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Are you feeling overwhelmed? 4 reasons that keep you like this and their solutions


Are you feeling overwhelmed? Saturated with obligations and commitments, out of time and on the verge of exploding? If you feel exactly like this and you don't know how to avoid it, or worse, you think that today is normal and you have to endure, it is very important that you know the four reasons why you are like this and the six solutions that I offer you.

The first thing you have to know is that you do not have to continue like this, that you can change things and, for this, the first step is to find out what has led you to that situation. In general, it is due to one or more of these four reasons:

1. You don't know how to say no or set limits to people or projects.

2. You underestimate the time (and energy) that a project or commitment is going to take you.

3. You are doing too many different things at once.

4. You demand too much of yourself, you want to do everything yourself.

Do they sound familiar? What is the most problematic for you? That is the first thing you have to know, what is the cause of you being overwhelmed and about to explode. You may have a little bit of each, but are there any that particularly affect you? For example, being involved or having to worry about many different things at the same time supposes a lot of stress, and I take this very into account when accepting new proposals, for example.

The second important point is that you realize that all this has been and is your choice. You choose what your priorities are, what you do or don't do, who you say yes to and who you say no to. Do not think that it is something that has happened to you, you have brought yourself to this state. This I tell you sincerely because it is important that you take it into account. The good? That if you have gotten into this aubergine, you can also get out of it. Here are some things you can do:

- Learn to say no and set limits.I have already written several times about the importance of saying no, essential to have a more relaxed life and feel satisfied with what you do. I am lucky to know how to say no easily (too much sometimes), but I know that for many it is very difficult. So I will give you a practical example. I recommended to one of my clients that she start saying no in unimportant situations, to get used to it. For example, when her classmates suggested that she go to a restaurant that she did not like at all. I recommended that instead of giving in, she make her preferences clear by saying something like "I prefer this other one, I don't like that very much" and that she see what happened… What do you think happened? Absolutely nothing, not only did she avoid eating at a restaurant she hated,.Rather, she felt so good about herself and so motivated and confident that she was encouraged to do it in more important things (in fact, she said no to her boss, so see if it works or not).

- Plan things with more time. Always consider more time than you think you will need, so you will not arrive overwhelmed. This applies both to goals that you set for yourself and to deadlines for projects or jobs, or to appointments that you have scheduled. Add more time than you think it will take and you will notice a big difference in your stress levels.

- Determine the number of different activities or projects you can do without being overwhelmed. We all have a limit, analyze what you do and think if you are still productive and effective when you are involved in ten projects, or five or two. We are all different, you can prefer to work only on one thing and when you finish, start another, or take two or three at a time. What works for you, but what works.

- Delegate. Let's make it clear at once, you can't and don't have to do it all yourself. It is time to define what is important to you and what really only you can do, and delegate the rest.

- Establish priorities. It is also time to determine what is truly important to you, so that you take time for that. There is no time for everything, at least not for everything at once, so you have to know your priorities very well. What people do you really want to spend your time with? What projects do you have to finish first? What can you postpone? And don't tell me that you can't postpone anything, because if you continue like this, the only thing you'll do is make the situation worse. So think again, if you had no choice, what could you put off? Now, accept that you have no choice if you really want to change that state of being on the edge.

- Group similar tasks. Schedule your schedule so that if you have to make calls, they are all the same day, or if you have to go out for something that is all at once. This way you will be more focused, since doing things very differently can cause you to lose energy and lose focus easily.

Getting out of that state of overwhelm and saturation depends solely and exclusively on you. Remember that it is your life and you decide what and to whom you want to dedicate your time.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? 4 reasons that keep you like this and their solutions