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Are you afraid of financial limbo if you make a professional change?

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Are you thinking of changing jobs or even starting your own business but are afraid of not finding anything that doesn't work well and you are left in a kind of "financial limbo"?

That is one of the great fears when you have to make a change and, as I mentioned a long time ago in another article, the feeling is similar to that of jumping into the void, right? Although I like more the comparison with the trapeze artist who drops a trapeze to grab another and that moment when he is in the air without any support…

The point is that it is normal for that feeling to make you uneasy or afraid. I always say that we are not machines that go around without feeling or suffering. So pretending to make such a change without worry is unrealistic. Obviously the situation improves when you already have something more or less certain, but still you would have some kind of fear: to fail, to regret it, not to be up to par, etc.

Remember, the fear does not disappear, it is replaced by another and it is best to keep going despite that fear, not waiting for it to disappear.

Anyway, this is what you can do to dare and cost less:

1. Have a safety net

If you can before making the change, taking the leap, save so that you can spend some time without being paid and without stressing about it. The truth is that it is very different to start something new without stress because you are running out of money. With stress you don't think clearly. That's why sometimes it's worth waiting a little longer while you get an inexpensive mattress.

Another option is to ask a relative for a loan or credit. I personally prefer to avoid it and start from what I have and can, I recommend you not to go into debt because then we return to them; but it's up to you.

2. Discover your great why.

Do you remember that I have mentioned it many times? When you are clear about why you want to do something, that becomes your engine in the low moments. And by "your why" I mean a really strong reason, whatever it may be, a reason that tells you: I'm going to get this yes or yes for…

And when you say it you turn on. Nothing because I'm bored, because I want more money, something that gives you strength and that can only be said by you, it can be an altruistic or selfish reason, it does not matter, the important thing is that it gives you strength. Every time you say it, your inner voice tells you "that's it!" For example:

  • Because I was born for this and I deserve it. Because I want to shut everyone's mouth and show myself that I can. Because I want to change the lives of other women. Because I want to live surrounded by luxury.…

And I'm not going to stop until I get it.

Whatever inspires you, there is nothing wrong.

3. Surround yourself with people who understand and support you.

This makes a huge difference, how good you feel among people who are going through the same thing as you. You feel "normal" and supported. There is no criticism or discouragement, but support and ideas, and that makes you more motivated, that you feel that you have a safe network if you fall and that you go for more. It does not fail.

And if none of this works for you then consider that change well. Is it really what you need? Perhaps improving part of the situation will produce the change you are looking for. Sometimes changing your attitude or improving another area of ​​your life has the effect you want. Especially when it comes to leaving a job with a stable salary and starting your business, you have to be clear that it is not for everyone, for a simple reason: having your own business implies knowing how to cope well with economic uncertainty and there are people to which would mean constant stress and anguish.

How can you know? In my experience, if uncertainty gives you a little scary and a lot of emotion, you are on the right track. However, if it only causes you anguish and the idea of ​​not having a fixed salary terrifies you, think about it. Having your own business implies, yes or yes, knowing how to live and enjoy uncertainty.

There is no right or wrong answer here, what makes you feel best is what is worth.

What are you gonna do about it?

Are you afraid of financial limbo if you make a professional change?