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Truths about investing in education and knowledge


The truth is that I have decided to make one more investment in my life, by doing these studies, an investment that will surely be translated into benefits for me, for my family and for everyone around me, among whom I count friends., students and colleagues among others, with whom I will be able to share the acquired knowledge and experiences that will surely be enriching in my professional training.

It seems to me very important to have the opportunity in the first module of this Master's Degree to be able to make a report related to the initial documents of the session, which point very specifically to the concepts and opinions that I am going to express with this article; where I try to give a vision more of logical preparation than of academic conceptualization, stating, for example, that investments we make very often, and not only when using this term, we refer to the allocation of economic resources in order to receive a return in exchange that according to normal trends in the economy and finances, should be higher than what was originally deposited; Well, we invest when we raise and educate our children, we invest when we cultivate a loving relationship with our partner,we invest when we make good friends, we invest when we do our job well; we invest when we study; Because of these investments that do not have to do with money, we always expect to receive benefits that to some extent reflect the efforts, support, endorsements, recognition and knowledge and why not say sacrifices that are generated to be able to integrate an adequate scenario on a good way to live.recognitions and knowledge and why not say sacrifices that are generated to be able to integrate an adequate scenario about a good way of living.recognitions and knowledge and why not say sacrifices that are generated to be able to integrate an adequate scenario about a good way of living.

This short introduction will help us to explain the title of this article; because we are always listening and from a very young age we are taught to always tell the truth about everything; even in religious matters; the son of God died for the truth. What a good example life gives us to follow this behavior to the letter. But the essence of this reality is another; truth is a word that involves many aspects, such as sincerity, loyalty, respect, honesty, and many more synonyms that could make up this term that in its entirety frames the way to feel satisfied by an excellent behavior.

It is the truth in which we are subjected day by day in the events of the world, tragedies, wars, violence, oppression; But it would not make sense to use this opportunity to express things that, because they are not so unpleasant, cease to be important; because the message that I intend to show is oriented from a training and orientation perspective. From this perspective and following the true trend, it is then what the business and labor market shows us, which is where many aspire to travel throughout the time of their true existence.

When reading these documents corresponding to the first session, it brought me the memory of one of my articles published in the national business and finance newspaper PORTAFOLIO on November 2, 2001, entitled "Some are born, others are made" and that I wish bring to make a reflection on these issues. The article goes like this: From an early age, when one begins to have the use of reason, people dream of standing out in the different fields that life offers, some want to be doctors, policemen, firefighters, nurses, other astronauts, even imitate great stars of sports and entertainment. This is a perspective of what a child wants to be, when it comes time to stand up for himself in life. But the reality turns out to be totally different for many.As time progresses, stages in our lives are culminating, including that of students, and we are filled with knowledge and experiences that are structuring our personality; Although there are some who are born with a future already defined by the favorable economic conditions of their relatives, there are others who are born and must be done according to their abilities and why not, something of luck. This is the occasion in which people once they finish their school studies, dedicate with effort and sacrifice to choose what will be theirs in the future. Some decide what they study according to what they would like to be, others study what their economic modes allow them,since they cannot pay to support a career in another city or abroad and worse still, they cannot find the means that allow them to study at least one professional career. This is the moment in which we face the harsh reality of destiny in contrast to what we dream of in the past and what circumstances really force us to be ours. But once we achieve merit as professionals upon completing higher education, the medium shows us that Companies are demanding, Universities choose competent personnel; arising from there the need to carry out the development of a specialization in some area of ​​our professional selection. These studies that involve an investment of time and good amounts of money;but all focused on obtaining excellent results in job performance. This is the ideal, what in normal conditions a person hopes to obtain by sacrificing himself complying with demanding schedules, leaving aside the family and the commitments of the home to achieve one more achievement in life which is intended to bring fruits and success. Hence, nowadays a person who completes her higher studies can be said to be in the middle of her profile as an upright and selective professional; Well, the question that is asked to highlight the area in which a person works is not what career did she study? but what is your specialization?Leaving aside the family and the commitments of the home to achieve one more achievement in life which is intended to bring fruit and success. Hence, nowadays a person who completes her higher studies can be said to be in the middle of her profile as an upright and selective professional; Well, the question that is asked to highlight the area in which a person works is not what career did she study? but what is your specialization?Leaving aside the family and the commitments of the home to achieve one more achievement in life which is intended to bring fruit and success. Hence, nowadays a person who completes her higher studies can be said to be in the middle of her profile as an upright and selective professional; Well, the question that is asked to highlight the area in which a person works is not what career did she study? but what is your specialization?

Many respond saying that my next goal is to do a postgraduate degree in…, others I am going to enroll; but finally, the tendency of those interested in this professional to occupy any position is: we will take it into account and we will be communicating with you. That is why I want to make a call to those people who today are completing or have already finished their higher studies, to make the effort and sacrifice to be able to specialize in the areas that are most distinguished and in this way they will be adding added value to their quality and personal and professional capacity. The above is an approach based on projections and goals set by people;then comes overcoming one of the most difficult tasks of a professional and that is to get a job and to undergo aggressive competition to obtain positions and good positions in companies and societies. However, if you want to start or create a company, you will make this person someone with a much more entrepreneurial and dynamic spirit. But as long as there are ways to achieve this purpose, with its own capital or with the support of state and government institutions that promote the creation and materialization of an idea or a project. It is now when it is submitted to evaluate the potentiality, to demonstrate that it is really capable of creating, occupying and performing positions that allow distinguishing and identifying a person in society.However, if you want to start or create a company, you will make this person someone with a much more entrepreneurial and dynamic spirit. But as long as there are ways to achieve this purpose, with its own capital or with the support of state and government institutions that promote the creation and materialization of an idea or a project. It is now when it is submitted to evaluate the potentiality, to demonstrate that it is really capable of creating, occupying and performing positions that allow distinguishing and identifying a person in society.However, if you want to start or create a company, you will make this person someone with a much more entrepreneurial and dynamic spirit. But as long as there are ways to achieve this purpose, with its own capital or with the support of state and government institutions that promote the creation and materialization of an idea or a project. It is now when it is submitted to evaluate the potentiality, to demonstrate that it is really capable of creating, occupying and performing positions that allow distinguishing and identifying a person in society.with its own capital or with the support of state and governmental institutions that promote the creation and materialization of an idea or a project. It is now when it is submitted to evaluate the potentiality, to demonstrate that it is really capable of creating, occupying and performing positions that allow distinguishing and identifying a person in society.with its own capital or with the support of state and governmental institutions that promote the creation and materialization of an idea or a project. It is now when it is submitted to evaluate the potentiality, to demonstrate that it is really capable of creating, occupying and performing positions that allow distinguishing and identifying a person in society.

It is a stage that has its setbacks and impediments, since when we observe that unemployment in our country is in such high percentages, we are alarmed and we wonder what will become of those people who swell the ranks of applicants for a position, and of all those professionals some with various degrees, others with different specializations; who have not been able to reach a position to be able to develop their knowledge. But also at the time of getting the opportunity to work, some must submit to the salary assignments established by these institutions, which do not represent the economic value that this person charges for their work.

For these reasons, students and potential professionals and in action, do not stop training, do not stop updating, Universities do not guarantee the future to anyone, it is the person who is made according to their desire to improve and their vision as strategists of destiny, obtain what they propose; Setting goals is an excellent measure to achieve your purposes in life; and as I have always maintained, it is better to be born and become than to be born having been.

This document is the reflection of what to a certain extent is not only knowing by knowing, but knowing what we really like, as well as having the way to know; As well as partially receiving aspects of convenience, enriching the value of companies, heroic leadership, the pettiness of companies and security in the face of changing market situations are reliable proof that the business world is more demanding day by day, and the environment demands competent professionals, but not simply in being executors of economic equations and mathematical and financial formulas that demonstrate under their postulates that digits take precedence over all things and even worse over people.Measuring with figures is interesting, but really, if you measure what you need? This is the time to emphasize that those professionals that companies and organizations demand today not simply circulate around market trends but also envision in the human being the best way to achieve the success of organizations. He is a professional convinced of the importance of supporting the equation with a solid, satisfied work team that is treated with such importance as the being and feeling of business society.He is a professional convinced of the importance of supporting the equation with a solid, satisfied work team that is treated with such importance as the being and feeling of business society.He is a professional convinced of the importance of supporting the equation with a solid, satisfied work team that is treated with such importance as the being and feeling of business society.

From there a great truth follows: people are not machines, nor figures, therefore there is no factor that determines the human being, so we do not spend ourselves measuring how much the intellectual capital of an organization is worth; or what production capacity can an official have in his position; because what today may be the best of businesses with efficient administration, tomorrow may be the worst of projects with an explosive tendency to enrich and destroy human talent.

We do not make an effort to measure people, because we can also have subjective approaches in conducts, behaviors or attitudes in certain circumstances but never with exactitude the real representation of an individual under any aspect; Rather, let's invest in making people feel for what they are: the essence of companies. Hence, a great reality is that people, despite being valued, can never be quantified.

Truths about investing in education and knowledge