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What if you reach your goals?

Table of contents:


…how would you feel?

It is a question that can have none, one, two or a world of possible answers.

How many answers would you have?

At this point, stop, stop, and ask yourself:

What if I reconciled with my family member to whom I have not talked for a while? How would I feel?

What if they gave me that raise? How would I feel?

What if they gave me the position I want? How would I feel?

What if I bought the car I'm dreaming of? How would I feel?

Powerful answers must be coming out of your mind right now.

If not, please go back to the article title and start over.

If so, please continue reading.

The fishbowl of large, medium and small stones.

Imagine an empty fish tank, totally empty, you give it the size that you like.

Now imagine that you have many different sized stones on hand, basically large stones, medium stones and small stones.

How would you start to fill it?

What size stones would you put in first?

The little ones?

The medians?

the big ones?

Surely you would put the large stones first, then the medium stones and the small stones last, or perhaps you would do it the other way around.

What meaning can you find in the size of the stones?

Big stones

What are your BIG STONES?

In other words, what things are extremely important to you?

Your family?

Your spirit?

Your work?

Your Health?

Your friends?

Once you are clear about your BIG STONES, what you have to do is keep them that size, that they are close to you and that you continue to worry about them.

I would ask you at this point, why is it important to put your BIG STONES in the tank?

What do you gain with that?

Do you think it is worth starting with the BIG STONES?

If at this time, when making the list of your BIG STONES, you see that there is something that you could improve or change in relation to your BIG STONES, do not leave it for tomorrow, start TODAY that change in you and that BIG STONE.

"You have to be clear about what you want and be willing to pay the price."

Medium stones

What are your MEDIUM STONES?

Asking yourself another way, once you have your BIG STONES close at hand, what things do you consider important?

Your abundance?

Your prosperity?

Your languages?

Your skills?

Your knowledge?

The way to perform certain tasks?

At this moment you have already worked on ordering and having your BIG STONES, what follows is to place your MEDIUM STONES inside the fish tank, remember that there are already BIG STONES, which are EXTRAORDINARLY IMPORTANT FOR YOU.

I would ask you, why is it important to put your MEDIUM STONES into the tank now?


The MEDIUM STONES will fill the spaces in the tank left by your most important stones, your BIG STONES.

And of course, that your MEDIUM STONES are important, because you must grow uniformly in all aspects of your life.

If you observe, when making the list of your MEDIUM STONES, that you are not comfortable in your work, it seems to me that you have two alternatives: either to change jobs or to ask yourself: what satisfactions have I achieved in my work development? ways can I be comfortable in my work?

Perhaps you observed that you have areas of opportunity within your work and you have already identified them, now what follows is to strengthen those areas of opportunity.

Small rocks

At this point, the tank already has LARGE STONES, MEDIUM STONES, and it still seems that a little more stones can fit, your SMALL STONES.

I would ask you now: what are your SMALL STONES?

What are those things that, without being very fundamental or very important, would make you feel good?

Maybe a new or pre-owned car?

Maybe new clothes?

Those glasses that made you look good on the sideboard?

The suit or dress you saw in that luxury store?

And why not? You're worth it, or am I wrong?

You have already worked on arranging YOUR LARGE STONES well and carefully, you identified and put your MEDIUM STONES inside your fish tank, now you can put your SMALL STONES so that you are working even more comfortable and comfortable with your life itself.

Something is forgetting me, what is that fish tank that you have been filling with STONES until now?

What do you think it is?

Indeed, that fish tank is YOUR LIFE, and the way you identify YOUR STONES, place them inside your tank, are cleaning them, moving them, adjusting how they are arranged, will be the result you have in your life.

To achieve YOUR GOALS, it is important to be continuously working on improving YOUR LIFE, so that the change in YOU is something constant, permanent.

And an excellent first step of many, is to identify which things are EXTRAORDINARLY IMPORTANT TO YOU, your BIG STONES. When you give the appropriate value to each part of your life, it is easier for you to identify what steps you should take to polish, improve each STONE of yours.

I leave you with this phrase: "If you've finished, then you can start over."

And I ask you:

To where you want to go?

Final thoughts:

After reading YOUR TOOL above, please ask yourself: How does this TOOL help me…

• to be happier?

• to be healthier?

• to be more prosperous?

• to have spiritual peace?

• to have more confidence in myself?

improve my relationships with others?

What if you reach your goals?