physical plane to begin to materialize our projects.

This element is called Intent. Now there is a very fine line that separates two classes of intentions. Both have to do with the action you take, but there are actions that are performed by the intent of the ego and others that are performed by the intent of the heart. And if you really want to find the true successes then you will have to use in the right measure the intentions to obtain it and the intelligence to maintain it. "Think with your heart, feel with your head."

4- The quality of life of people is directly proportionate to the commitment and excellence with the projects that one chooses to carry out. «V. Lombardi ».

The fourth element to add and ensure in this alchemy is undoubtedly the Commitment that we have with those visions that we want to materialize. I would say that it is imperative to check the levels of serious commitments that we have not only mentally and physically, but also spiritually and emotionally with what we want to achieve.

Remember that commitments are not just your beliefs consistently put into practice.

5- The fifth element in this alchemy of success is what differentiates a common worker from a true entrepreneur, visionary and leader. This sacred ingredient is also called "the price of the great ones", "divine morality" this element to add is the irrefutable Responsibility.

Because it's one thing to be responsible for getting to work on time, but it's another to be absolutely responsible for your destiny. This is one of the most important components in this formula. If you really understand that you are the great creative artist of your reality, then you also understand that there is no one to blame for our malaries and that we have no choice but to take charge of situations. Seeing difficulties as mere challenges is the path of the strong, it is the path of leaders, it is the path of success. Be responsible.

6- To learn new things in life we ​​will sometimes have to go through the process of unlearning or abandoning old habits first.

Well, the sixth element in this alchemy has to do with educating ourselves to create systematic behaviors that ultimately guide us to the evolution of our projects. In other words, we must learn to generate new habits that benefit our creation and practice them consistently. In other words, create and respect a clear and sacred Discipline.

Discipline is the fundamental potion that transmutes obstacles into goal, vision into creation, dreams into concrete possibilities. Intentions lead us to actions, commitment keeps us moving, and discipline allows us to follow the process.

7- We already have some of the main ingredients to start cooking this alchemist recipe to achieve success, we only need one element that will help us mix and match the parts. Now I am going to show you how we can achieve this sacred formula by concentrating all our attention on this magical element. But so that you really understand the importance of this, I am going to share with you some of the meanings of the origin of this ingredient. Among others he calls it “cooking point”, “convergent point”, “place of fire”, “bonfire”, “fire”. What I'm talking about is the Focus. Focus is one of the most powerful skills that you can develop to the fullest and cook whatever you want. Focus your attention where you want your reality to be.

  1. Vision as the realization of your purposes. The beliefs that solidify your position. The Intentions as the firm steps for materialization. Commitment as the determination to reach your purpose. Responsibility as the recognition of yourself as your own teacher. Discipline as stoicism to great achievements. The focus as the constant creator of your own reality.

These are some of the simplest and most powerful elements in this alchemy of success, but remember that true alchemists always find their own ways… experiment… find it.

Seven tips to achieve the alchemy of success