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10 Ideas to grow with personal crises


For months we have been hearing about the crisis and it is a good opportunity to take what happens outside as a reflection of what happens to us individually: when we can take crises (external or internal) as opportunities instead of threats, we will have greater possibilities of grow up.

Here are some ideas for learning to take apparently difficult external stimuli as challenges to get better:

  1. Change attitude

    A good way is by observing different people who take the same fact in an opposite or different way from their own (which is not the only one, nor the true one and therefore, possible to modify). SOS

    Having the courage and humility to be able to ask for help when a different vision is not found. Until one can dare to see the crises in a different way, the conclusions they will reach will always be the same, to see with different eyes it is necessary to ask for help from those who have the facility to provide it. Practice, practice and practice

    To grow with crises (both external and internal) we need to practice new attitudes sustained over time. A good way to start is to practice these ideas for at least six months. Find examples

    There are always people around us who have already dared to take the step that we find so difficult to achieve. They can inspire us, it's just a matter of starting to look around. Laugh at yourself

    It is necessary to be encouraged to put aside the ego that always complains and feels offended and start laughing at their own awkwardness. Don't wait for magic formulas from outside

    It is necessary to make the following reflection: "What is my part of responsibility to have come this far?" If I do not take responsibility for my actions I can never get out of my personal crisis since we can only transform what we take care of. Search for rewarding contexts

    To get out of a crisis space, it is necessary to start with the external context. What characterizes a context? The physical environment, conversations, contact with nature, among other things. If the contexts in which I live are not the ones I like, what do I expect to create new ones? Connect with sensations

    Both sports and artistic activities connect us with the world of sensations. And when we are in the senses, we stop being in the head (which is what keeps us in crisis). Act now

    This implies deciding today with what specific actions I am going to start a growth path. As Goethe said: “Whatever you can do or dream you can do, start it. Audacity has genius, power, and magic. Start it now ». Read this article and break it!

    If after reading these ideas, they are cut and pasted in the refrigerator, the most important thing is missing: the pleasure of making. All this is to keep it in mind and then it is like going out to dance: to enjoy the dance it is not important to count the steps but to enjoy.

10 Ideas to grow with personal crises