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A guide to improve your self-esteem


Staying calm, your integrity and your self-esteem strong is difficult when the environment is very competitive, but it is not impossible to achieve if you follow a few simple guidelines. Here are six points that you can use as a guide for your self improvement.

Everything and everyone else around you can affect your self-esteem. People may or may not deliberately damage your image. People without verifying who you really are and the circumstances in which you live, can destroy your self-esteem in such a way that you do not realize what is happening. Don't let these influences take away the best you have. But can you avoid it?

1. A negative work environment

Be careful with "dog eat dog", the environment that everyone else is in because they are struggling to get ahead, this is where people do not appreciate being able to prosper and expect additional work and not be rewarded for it. In this environment, no one values ​​contributions, they even forget to have lunch, dinner and continue working late into the night. Unless you are very lucky, most of the time you are going to work very hard, without the help of the others around you. This kind of atmosphere ruins your self-esteem. This is not healthy competition, it is your worst moment and it hurts you emotionally.

2. Other types of behavior

Gossipers, traitors, controlling, complainers, whiners, or whatever you want to call them all have one thing in common, a compelling desire to prosper at the expense of others. Avoid joining these types of people. There is some short-term advantage to be gained from such behavior, but deep down, most are very insecure, suffering from sadness, and ashamed of their behaviors. For most, their self-esteem is long gone. Seeing someone suffer so much suffering is not pleasant. You are better than them!

3. A changing environment

Society suffers from constant change, it is impossible to avoid suffering this change. The challenge presented by these changes, they become a test of flexibility, adaptability and alter the way we think.

Changes can make our lives more difficult and can cause stress, but if it is inevitable, accept it, not fight it, and in no time, you will find a way to improve your life. Try to manage the changes and try to avoid them at the same time. If a particular change cannot be avoided, welcome it. The change will be forever, we have to learn to live with it.

4. Past experiences

We all carry a “baggage”, which is made up of our past experiences, which mold us into the person we are today. But some people experience their past experiences as something that hurts them and they can't get over it. It's okay to cry when you're in pain, but don't let pain dominate your life as it will turn into fear or a phobia. If something painful happens to you or something you suffer has happened to you, find a way to minimize the effects. Talk to a friend or family member so you can move on. Don't let these experiences dominate your life and determine your future actions. If something bad has happened to you, it does not mean that it will happen again. Learn from bad experiences and move on with your life.

5. A negative view of the world

The news on television is full of pessimism and it is true that all over the world there are many people who suffer from hunger, the consequences of war or natural disasters that are caused by man. This is not to suggest that you shouldn't worry or do nothing about it, but remember that there are many positive things that are happening and that they are beautiful. Do not get involved with all the negative aspects that the world suffers. Learn to look at beauty, build your self-esteem, we must learn to be positive in a negative world.

6. Theory of determination

¿Somos el producto de nuestras características biológicas heredadas del pasado o somos el resultado de las influencias que absorbemos a través de nuestra crianza? Creo que la forma es una mezcla de ambos aspectos, ya que como resultado, nuestro comportamiento no tiene características fijas. Si bien es cierto que algunas cosas son determinadas por la genética, como por ejemplo, el color de la piel, enfermedades heredadas o características físicas, las personas tienen un efecto importante sobre sus comportamientos. Tú tienes tu propia identidad y tomas tus propias decisiones. Las características que aportan un padre o una madre no determinan el destino de su hijo. Se aprende de la experiencia de otras personas y de la propia, para no cometer los mismos errores una y otra vez.

Are people born leaders or positive thinkers? I don't think that is so. Being positive and staying positive is a choice. Building self-esteem based on positive experiences to improve yourself is an option, not a rule or a talent. No one will come to you and grant you permission to build your self-esteem. It is your control.

It can be difficult to stay positive, especially when others and circumstances seem to conspire to pull you down. You need to protect yourself and give yourself a chance to stay positive. Improving your self-esteem will give you this protection.

One way to maintain a positive attitude is to minimize your exposure to negative people or people with destructive attitudes. Always remember that the good things in life will keep the impact of negativity to a minimum.

A guide to improve your self-esteem