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10 tips on how to write articles that attract more customers to your blog


Writing is the daily craft of every marketer who engages in internet business.

… Marketing with Articles, Entries to business blogs for Google positioning, Persuasive Emails, Press Releases to highlight your authority, Letters of Sale, etc. …

If you don't continually produce fresh new content, your internet business will not grow or stagnate.

Anyone who wants to earn money online should be aware of this. Much of the work is writing.

You can make people laugh or cry or you can make them buy products thanks to the written word.

From the time I have been reading, writing and perfecting my writing day by day I have realized that writing is not the same as writing.

What a mess I'm making, right?

Let me briefly explain what I mean: While some manage to excite others with their texts, others produce boredom.

And precisely on the internet, where writing is present in every corner, it is very important to take into account some tricks and rules.

So… Turn tired texts into sharp weapons with me!

Here I give you 10 Tips to improve the writing of your business blog.

One, Two, Three List @? Let's get started!

1. But what do you want to say?

Before writing the first word, ask yourself, "What do I really mean?" First make notes about what you want your article to be about, helping you with bullets.

Write these points one after the other. There is nothing more frustrating than being in the middle of the text and realizing that you don't know how to proceed. It has happened to me too.

2. Who is the message of your article addressed to?

Do you know your target audience? Do you know who that target audience is? Who are you targeting with your article? Why should someone read your text? What benefits does your reader have with your text?

Answer these questions as accurately as possible. That is what will get your message to the right people.

3. Write briefly, concisely, and accurately

Keep your sentences and words as short as possible. They are much easier to read. Nobody likes to torment himself between long and complicated sentences.

Review each of the long sentences with more than 2 commas and make 2 short sentences if you can.

4. Get to the point

Internet users are impatient and your visitors are too. They want information that is to the point and that brings them benefits. So don't write about it.

Discard any words that prolong your text unnecessarily.

In summary: Say everything you need with as few words as possible.

I know that this is not always possible. I also confess guilt. Sometimes my texts are longer than desired. I am on the way to improve.

Say what you have to say and then continue.

"Do not make me waste my time." It sounds harsh, but this is how many people think.

5. Write as you speak

Imagine that when you write you are talking to a good friend. What do you say to him? How do you say it? In other words, avoid a pretentious and artificial vocabulary. This is unnatural and impersonal.

Read your own text out loud. When you hear the tone of your own voice, you will notice that it sounds harsh and unnatural.

Remember: When you write articles for your internet business, it is not about writing to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. What you want to achieve is attract your potential clients.

6. Write as detailed as possible

What do you think of the following phrases ?:

"With this method you attract much more traffic to your website."

=> Very well! And what does much more traffic mean?

And now:

"With this method you will attract 2000 more visitors a day to your website."

- 2000 visitors a day is a concrete statement.

Look what I mean!

"Much more traffic" >> says nothing, it makes no sense.

"2000 visitors a day" >> is a clear statement.

Give your reader answers. Don't let doubt invade you.

7. Actively write

Avoid words that end in -tion as much as possible, such as: Traffic Generation, Negotiation through the Internet, Goal setting, etc.

Don't do traffic generation but generate traffic.

Don't take care of the goal setting part but set the goals.

Action words (verbs) are active. You or someone else does something at the time.

Words ending in -tion belong to the vocabulary of bureaucrats. You know that from the writings you receive from the authorities.

Do you think those texts are personal? Or that they build trust? No, surely not.

"Our traffic generation efforts were successful" Ugly, right?

Why not ?: "We have been able to successfully generate traffic."

Of course, you can't replace all the words –tion ”.

Try to at least avoid most of them.

8. Avoid monstrously long words or phrases

Very long phrases or sets of words often seem very inflated and difficult to read.

"We are in the process of preparing our new product."

He writes better: "We are currently preparing our new product."

Why so refined if it can be simpler?

Try to convert such wordset monstrosities into active verbs.

9. Are you insecure or are you speaking?

"In some ways, this method will help you get maybe a little bit more traffic."

What does this phrase mean to you? That the copywriter is an insecure person or that supports your claim 100%? Try to mitigate potential resistance from the start. If you are convinced of what you say then you will write:

"With this method you get 500% more traffic."

Do you notice the difference? It is very, very likely that I will not buy the product that is mentioned in the first sentence. The second sentence has undoubtedly more force of affirmation. I can recognize that the writer of the second sentence supports what he says.

Cross out any restrictions in your text.

10. Avoid using foreign words as much as possible

Don't use too many foreign words. You don't need to impress anyone. What you want with your text is to achieve a very specific objective.

Too many foreign words in your text seem arrogant.

Your reader will have the feeling that you think you are superior to him. To reach people with your message, you must be on par with them.

Sometimes it is impossible to avoid mentioning certain foreign words. This will also depend on your target audience. If you use some of these words, make sure that the people you want to reach and intend to read your text, really understand the content of the text.


And finally some more clues of what you should avoid at all costs when writing your articles. Before publishing your content, check for errors:

Is it your text or does it feel like your text is…

… Exhausting, inflated, elaborate and complicated, boring, uncertain, passive and dry, awkwardly worded, impersonal, confused and aimless?

If you discover these negative qualities in your text, improve it.

Writing good texts is not a hidden science. If you follow these tips you will notice that your texts are getting better.

Uffff yes… writing articles can only be learned by writing. Write every day even if it's just a few paragraphs. With practice everything will get much better.

Use this article as a checklist. Check if your text breaks some of these rules, but… hey! Do not obsess!

I admit it, sometimes I also get out of these rules. I realized this when writing this article. I will improve this with each new article that I publish.

But your text will never be perfect. Even if you read it, reread, review, check… there will always be something you think you can improve.

Check it? Yes, but more importantly, publish it without further delay!

Do not allow to enter the paralysis of the analysis. Just go improving with time, surpassing yourself because then the least expected day you will realize that you have become an elite writer for internet business.

10 tips on how to write articles that attract more customers to your blog