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10 Steps to improve the positioning of your website


Every company must have some kind of presence on the Internet, but it is of little use to be on the Internet if we do not make sure that search engine robots find our pages and are able to visit all our content.

Below we are going to give some specially recommended basic tips to improve the visibility of our website on Google, which in itself will already help to improve our positioning, if only because by following these tips Google will better understand our site and will not be left out. no page we want without visiting.

  1. Register your website in the Google search engine if it was not already and get other websites to link to your website offering them added value (articles, press releases, reports…) Google highly appreciates the information and fresh content. If you already have pages included in Google, start with a simple search in Google itself that tells you the pages it has indexed, for this write the following search: site: miweb.com Use Google's Free Webmaster Tools to know how Google tracks our website. If you have not registered your site, register it. For example, the Content Analysis tool will let you know if there is a problem with your Meta tags. Create and frequently update the Sitemap (Standard Sitemap in XML format for search engines) of your site depending on what you update each section and Include information about which sections are updated most frequently. Check that the names of your images provide information about what they contain. Google prefers to find file names of images of the style contact.jpg, orders.jpg… than 0001.jpg, imageA.jpg… It also thinks that, if you allow it through the Webmasters tools, the images will also be included in the search engine of images from Google. If you appear at the top of Google,It is very possible that along with your website a series of additional links appear, which are the sections that the search engine has considered the main ones of your website. If you do not agree with this classification, you can delete some of those links so that others appear, modifying them. Check the states of your Web pages and about all 404 errors of page not found. If a page changes places it emits a code 301 and indicates the new location of the page, this will help you not to lose the scoring history that the search engine would have given you and you will avoid inconvenience to your users, since the change is transparent. If the page does not exist anymore, make sure it is not linked from another point on the web. Check the Google documentation on how to handle changes to URLs. Create original content designed for people,not only to be better positioned in Google. Avoid duplicating content and if you have no choice (as with affiliate programs), customize them to the maximum or improve them with additional content and information. Never use pages that only search engines can see (Doorway pages) or you can be expelled and deleted from Google. Organize the content of your pages by outlining the structure of your website with tagsOrganize the content of your pages by outlining the structure of your website with tagsOrganize the content of your pages by outlining the structure of your website with tags

    so for example, the H1 tag is the title of the page, the H2 the main points, H3 subpoints… just as you would do with a written document. Use the web standards and check if your website complies with them. The W3C offers free online tools to verify if your website complies with XHML standards or if your style sheets comply with the CSS standard. This in addition to improving visibility with search engines will help improve the usability and compatibility of the website.
10 Steps to improve the positioning of your website