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Decision making. importance of trust, security and autonomy

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Making Decisions is something we do daily, some are very easy to make and others are somewhat more difficult due to the factors that compose them, however each one of them, even the smallest ones, deserve that we give them the importance they require, do not forget that by taking each and every one of them is our life and our destiny is the one that will be altered.

When a person has a greater degree of Confidence, Security and Autonomy, it is easier to make decisions, on the contrary, if you are one of those people who find it difficult to make decisions, surely you should work first on how to increase your confidence, increase your security and therefore Therefore, develop activities independently so that in this way you can develop and strengthen your autonomy.

Autonomy means self-control, it means self-government, it means that only you are responsible for altering your future through the decisions you make today, it means that you must understand that you are responsible for your life and your destiny, autonomy is taking charge of your life in your hands and have the greatest wisdom to decide and act.

I want to share with you today some principles that will strengthen your autonomy:

1. You must be aware that every decision you make has a consequence, everything works according to the law of "cause and effect."

  • "Do not forget that without Responsibility there is no Freedom"

2. You can ask for advice, but I recommend that you consult people who have already overcome a circumstance similar to yours.

3. To make good decisions it is important to take adequate and complete information.

There are 3 very common mistakes that we make many times when making decisions, I suggest you take these aspects into account so that you do not make them.

The 3 aspects are closely linked with the information you receive to decide.

1. Not Informing:

Not being informed is the same as walking blind, but it is a very common mistake that most of us make and do you know why? because many times we anticipate the facts and we prejudge, we believe we already know how things are, we believe that it is unnecessary to ask, consult and therefore many times we make mistakes and act badly.

Remember that there is no stupid question, "stupid is he who remains in doubt"

I tell you this because many times our "ego" does not allow us to ask since we believe that by asking we put ourselves at a disadvantage, or we are demonstrating our lack of knowledge, you know? We all learn something daily, and daring to ask or consult contrary to what many people believe shows Security and Interest on the part of the questioner.

Errors for not being reported can be without exaggeration "fatal". Can you imagine a patient allergic to penicillin and the doctor does not ask if he is? Can you imagine a company operating without knowing what are the legal aspects to be processed for its proper operation? In fact, being more realistic I ask you, did you ever make a wrong decision and the reason was because you did not take the time to inform yourself well to know what to do, you see why it is very important that you inform yourself before deciding and acting.

I remember a friend who broke up with his girlfriend because he saw her in the park talking very pleasantly with another young man, and then he learned that it was his cousin who was visiting.

2. Getting misinformed:

We have already concluded that it is important that you inform yourself to decide correctly, but you imagine what would happen if you inquired with the least indicated person, or that you consult the wrong person, for example that you ask the English teacher for help in mathematics, or that you ask him for an address Someone who does not know the city? You see this means that you should not only inform yourself and that's it, but you should also inform yourself wisely, you should consult the right places, books, places, and people.

A good advice, if you want to be an entrepreneur, ask who already is, if you want to be a chef, ask who already is, learn and find out about those who have already achieved what you want to achieve.

I remember that I lost a partial in the university once because I asked one of my classmates the date of our next partial and he gave me a wrong date, the day of the exam I did not appear and when I found out what happened I could not do anything, I had no excuse, from then on, I knew I had to go to the faculty and ask there, or personally look for the teacher or the assistant.

The responsibility was not my partner, nor was it his fault, simply that he, like me, also misinformed himself, I ask the least indicated person.

3. Get informed half:

This is also a fatal error, because it is similar to reading a book halfway, watching a movie halfway and speculating what the end might be, this error is very common in our personal conversations, because many times we don't let people finish. speaking or expressing what they want to say to us, we assume that we already know what they are going to say to us and we respond, judge, and act badly.

Or when we read a manual or instructions half because we assume that we already know how to do things.

Has it ever happened to you that you ask about a product or service in a commercial establishment, they tell you that if they have it, you request it and then when the invoice arrives it turns out to be more expensive than you imagined, and you get upset? But do you know what your mistake was? That you didn't ask how much it cost before, as you can see, you only got half-informed and decided without knowing all the details.

So remember it very well, to make good decisions you must first inform yourself, inform yourself properly, and inform yourself completely.

Practice these tips and I assure you that you will have better results.

I wish it was useful, I await your opinions and comments.

Until next time.

Decision making. importance of trust, security and autonomy