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Human values: a wonderful recipe


Among the simplest, most beautiful and most effective things that exist are Human Values, those conditioning of moral attitude that are deeply rooted in the spirit of man. There is no trace of complexity in the Values ​​that a person must adopt as a guiding factor for their actions in life, there is no fold in them. The application of correct values ​​prevents adversity and constitutes an effective formula and a wonderful recipe to solve it.

Few things exist in life, especially in terms of man and his individual and social behavior, the evaluation of which can be determined by a specific formula and whose solution depends on the simple application of a "recipe", like the dosage issued by a doctor.

The complexity of man and his social environment makes it very difficult to think, or even suppose, that there are simple remedies or "miracle cures" for the difficulties that afflict him. The idea of ​​the simple, or of the simple, no longer belongs to this era in which we live, the difficulty is part of a mental structure that conditions the way of doing and seeing things in this world that strives to be "modern". In our contemporary conception of things, problems, conflicts and adversities are always complex and simple explanations or simple solutions are always "suspect". Today's man is programmed for difficulty since childhood, since then he has been prepared to face a ruthless world, a hard and difficult life.

The child understands a lot about the difficulty before knowing it. He is only promised "blood, sweat and tears" in the best style of a Winston Churchill who envisions impending pain and destruction for his people.

Probably the error does not lie in presenting with crude objectivity what life is or what it can become, but it is a serious fault to marginalize from all this the meaning of the simple, of the easy, of the simple. Up to a point it is reasonable to consider with conviction that life is very difficult, but it is not rational to consider that therefore any solution to the difficulty must also be difficult. To suppose that for a difficult problem the solution is necessarily difficult is absurd, nevertheless it is precisely what ends up being programmed in the minds of people thanks to the tireless proclamation of the difficulty.

We must clearly understand that simplicity not only exists, it is also the ideal way to solve problems, otherwise it is only a desire to complicate life for free. We must also understand that there are specific formulas and wonderful "recipes" to prevent and act on adversity. It is even healthy to assume that miracles themselves exist because man himself is nothing more than that: a miracle. Let's see a concrete example of a specific formula that avoids problems: the man who does not fall into a vice or its temptation (whatever it may be) surely avoids serious setbacks at some point in his life. As simple as that. Could anyone object to this fact? Is it not an accomplished truth that the man of upright conduct, for example,less likely to face problems than the man of dissipated life and erratic behavior? Or let's analyze for a moment the case of a wonderful "recipe": "fire is not extinguished with fire", that is to say that the solution to a problem is never found in the application of measures that only enliven it.

This is a maxim, a “recipe” of those that so annoy certain intellectuals who live off complexity. The simple not only exists, it is also a moving display of beauty and effectiveness.

Among the simplest, most beautiful and most effective things that exist are Human Values, those conditioning of moral attitude that are deeply rooted in the spirit of man. There is no trace of complexity in the Values ​​that a person must adopt as a guiding factor for their actions in life, there is no fold in them. The application of correct values ​​prevents adversity and constitutes an effective formula and a wonderful recipe to solve it.

Probably the only dramatic aspect related to the simplicity of the Values ​​is their own determination, because it is also man who establishes them in his free will. The man himself is the one who can make a mistake in determining the Values ​​that direct his life and there, of course, he runs the risk of ending badly.

Fortunately for this, there is also prevention, because the "recipe" of Values ​​has been granted to us for a long time, which leaves no room for error. Its exercise only leads to confirmation that life's difficulties can be avoided and can be dealt with simply and effectively. It can be argued, of course, that the setting of ValuesIt responds to considerations of culture, environment, time, dogma, applied philosophy, social psychology, etc.; but before this it also corresponds to be practical and simple, because the Values ​​respond first to an intimate personal consideration. There, deep in the heart and in the conscience, a call to certain Human Values ​​reaches a natural response from our spirits. If this happens, our very being recognizes the validity of the Values ​​that are posed to it and adopts them. On the other hand, if the Securities can be shown to be effective and sufficient in themselves, they also pass any admission test.

The set of Human Values ​​described below has passed all the tests of history, all the rigors of time, all the changes of humanity. And its content and its effectiveness remain unscathed, its powerful wisdom, its unalterable power. It would be simply absurd to ignore it for considerations of intellectual methodology.

More than two thousand years ago, Peter, the apostle and cornerstone of the future Christian church, posed to humanity this wonderful “prescription” of Values:

1.- The successful walk through life requires first to have Faith. The victorious man must be a person who has CERTAINTY of what he hopes and CONVICTION for the result that he has not yet seen. It is absolutely essential to BELIEVE beyond the circumstances, to be sure of the expected result. Life bestows little on men of little Faith.

Among the most uncertain results and events, man's faith in the task and in the possibilities must not wane. A huge proportion of failures are explained by abandonment. Success does not feed on time, success conquers time, it dominates it. Success is not a sprint race, success is a long distance race. The ability to resist adversity, the strength to walk in the midst of them, absolutely convinced of the possibilities of victory, can only be found in an unshakable Faith. And Faith should not be confused with hope, Faith establishes complete security in the endeavor.

Nor should it be confused with a lack of flexibility or practicality. The latter are attitudes that must be applied on the road, Faith must be set on the goal, the one at the end of the road.

This first ingredient in the recipe is irreplaceable. The person who does not have faith in himself, in what he does and in what he can achieve, will not pass the tests and victory is absolutely forbidden.

2.- The correct path is found by adding Virtue to Faith. Virtue is a good and correct personal quality, Virtue is demonstrated by good conduct and behavior that conforms to moral norms and laws. Man must exercise virtuous action and a right way of proceeding.

Without the latter, the Faith will not be consumed because life will only present tortuous paths, full of obstacles and setbacks. Many men of Faith end up abandoning it due to the magnitude of the problems they face, but Faith cannot prevent problems from arising if the man who claims to profess it is not someone who makes his code of conduct virtuous. It is true that the world cannot show us many men of Faith, but even fewer are those who add Virtue to it. In this last category surely the Hitlers or the Stalins are no longer registered, characters of messianic attitudes who had enormous faith in "their calling" and in themselves but who lacked Virtue.

3.- The difficulties of the path are avoided by adding to Virtue, Knowledge. This is the faculty of understanding and judging things. Knowledge is understanding and intelligence. Here the effort of man to learn and know, to experiment and grow is rewarded. When knowledge is added to Faith and Virtue it emerges beyond scholarship.

It is moving to appreciate every moment how many people base their journey through life and their search for success only on their intellectual capacity: this is a dramatic display of poverty, but it is also moving to see people of Faith and undeniable Virtue without fruit in their lives. existence due to lack of Knowledge: this is another form of poverty.

For this reason this wonderful recipe adds specific Values ​​to each other, because only in their intrinsic combination and in their synergy meaning and benefit are achieved.

If the human being is not understood in a comprehensive way, in the complete sense of his nature, little profit is made of the interest of knowing him. Man is a creature of fantastic complexities, he does not occupy a single dimension. Those apologists of knowledge, technology and science as differentiating elements of the present and future well-being of humanity, are not conceptually enabled to understand the human being. They suffer from an inferiority complex in the face of the awesome power of the elements and phenomena that make up our universe, and like the humble man who a couple of centuries ago felt enormous relief for his future upon witnessing the first steam engines, they want to feel more secure betting the future of the species on the Knowledge of man.

In reality, the destiny of humanity lies in its ability to understand and apply the Values that have been granted in absolute privilege over other species.

4.- Freedom on the road comes from adding Self-Control to Knowledge. How many people are unaware of success and victory because they do not know Self Control! Man's greatest Problem is himself, the main fight takes place within him. We have no enemy more dangerous than ourselves, there is no more inflexible judge or more effective executioner.

Self-Control demands from man the ability to govern himself, to control his emotions, his fears, and his anguish, with the serenity of someone who possesses Faith in his conditions and his possibilities, Virtue to sustain them, and Knowledge to bring them to fruition.

Self Control is an indispensable state for the exercise of life. The control of emotions is a vital balancing mechanism for the very character of adversity, since it comes covered with elements of enormous intensity. When problems are not dealt with with high doses of Self-Control, balance disappears, fire is fought with fire, flames are fanned, to the point where fire ends up prevailing.

If man does not have the ability to control himself then he does not have the ability to control his problems.

In the daily fight against conflicts and setbacks, reason must impose its good arguments on the set of emotions. Without it there is no possibility of victory. The summons goes to reason precisely because the fight itself is full of emotions. And although the objective is not to eliminate emotions or ignore them, it is imperative to prevent them from dominating the circumstances. The conflicts that we face in life are full of emotions, they are there because they respond to a natural call. Emotions seep everywhere, through every crack and every moment that adversity establishes, they do not disappear because of the absurd effort that is printed on the task, they remain impassive as long as the human being stars in the work. Because emotions are ultimately the very fuel of man,the food of the soul and its driving force.

The goal is to achieve Control. Emotions must be controlled; you need to balance your drive with a counter force to moderate its effects and channel your energies. This opposing force is the reason.

Reason is accompanied by a vast instrument of logic, common sense, principle, urgency, convenience, conviction. And all this is put before the unbridled emotion in the form of a clear thought, an argument.

The very desire to make reason prevail in the face of adversity then becomes an emotion that sustains the process, thereby building a useful and beneficial channel for the development of energies. Napoleon confessed that the moment of his military readiness was plunged into painful agitation, he looked like a young girl giving birth, but this did not prevent him from being serene in front of the people around him, and when he made a decision everything was forgotten, except what was necessary to achieve victory. This is exactly Self-Control: to feel the emotions ardently, there in the depths of who one is and yet have the ability to remain impassive before others despite the inner fire that one feels, and the moment to act forget everything, except clear thinking and argument leading to objectives.In this way the human being works like those steam engines that reach internal boiling and channel that enormous energy to a precise point, one that generates a vital, giant, powerful movement. In man the boiling is achieved through emotions, but control allows that force to be directed to a precise point and from there move the machinery that thought has created to act according to the objectives.but control allows that force to be directed to a precise point and from there to move the machinery that thought has created to act according to the objectives.but control allows that force to be directed to a precise point and from there to move the machinery that thought has created to act according to the objectives.

If this "internal vapor" is not controlled, then it comes out anywhere, it does not move anything in particular, it can burn everyone around and it ends up finding a victim in its own creator.

5.- The fruits that the walk brings are achieved by adding Patience to Self-Control. The best definition for Patience is "peace of mind to wait." However, are there many things more difficult than this? It is one thing of course to wait, but a very different thing is to do it with ease. The latter is only possible in the serenity of spirit that Faith grants, the security of doing the right thing, the confidence of knowing what is being done and the peace that a healthy control of emotions grants.

Patience is probably one of the Values ​​that is most at risk of extinction in current times. Today we pride ourselves on showing speed, practicality, and agility. Children grow up in a culture that praises "easy" and puts it before the wisdom of simplicity and simplicity.

The dynamics of the environment governed by a whirlwind of events that unfold at the speed of light, has turned us into "reactive" beings who now have little chance of making their own times prevail. Mafalda, that beautiful character in the drawing asked that "stop the world because I want to get off…" Imagine then more unfavorable conditions to appeal to Patience.

However, it is precisely the "disease" that gives value to the remedy, because on the other hand it is probable that never before in human history has Patience been a more effective solution to face conflict and adversity. Today we are faced with the dilemma of being dominated by the maelstrom or eluding it and setting our own agenda. We must never forget that fire is not fought with fire, the rule of imposing opposites neutralizes adversity.

The man who exercises these Values ​​is a man sure of himself, he is not a child of circumstances, he knows what to expect and can do it with the tranquility of someone who is certain that the twilight of the night is ALWAYS followed by the light of the new day. A confident man is a calm man; a quiet man finds peace in waiting.

6.- The company on the road is achieved by adding Mercy to Patience. This last value and the one that follows establish the social character that man has. Piety is inspired by consideration for others and manifested in acts of self-denial and compassion. Mercy is the great framework that supports empathy.

Sometimes, however, it is much more appropriate to understand this Value as that which determines the need to Give.

Inasmuch as man is not conceived as a creature that is completed in solitude, his relationship with others must be conditioned by the maxim of Giving what one wants to receive. To sow in others what you want to reap from them. To invest in others what we want for ourselves. This rule that can have mathematical dimensions is frequently underestimated and even treated with contempt. Its vital meaning has been replaced by a complex network of human relationships that is based on individual interest and selfishness.

The person of vision, the big man, understands that the boundaries of "me" are very narrow and the perspective of living among them is not much different from that of a rodent in its burrow. The man who possesses a spirit of transcendence knows that the great plains of the promised land lie far beyond "self", in the wide and alien world inhabited by others. Towards there he stretches lines and bridges, investing in them what he wants to receive from them. This logic of considering others necessary also forces us to feel necessary for others, there acts of self-denial and compassion become important.

It is surprising that such a simple logic is understood by very few; It is even probable that this logic is precisely the most illustrious victim of the complexity paradigm in which we live today. Taking care of others is taking care of ourselves; taking care of others is taking care of ourselves. Man is only a limited and lacking being, the man of superior intelligence makes use of others "serving" and thus achieves greater goals.

7.- The vicissitudes and joys of the journey are shared by adding Fraternal Affection to Piety . The way of relating to others must be manifested through Brotherly Affection, this is the suggested Value for the socialization of man. Affection is devoid of passion, it translates into calm affection and benign sympathy for others. In life we ​​are all fellow travelers, we share the joys and sorrows of the journey, we seek to fulfill a destination. Basically we are left to choose whether the journey is made in peace with others or without it.

8.- To reach the end of the road, Love must be added to Fraternal Affection. The Values ​​are summarized here in a grand way. The demand to add Love to the recipe is not a poetic postulate, it is a deep reflection. In reality, Love is the dynamo that generates all the energy that is needed to live: love for oneself, love for what one does, love for others, love for what one has, for what one wants to have…

Without Love, the transit through life loses its engine, and the only thing that leads man along his paths is inertia, the latter ends at some point and paralysis occurs. People who wander through life aimlessly are people who have lost Love. These people are shadows that obscure everything around them and have few opportunities to successfully complete the journey, let alone with a glimmer of success. Without Love there is no Faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, piety or brotherly affection; Without Love the human being has little value.

This fact is so dramatic that fortunately it occurs rarely. The largest proportion of people who can be considered "alive" profess Love for something, even when it is deep in their tribulations.

The most common situations refer to Love misunderstood; This is where man becomes lacking, because he calculates to feel Love but does not really understand what this means and in this process he loses, even when he wants to win.

When you live with Love and do things for Love, the results are guaranteed, the entire being is energized and produces an energy of prodigious scope. The partial results, the incomplete processes, the "relative" victories or defeats, have their origin in the mistaken understanding of Love.

Because Love is not perfected in words, Love is not because we say it is or because our ego understands it that way. Love is very far from passions or simple and comfortable positions, Love is not reflective, it acts, Love does not take shelter in sayings, gestures or impulses. Probably the most arrogant attitude that man practices is related to his wrong manifestation of Love.

To understand the deep meaning of Love, we can refer again to Peter, he describes it with moving accuracy, in each phrase, in each word, in each pause:

• Love is suffered.

• Love is kind.

• Love is not envious.

• Love is not boastful.

• Love is not puffed up.

• Love does nothing wrong.

• Love does not seek its own.

• Love is not irritated.

• Love does not hold a grudge.

• Love does not enjoy injustice, but rather it enjoys the truth.

• Love suffers everything, believes everything, expects everything, supports everything.

• In essence, Love never ceases to be…

How many can we sign up among those who really love?

How many of us actually know what Love is?

How many of us can say that these premises govern our lives?

The practice of this wonderful recipe of Human Values ​​guarantees a life full of victories. We have the remedy for so many ills that accompany the course of life, in a simple set of things that we must understand, respect and practice. There is no justification for us to travel the short distance that our lives represent in darkness, deprivation, starvation or defeat. Light is a gift that has always been given to us. It is also in our nature, it shares in it (and unfortunately at a disadvantage), our sorrows and misfortunes; and it just hopes that we have enough judgment to resort to it.

The truth is that life is full of people who decide to be "blind by choice", avoid the light by putting a blindfold over their eyes and after doing so consciously complain their whole lives about the gloom that surrounds them. In the dark they beat each other and exchange blame, fall to their knees, walk on their knees, use their heads to receive blows and their hands to feel the darkness; they go to every ounce of energy to advance without seeing the way. But the only thing they don't do is the little effort to remove the blindfold and enjoy the clarity.

Human values: a wonderful recipe