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Crisis times for personal change


In difficult situations there are two ways of seeing reality: as adversities that trigger fear and panic or as opportunities to reinvent ourselves.

The key is to find the opportunity in the midst of the crisis and discover our potential to perform at a higher level than we currently are.

When times are tough and the economy is bad, there are 2 ways of looking at things: One way is to view everything with fear, worry and panic, as millions of people around the world are seeing.

The other way of looking at things is to see everything as an opportunity for growth, an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, an opportunity to re-invent yourself, an opportunity to do things differently, an opportunity to seek the opportunities that are in middle of the crisis.

If you sell a product or service, when you go out to sell, look for the opportunities that are around you. When you go out to sell, look for different angles to sell your product or service. I want to tell you that there are many opportunities around you. Start looking for opportunities because there are so many in this economy. Albert Einstein said: "In the middle of the crisis is the opportunity."

And this is what Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, did, look for opportunity in the midst of the crisis. When Colonel Sanders turned 65, and received his first retirement check for $ 99.00, he did not like the amount of money he was going to receive and fell into a crisis because it was too little money and it was not enough to pay his spending and giving himself the lifestyle he wanted for himself and his family.

So Colonel Sanders made an inventory of everything he had and realized that he had nothing, that he was already 65 years old and that in the course of his life he had not had an academic preparation. And finally he realized that all he had was a recipe to prepare a delicious chicken and he said to himself: well, if this is all I have, with this I am going to become a millionaire.

And he started visiting restaurants and talking to the owners to offer them his secret recipe and he said the following:

"My name is Colonel Sanders and I have the best chicken recipe in the world and I am willing to share it with you in exchange for a percentage of everything you sell." And what do you think? that the restaurant owners immediately said yes? Of course not! Colonel Sanders visited hundreds and hundreds of restaurants throughout the United States and received hundreds and hundreds of rejections. But Colonel Sanders never gave up, never gave up, because he had "personal power", personal power is the ability to act, personal power is the ability to take action.

Always remember that “champions never give up and those who give up never win”.

Colonel Sanders had to talk to more than 1,000 restaurant owners before he found one who said yes. As you can see, Colonel Sanders found the opportunity in the midst of the crisis and today there are thousands and thousands of Kentucky restaurants around the world as proof of his success.

And I believe that you too can find the opportunity in the middle of the crisis. I believe that you have the potential within you to perform at a higher level than you are currently performing.

I believe that in these times you can earn more money, you can grow your business and, if you put your mind to it, you can dominate in this economy. It is well known by all that it is in times of crisis that more millionaires have emerged.

So you and I have a great opportunity in this economy !!!

I believe that times of crisis are times of change, they are times of growth, they are times of looking for opportunities. Unfortunately many people are standing idly by waiting for the economy to improve and when times are tough, successful people have to focus on the things we have control over and you and I have control of our attitude and our actions.

When times are tough, successful people have to focus on having a positive mental attitude and taking more action!

Champion, champion, I believe that you have greatness within you !!!

Goals, strategy, action !!!

Crisis times for personal change