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10 Basics for you to write effective content on your website

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Did you know that, when writing for the Internet, you need to think as a producer of television broadcasts rather than as an author? The truth is that the Internet is a multifaceted medium that is not only expressed through written language. If you want to have a voice and vote on the web, you will have to learn to think far beyond what you were taught to write printed material. To write effectively on the web, you need to know the 10 fundamentals of how to write for the Internet.

Knowing how to write well does not guarantee success on the web. It is one thing to know how to communicate well through printed material and it is quite another to transmit a message effectively on the web.

The internet reader does not read like the printed material reader. Rather than reading, he scrolls through the content on the screen until he finds something that interests him.

That is why it is so important that anyone who wants to communicate with their readers in a virtual way, knows how to present their information in such a way that they do not discard the message when reading the first lines.

Anyone who wants to be successful on the web, whether it is providing a service or running their own business on the Internet, needs to know the basic fundamentals of how to write for the Internet.

Garth A. Buchholz of Contentology.com gives an excellent compilation of the 10 most important aspects of writing on the web:

The 10 Basics of Writing for the Internet

1. Get to know the community you are targeting

Ask yourself: How valuable is your content to them?

You have to know your readers in the same way that a television broadcast program must know its audience. You must know your ages, your level of education, your interests, your problems, your opinions, etc.

2. There is a big difference between printed text and on-screen text

Printed content is structurally and functionally different from online content.

In the first, the reader reads on paper, while in the second, the reader reads light.

Also, printed content is more formal and passively read. It is narrative and presents a continuous view of the content. The writing for the web, on the other hand, is informal, segmented, interactive and dynamic.

3. Internet content goes beyond mere words

When you write for the Internet, you should think as if you were writing for a television show. Think about giving the right presentation and allowing interaction.

Analyze the medium in which your content will be found. Think about the audiovisual ingredients you could add.

4. Words are also graphic images

Design is decisive in a visual medium such as the web. This is why it is so important to consider the visual impact your reader gets before you start reading.

People pay close attention to the style of the font, the color and size of the text and how it appears on the page.

5. Never copy and paste

When searching for content for your page, it is not very effective to simply reuse content from another source. Adapt and organize it in a way that is attractive to your readers and consistent with the rest of the content on the site.

6. Write content rich in high-value keywords

Include them in your titles, subtitles and spread them naturally throughout the text.

The internet reader has a mindset to search and withdraw. They prefer to scroll through the text with their eyes to find the keyword or the links that serve it, without reading the bulk of the text.

7. Write in pieces

On the Internet, people have a "0" tolerance for long, long chunks of text.

Even when you are writing a longer text, such as an article, break it into small segments. Cut the content when you can and use your "Enter" key often to separate the text into short paragraphs.

Remember that your content should always be easy to navigate with your eyes. Visual impact is key. If nobody reads what you have written, no matter how good its content, what is the point?

8. Don't write content unnecessarily

The 80/20 principle also applies on the web: 80% of the original content is written by 20% of the people.

Think, how much of your content could be reduced if you simply put a link back to the page that already contains what you mean? Simply link to content on other sites. Readers love to interact while reading, so provide links to other pages so they can delve into a specific topic.

9. Use the traditional inverted pyramid structure used in newspapers

The Internet, like newspapers, should be fast to read and have a lot of content that captures the reader's attention. Make sure the who, what, when, where, how and why are at the beginning.

Minor details should follow below, going from the general to the more specific at the end of the text. The idea is that the reader has a good understanding of the content by just reading the title and the first lines of the text.

10. Your style must be personal, dynamic and irresistible to your reader

Write as if you are speaking to your reader. Share your opinion and take a safe position on the subject you are dealing with. People love to read content that is real, individual, creative, and positive. Avoid unnecessary wordiness and write unpretentiously.

Remember: when you write for the Internet, you are writing for one community-one reader at a time.

10 Basics for you to write effective content on your website