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10 Tips for achieving mental and body harmony


1. Having bodily mental harmony is a job of personal inquiry that seeks to become better people. This work does not necessarily consist in knowing but in being.

2. Inner harmony is an essentially mental-bodily state of balance, through which forces that act and integrate with one another develop to produce balanced responses of the intellectual self and the affective self.

3. A balanced person harmonizes his impulses because he is capable of learning a new behavior, making a decision, taking on a challenge, eliminating a defect… People are poor physically and / or mentally because nobody taught us the power that is carried in their own inside.

4. The first step on the road to a coherent life is mental-bodily harmony, because in it lies respect for ourselves.

5. To achieve mental-bodily harmony requires constancy and inner strength and inner strength is a consequence of self-attention.

6. There is a direct relationship between mental-bodily harmony, inner dialogue, self-attention and inner exploration…

7. Mental-bodily harmony can be achieved through breathing, relaxation and daily meditation techniques…

8. There is an intimate relationship between breathing and the emotional state in which a person is. (If you are an emotionally upset person, then your breathing will become irregular; but if your mood is calm, serene, then your breathing becomes regular. If you are calm, serene, and try to make your breathing irregular, soon You will find yourself tense and nervous, and the opposite is also true.)

9. The best response to a world in crisis is found within each human being.

10. According to the experience in carrying out this project, most of the people who follow it require some time to realize that they can incorporate the techniques of breathing and mental-body relaxation, as part of their daily activities.

10 Tips for achieving mental and body harmony