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Your destiny is personal fulfillment


"Attention gives energy, intention transforms" Deepack Chopra.

Each that one thinks of a goal is the result of the path that must be traveled to achieve what one wants to achieve, however fears appear that do not help us to advance as we intend.

Success is nothing more than the achievement of goals already set, each one involved energy that is now part of your experience.

You just have to ask for things with authentic conviction and they will come true, what you want and make it happen. The moment you make the decision of what you want to transform in your life, things begin to settle in such a way that the spaces are opened for you to follow the path that leads you to achieve that goal.

Here faith and trust are essential to assume changes, in addition to thinking positively unravels all fear.

Thinking that you want is like planting a seed in the ground, the universe receives your order and begins to work on it, obviously you cannot be digging up the seed to verify if it is indeed germinating, all this takes a process that implies time and if the things do not arrive in the deadlines that we set we begin to despair and sometimes we abandon the idea, but what do you think, it is important to have conviction and follow through with what you ask. To strive for the concept that this objective is what you aspire to for yourself and is ecological with your environment.

A Neuro-Linguistic Programming technique is that you look beyond, put on a sheet of paper what you want to achieve, put images (how you will look when you have achieved it), sounds (what will tell you that you are already there) and sensations (what emotions you will have); now save this page and carry it with you forever.

Read it daily, so you will confirm or you will be modeling your goal, avoid it, you will notice that you will have strength and new resources will arrive that will lead you towards it.

I warn you that not everything is wishing or having the intention, knowing where you are going is important, but you have to make it happen.

This process is based on four points: decide, start, continue and finish.

  • Decide what you want responsibly and with commitment to yourself. Everything is undertaken with deciding, we are the result of our decisions, remember that. To start is to bring what you want to do to reality, simply take a first step and you will be on the road, so you will take another and another and without realizing it you are already moving forward. Continue to follow-up, we think that with starting we already comply, but we do not stop to see if that path is the right one or if we have to change the course or the needs will appear with this transformation. Finish At this point we will find out if we have already arrived, if it is better than what we glimpse or what is missing, and we will assess the path traveled to close the cycle, I assure you that it is regularly better than we expected.

These steps are a simple process, it is a cycle that structures, represents and decrees each advanced level. It is very important that you analyze where you are, you have already decided what you are going to do, how you are going to start, how you will know that you are already on the line towards that goal and in what way you will know that you have already reached the goal.

Ask yourself these questions and you will see that the ideas begin to organize to follow an excellent strategy for your destination.

Let's think about a fashionable example like superheroes, we recapitulate the steps that that common person followed to become the great superhero or villain that he is today, the crisis he suffered and the ecstasy of transforming into someone different from others, learning, recognizing and exploiting their new conditions.

We understand the goal as something far away, as a grand total, forgetting everything we did to get there; but remembering the work, the fun moments, passion, work or that we felt as a lost cause is that we can really enjoy having reached the top.

Perhaps there will be obstacles, but recognizing them as trials helps us overcome and realize our will that will make things happen.

A Spanish group called the Wizard of Oz says in a song: “when a dream dies it is because it has already come true”, that's right, a dream or goal takes a conclusive time and space in a memory, a here and now that we live and it shapes our learnings that will be part of our past and give us strength to build the future.

Living, enjoying the path towards a dream or a goal is the line to follow, it will finally become part of our personal history and it is better to know that we did it than to stay with the desire.

Enjoy reaching your goals (I like to call them dreams more) and remember that everyone is responsible for becoming a superhero or continuing to be a common subject waiting to be rescued without success.

Your destiny is personal fulfillment