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10 things you can only achieve if your life is balanced


The balance between personal life and work obligations is often underestimated. Especially in areas or generations where the culture at work, the commitment to the company, the desire to grow in the pyramid structure make priorities determined by these factors. Projecting career growth, yearning for a prosperous career, working to be successful and recognized is quite common, challenging, and sometimes even necessary to survive in ever-changing corporations or markets, but the cost should not be personal imbalance, because it will put risk everything obtained and achieved at that time and even future projection (a situation of tension between the place where we want to be and the current reality far from that desire cannot be sustained for a long time,without falling into frustrations and disappointments). Personal dissatisfaction, concentration problems, deterioration of physical and mental health are just some of the consequences of an unbalanced life. And all of this is really avoidable.

An important detail: working long hours is not always synonymous with an unbalanced life, on the contrary, working a few hours does not mean that your life is balanced.

Unfortunately, success in the profession or career is often thought to lead to a lack of a balanced life. That is false.

They do not have to be exclusive!

So what does it mean to have a balanced life and what are the benefits that it entails? A balanced life, as its name implies, is a life where all its areas have a natural balance. Some people are surprised when I ask them "what are the areas of your life?" The most common answer: personal area and work area. It is a very frequent division, but insufficient. There are other areas in your life to discuss: how about fun, recreation, social relationships, friends, family, career (not always related to work), partner, children, personal development, finance? You have to think of your life like the wheel of a car. If one side is more "sunken" than others, it will be more difficult for you to have a pleasant trip and reach your destination.The secret to being able to balance your life is to pay attention to all areas, of course setting priorities, but not leaving any of them totally neglected or very resentful. Find out what little things you can do in each area of ​​your life so that you can feel that you are dedicating a space to each of them.

Many times the context is not the best. The country's economy, the individual situation of each, the problems that naturally arise in each profession. All of these issues are facts and they happen. Sometimes you can prevent them from happening and sometimes it's just not under your control. But what relates facts to people are perceptions. What you perceive of each event will generate your reaction in each case. How you face problems, whether you worry or not, whether you feel depressed or motivated, whether it represents a challenge or a disorder, depends on many factors but one of the main ones is your state of balance. These are the 10 most important things you only achieve when your life is balanced:

  1. You give things the place they deserve: Just because you have a problem on a job project doesn't mean your career is at risk or your life is a mess. Often when our life is not balanced, we tend to oversize problems, because we cannot access the tools we have internally for composure and serenity to face situations or problems. You can see more clearly and do not allow doubts to overcome you: have you ever been through an instance of stress such that you only have doubts and cannot make any decisions? To think more clearly, you need balance. You focus on solutions and not problems: you are not looking for those responsible or guilty, you are focused on finding creative and alternative solutions to improve the situation.You understand more the reactions and emotions of the others: many times the others do not do what one expects or do not react as one would wish. The more focused and calm you are, the easier it will be to understand the weaknesses and weaknesses of those around you. And even their mistakes. You take the bull by the antlers and you orient yourself to the action: when you have balance you do not postpone your projects and you go for what you want and need. You don't stay in the "loop" of the pointless complaint. You act! If you don't like something, change it! You focus on the facts and don't get clouded by emotions: sometimes emotions can betray the reality of a fact (through perceptions).Your inner balance can help you find the moment to pause to give yourself time to stabilize and see things in a different way (did it ever happen to you that you answered an email very angry or reacted in a certain way, and after For a while you felt that "it really wasn't that bad"?) You overcome fear and self-sabotage: getting out of the comfort zone requires courage and determination. When fear invades you ask yourself "what is the worst thing that could happen to me if…?" Many times it does not turn out to be so terrible… You have a positive attitude and you spread good humor: a leader who has a bad attitude or a bad mood is unthinkable. What is going to infect and inspire your collaborators? But it is also very difficult to have a good attitude if your life is not in balance.You have a better grasp of frustrations and learn to see mistakes as real learning: Don't be disappointed by the results and whip yourself for the mistake. You take note of the mistake, you learn and you move on another path. You go off the autopilot and you wonder to find what you really want to achieve: it is not about questioning existentially or asking yourself all the time "why? It is rather an invitation to discover internally through reflection what is the meaning or "for what" of the things you do. And what are the things you would like to achieve? Are you living the life you want or the one others want?you learn and move on another way. You leave the autopilot and you wonder to find what you really want to achieve: it is not about questioning existentially or asking yourself all the time "why? It is rather an invitation to discover internally through reflection what is the meaning or "for what" of the things you do. And what are the things you would like to achieve? Are you living the life you want or the one others want?you learn and move on another way. You leave the autopilot and you wonder to find what you really want to achieve: it is not about questioning existentially or asking yourself all the time "why? It is rather an invitation to discover internally through reflection what is the meaning or "for what" of the things you do. And what are the things you would like to achieve? Are you living the life you want or the one others want?And what are the things you would like to achieve? Are you living the life you want or the one others want?And what are the things you would like to achieve? Are you living the life you want or the one others want?

I can continue writing more things that you can achieve if your life is balanced, but here is one more that I think is very important. Bonus track: When your life is balanced you give yourself the space to listen to your intuition. You pay attention to your inner voice.

Which of these situations do you identify with? What is the area of ​​your life that you have neglected? What small actions can you do every day to keep yourself in balance despite your daily obligations?

10 things you can only achieve if your life is balanced