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10 Commandments to find the ideal niche for your internet business

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Are you having trouble finding the ideal niche for your membership site? Welcome to the club! The vast majority of people break their heads when defining their ideal niche. But it is not necessary. Find out why the ideal niche does not exist and the 10 key commandments you must obey to find yours.

The most frequent questions my clients ask me about their Internet business are about their specific niche.

Some do not know which niche to choose among all the options they have and others have already chosen a niche, but it is too widespread.

Choosing an ideal category determines 80% of the success of your Internet business, an excellent reason why you should stop and answer the questions you have about it.

How can you determine exactly which is your ideal niche?

Here comes the dramatic:

You really can't determine it with 100% accuracy!

The vast majority of people who are successful on the web are specifying their niche as they implement their business.

The important thing is that they start with a well-defined winning idea and then fine-tune it as they get to know their ideal customer better and discover their own abilities to serve you better.

They are governed by certain key parameters to which you must also abide if you want to determine the winning niche for your Internet business, without wasting time, money or useless efforts in unsuccessful attempts.

How to do it in practice?

Below I list the 10 key commandments you must follow to find your specific niche on the web:

The 10 commandments to find your ideal niche

  1. Part of the base that you are not going to know exactly what your ideal niche is when you start. Still, do your best to determine a “provisional” niche according to the 4 parameters that I indicate below: Your specific niche must be yours. I like and should reflect a unique skill that you recognize as one of your strengths within the baggage of skills / knowledge / experiences that you have. Your specific niche must have a market. Make sure that there is a high demand for what you want to offer and that the people who have that need have purchasing power. There is nothing more frustrating than creating a business on the web with a subject that you are passionate about and then discovering that nobody buys you. You must be able to differentiate yourself from your competition.Over time you will recognize that you have a special aptitude to solve the problems in your market that others do not possess. Exploit it! That aptitude is what I call your "secret sauce" that will cause your clients to persecute you and not your competition. Determine the profile of your ideal client. Look at the people you have served in the past. Which of them did you like working with? Which of your clients made you feel fulfilled with the help you gave them? That will be the model of your ideal client. Now you implement. Stop studying and take action. Direct all your efforts to serve that one customer well. All your delivery, from your free material to your high-priced products, such as your hours of personal coaching, should be characterized by meeting the needs of your ideal client.Once you have your provisional niche well outlined, don't wait any longer and start serving your clients as if they were all an ideal client! As you work with your ideal client in your Internet business, be careful to adjust and adapt Your niche constantly according to points 3, 4,5 and 6. Once your specific niche has been determined, keep looking for sub-niches that you can group within your offer, according to the needs you see in your customers.according to the needs you see in your clients.according to the needs you see in your clients.
10 Commandments to find the ideal niche for your internet business