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10 Tips to face your first sales appointment

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10 practical tips that will help you make a good impression on your first sales appointment

It happened to you that on your first sales appointment, you don't know what to do ?, what to say ?, or how to prepare yourself? to make an excellent impression since you only have one chance.

Below I share the "Decalogue for your first date" hoping that it will be very useful.

1. Investigate your prospect: there is a saying that: "information is power", before reaching your first date it is very important that you get as much information from your prospect, to achieve this I recommend using consultation sources such as They are social networks, sales floor, website or first-hand through talks with the staff working in the company, this will allow you to have an overview of the company.

2. Business cards: when you get to your first date, give it immediately with your name facing up. Your cards must be printed with high quality to achieve the effect: "wow what a beautiful card", never give other people's cards with the crossed out name and write your name on it by hand.

3. Break the ice: The best clients I have are my best friends and it all starts with a genuine interest in the other person. When you get to your first date do not go directly into the matter, take a few minutes to establish rapport (synchrony) to obtain personal information that allows you to know more about their hobbies, family and personal experience. You can use these simple steps:

to. Praise something you like about him or his environment: "I see you play golf, congratulations on this award… etc"

b. Find common interest with the theme or flattered object: "I recently started golf lessons and I really like it."

4. Establish the power of us: To achieve a powerful “us” and play on the same team, your prospect is required to take your ideas as his and you must take his as yours. For example: "By establishing the policy together we will achieve a 20% increase in effectiveness."

5. Build credibility: During the presentation mention your experience and the successes of your company, do not forget the most important point is to show him the testimonials of your clients.

6. Do not deviate: if you are at the crucial point of your presentation and for some reason a personal or foreign issue arises, it is very likely that talking about it will make your product or service lose strength. If this happens to you, you should return cordially and quickly to the main topic.

7. Identify their needs: do not try to sell your product if it does not serve the prospect, it really helps the person you meet.

8. Speak in terms of benefits: Help your prospect make the decision. Always explain to them what you will gain from your product, for example, if you are going to have more profits, save money or make your work more efficient. It should always be clear how you are going to help him.

9.Identify pain points: we call pain points what bothers and / or affects the person; It is precisely where you urgently need your help. Know them, solve them and with this you will guarantee that the sale will be yours.

10. Request closure: it is essential that at the end of the meeting you obtain a commitment from the client: installation date, fiscal data to send you your invoice, shipping address or any information that helps you take the next step.

This time I share a tip that you should avoid in your sales appointments.

The use of the cell phone today is essential, but you must avoid being a source of distraction, avoid constantly watching the clock or notifications, since your prospect may take it as a lack of interest and even respect.

"The best gift we can give another person is our undivided attention."

10 Tips to face your first sales appointment