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10 Points to check if your membership site will be successful

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Not sure if your membership site will be successful? Here's a checklist that you can check to see if it meets these 10 conditions. If it doesn't meet all of them, try to fix what's missing before launching your membership.

How can you know if your membership site is going to be successful?

You will never be 100% certain before you have it implemented and working, but there are several conditions that your membership site must meet so that you can minimize the risk of failure.

My students are always amazed at the amount of time I spend planning the right way for their membership site. The most obvious step, which is to implement a website and membership software, is second to last in my priorities for a successful membership site.

Because, for me, pre-planning is essential to be successful. It is like sharpening the ax in silence to go out and cut down the tree at once.

Here is a checklist that you can use to assess whether you have prepared well enough to launch your membership site successfully:

1. Are you passionate about the topic of your membership?

It is not necessary that the topic of your membership be a priority in your life, but you should think that you are going to dedicate yourself to this area for a few years at least. You have to feel "like a fish in the water" with what you do. If the subject does not excite you, you will hardly be able to enthuse others.

2. Is there demand in your market?

Although it sounds obvious, I've seen too many people make a product, or write their eBook, only to find that no one wants to buy from them. It is essential to do a good market study before starting. You should not only know if there is demand for your product / service, but you should also check if your market has purchasing power.

3. Do you know the most burning needs of your clients?

It is important at this point to be clear that your customers may have a need that you see, but they are not aware of it. You need to address urgent needs that are obvious to your customers and that they want to address immediately.

4. Do you know how to reach your clients?

Despite the fact that on the Internet you have so many different ways of reaching people, you have to know in which specific places you can locate them and what are the most effective strategies to reach them.

5. Have you studied your competition?

Contrary to what you may think, it is good to have competition on the Internet. Firstly, it is an excellent indication that you are in a good market niche, and secondly, they can transform into powerful allies of yours by making strategic alliances with them.

6. Can you differentiate yourself from your competition?

In my course I talk a lot about what I call “your secret sauce”. It is the essence that you put into your business and that will differentiate it from other businesses in the same field. Your secret sauce is made up of your personality and also the unique combination of talents and abilities you have.

7. Do you have an advertising strategy?

Most people who start their Internet business are unaware that advertising is going to be 80% of their occupation in their Internet business. It is extremely important that you have a solid advertising strategy in place, ideally combining free advertising strategies with paid advertising.

8. Have you contacted other entrepreneurs in the field?

You can't play lone wolf on the Internet. One of the first things you should do is establish contact with other people who work in your field or in a field related to yours. Both online and offline, it is necessary to establish cooperation networks, either in the form of strategic alliances, affiliates or a “Mastermind” group that meets periodically to help each other.

9. Do you have a good mentor who understands membership?

On the Internet it is essential to be guided by a person who has already reached where you want to go. You will save yourself a lot of money, effort and headaches by investing in someone else who can save you from making many mistakes in your business.

10. Do you have other products that you can offer to your future members?

Beyond membership, I advise you to have at least one additional service or product available for those who want to receive more from you, such as a personal coaching program that you can offer in parallel to your membership. Over time you should complement your membership with other products and services that meet the different needs of your customers and that will constitute multiple sources of income for your business in the future.

10 Points to check if your membership site will be successful