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10 mistakes you must solve if you want to make money with your professional business

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This year I have been given a lot to write about in my articles about “making money”. Sure, it's not making money in any way, that's not my specialization, but making money with your professional business.

Most of the time I start a little market research with my contacts, followers, potential clients, etc., and ask them "what is the biggest problem you have in your business?", The answer immediately is "I do not earn enough, I don't have clients or sales to generate enough income, I just started and I don't have income ”and others very similar. How is it possible that so many people have “the same” problem, and time passes and passes and they still don't solve it?

If you feel identified with this, let's see what they are:

Mistake # 1 - Sell your knowledge like shoes

This is an example that I love to give because it is very graphic. Do you sell your knowledge as if it were a massive product? First reason, then, why you don't make money. The services require other types of promotion and advertising strategies so that your clients understand that this service is exactly what they need, and they also choose you among their many other options.

Take a look at this article to help you go deeper on this point -> How to promote and sell your professional services?

Mistake # 2 - Not having an ideal customer (sell to everyone or anyone)

You should probably have put this one in the first place, because in addition to being one of the most harmful, it is still the most common. When a client really realizes that what you have to offer is ideal for him (or what in your case is that client is ideal), money is one of the most salvageable obstacles. If you don't believe me, try selling something "almost gifted" to someone who doesn't need it. Money is not the most important thing. That this service is ideal for your client is.

Here is an article where you can work a little more on this point and how to define who is ideal for your service -> 5 keys that will teach you how to choose your ideal client.

Mistake # 3 - Not using your talent to stand out

You already know that there are thousands and hundreds of thousands of professionals who do the same as you. So you have to give your customers a good reason to choose you, right? A great way to stand out is to use your own talent to do it. The way you do what you do, the way you show yourself and what you show is what your potential client can evaluate of you.

If it connects with you with your way of being, with that plus that your talent gives you, then it will be much more "hooked" on you for those reasons than for more formal ones such as differentiators, competitive advantage, etc.

Mistake # 4 - Not being specific in what you offer

The more generic you make it, the less he will feel that it is ideal for him. The more strange words you use (although for you they are super common because you dedicate yourself to it !!) the less you will be able to connect what you need with your solution.

Offering coaching, consulting, a tool that is called this or that, is not really what your client needs. Your client needs to know that you have a solution for their problem called this or that.

I help my clients to sell their knowledge and thus be able to create and grow their professional business. It doesn't really matter if I do coaching, consulting, a combination of both, or something else. Results. That's the main. The method is curiosity (and some ask and I explain it to you) but it will not be decisive.

Mistake # 5 - Being invisible or anonymous and pretending to be bought

If nobody knows you, why do you suppose they are going to buy you? This is the way: first they know you, then they like you, then they trust you and over time they buy from you. How much time are we talking about? It is very variable, it depends on what you offer, how you connect with people, your communication, etc., but that is the way. If you do not go there, it will undoubtedly take longer and longer to arrive and it is likely that you will stay on the road without achieving results.

Mistake # 6 - Not evaluating your services

Valuing means knowing your value. Not their price, what they are worth. What you can help achieve, what you transform, the cost you avoid, the impact the problem you solve has in their lives.

Not valuing your services is having low rates, it is not knowing how to sell yourself, it is doing everything the same as others, it is not communicating how it can help your ideal client, it is not showing how you can make a difference.

Mistake # 7 - Not sharing anything for free or giving everything for free

This is one of my favorites, because balance is always the most difficult challenge. It is a mistake not to share anything for free with your potential clients. Why? Because through free resources (a book, a talk, a class, a paper, etc.) you can achieve many objectives much faster. For example, make yourself known, connect with your potential customers, position yourself in a certain market (and at a certain level of that market), that they like, that they realize that you are the solution to their problems, that they have a sample of your work etc.

But, you can't give away all your work either, because in that case, why would a customer bother buying from you if you give everything for free?

Mistake # 8 - Not using the internet to leverage your business and reach everyone

How would your professional practice change if you could use the internet to leverage not only the number of clients that come to you but also the income you generate? Why then limit yourself to offering your knowledge only locally?

The fear is always using this hyper powerful tool but looking unprofessional. Do not worry, here I share this article that will help you if this is what you fear -> The ABC to promote your professional business on the internet and not look unprofessional.

Mistake # 9 - Wanting results overnight

A metaphor I like at this point… "How do we get a 3-month-old baby to start crawling?" Than?! We can not?! For the same reason, your business needs to grow, be strong, evolve, position itself, be known, be recognized and then you will see results.

Waiting for them before is not only putting a lot of expectation, it is also putting everything to frustrate you ahead of time. I'm not saying don't look for them, on the contrary, you have to have them in mind to get going, focus and do what you have to do to get results. But knowing exactly how to set your expectations so that they play for you, and not against you.

Mistake # 10 - Not learning from your mistakes

If you go around hoping not to make a mistake in your business, you are “fried”. Making a mistake is human and many times it is even a blessing, because it allows you to use your creativity to find "another way" to achieve what you expect. Also you already know what the phrase says, what does not kill you makes you stronger.

The important thing is not "not to be wrong" but to learn. If a strategy did not work you have to think about why and try to solve it the next. If a client said "no" you have to analyze their reason and see what you can improve for the next one. Capitalizing on your mistakes is even better than not making them.

Did you like this article? What do you think of the advice I have shared? If you want to receive more tips, ideas and strategies to learn how to earn money selling your knowledge, your talent and experience, I invite you to subscribe for free to my weekly newsletter: Marketing & Business Professionals.

10 mistakes you must solve if you want to make money with your professional business