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Test to take care of your mind and body


It is easy to ignore your physical and emotional health until the moment you have a problem, and sometimes it is too late and you are forced to prioritize. To think more of you than of others.

We grow and mature with the belief that being selfish is bad. If it is when we harm or hurt others in our process of being selfish.

Now, being selfish is good when we honor and respect our being and our spirit, and we fill ourselves with vitality by taking care of ourselves.

If you are within the group of people who want more from life, you also understand that being selfish means taking care of yourself before taking care of others.

Good physical health means having the energy to do and enjoy the things you love.

How many times have you gotten sick and recovered by taking a few days off away from the stress of your daily activities? Have you noticed how often you get sick?

And due to what? And what about your emotional health? The balance of your emotions is the complement for a proactive life and making better decisions.

If you want to start taking the first steps to be selfish, do the following evaluation:

  1. I take at least 2 vacations a year I take care of my health My body is in good shape I do not abuse my body, drinking too much alcohol and / or coffee I do not abuse my mind by watching TV excessively I do not use drugs I reduce stress by meditating, exercising or walking Food is nutrition and Pleasure, not emotional satisfaction My teeth and gums are healthy I respect and listen to what my body is telling me.


  • 9-10 - Congratulations! You know how to take care of yourself 6 to 8 - Very good, you are on your way 4 to 5 - You can upload the results 2 to 3 - Make yourself a priority 0 to 1 - What's wrong?


  • Eliminate adrenaline in your life, that is, everything that causes races or startles that are harmful to your health Start doing activities that are beneficial for your body and spirit, detoxify it, exercise, go to massages, do yoga, take care of your nails and your overall physical appearance Lead a full life and not an impressive lifestyle
Test to take care of your mind and body