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10 ways to be unhappy in your life

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Focus on all the bad things around you, and ignore all the good you have in your life. Think that the bad times are here to stay and give free rein to your negativity. Remember that your language creates your reality, so the more negative words you use in your internal speech, the less you will be able to detect the possibilities around you.

Avoid your problems

Don't confront adversity, don't fight. Better turn your problems around and put off your dreams and your projects. Eat, drink, or sleep excessively; do anything that will keep you from facing life. Giving up without trying anything, and living finding justifications for everything, over time will greatly decrease your feeling of pride, satisfaction and self-esteem.

Compare yourself with others

Get frustrated with all the things that have not yet come into your life. The neighbor's garden is always greener. If for you what you do or what you have is never enough; it will be difficult for you to respect yourself, take advantage of your resources, value your own achievements and boost your personal history.

Worry about things that haven't happened yet

Unleash your anguish and fear, allow it to steal your energy from the present. Worry excessively, this way you will begin to pay the interests of a debt of which perhaps, you never receive the invoice. Failure to keep things in perspective and focus on everything that can go wrong will paralyze you and prevent you from making smart decisions.

Let your problems overwhelm you

Let your problems spin in your head until they cloud your mind. "Mental rumination" is characterized when you hold onto a thought and allow it to spin too much in your mind; they start as a snowball and end as an "avalanche". It can be avoided when you find a way to "clear and clear your mind" and handle things with equanimity, down to earth.

Do the things you don't love

Do not allow yourself to shine, or do what you like the most, do not develop your talents. Be comfortable with what you do today and if there is no other choice: stay for a while. If you really want to develop, you need to identify your passions and interests, cultivate them and let them "flourish." Working with your strengths is a powerful life and career strategy.

Maintain your toxic relationships and don't set limits

Try to stay close to people who live on criticism and gossip, those "energy vampires" that make you feel bad about yourself or make you feel empty with their judgments. Positive relationships are an important part of your well-being and mental health, learn to differentiate them from toxic ones.

Try to change others instead of changing yourself

You could be a better husband if you had a "better wife", you would be a better professional if you had a "boss with better leadership" or you would work in a "good company", you would be a better father of family if you had "less complicated children", etc. When you take responsibility for your life and your results, you understand that you have the power and are not a victim of anything or anyone.

Try to please everyone

Make the opinion of others the most important thing in your life. Allow "what they will say" to be the guide in your decisions and tolerate everything to keep up appearances. When you are clear about what you are looking for in your life, you do not need the approval of those around you and you can develop your autonomy and authenticity.

Hold on to things, expectations, people and don't be flexible

You do not adapt to changes, do not accept the inevitable. When you live in conflict, because life has not met our expectations, you see the world with eyes of scarcity. When you live from acceptance and gratitude, you practice the abundance mindset, you enjoy life, and you find peace.


  • Ten Surefire Ways to Achieve Unhappiness- Cellestine Chua - Personal Excellence.
10 ways to be unhappy in your life