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11 Tips to be happy at your job


1. Take pride in your work and do it with joy

If you are one of those people who spend shouting at your job when the boss is not present, you are not on the right track. Many people take it out in some way for something that seems unfair to them by doing a bad job. The job must be done well, unless it is within your plans to get out on the first cut.

2. Find creative ways to get the job done

Whether it is faster or with better quality, do not let yourself be screwed as the same routine causes us to lose creativity.

3. Don't be jealous of your work or your knowledge

Share what you know with your subordinates, give the areas that ask for it the information they need in a timely manner so that the operation of the company is not delayed and you are responsible. Be generous with new people, remember that what is taught is learned twice.

4. Keep your private life

In the past, it was customary to give everything to the company, leaving the family as a second priority. It didn't matter that your children didn't know you, as long as you were fine with your boss. This no longer works like this for a reason. Businesses no longer care for their employees the way they used to, so that if someone were hired somewhere, they could count on them to be eternally working for that company.

5. It is very important to take care of the job but not to the extent of putting everything else aside

For your own personal respect and to set a good example for your subordinates, never underestimate the value of family.

6. Stay healthy

Smoking, drinking, eating on the run, skipping hours of sleep, overexerting ourselves, doing whatever it takes to get the job done can deteriorate our health. Of course, the medical expenses insurance that the company gives you can pay for hospitalization for ulcers or heart attacks. There is a saying that says: When I was young I worked above my health to earn a lot of money, now that I have a lot of money I only use it to recover the health I lost. Do not let your health deteriorate, nothing is worth as much as yourself.

7. Stay in a good mood and with a good face

Since you are part of the landscape of others who see something pleasant. Nobody likes to see faces like Mrs. Roz's from the "Monters" movie

8. There will always be something in our work that bothers us, not everything can be perfect, nor should it be so

Even life is not like that. Whatever bothers you, try to fix it yourself, or at least make it more tolerable. No one likes to live with the eternal complainer. Neither in life, nor in the family, nor at work. If you're not willing to improve a situation that bothers you, the next obvious reaction is to complain.

9. Seek change

Staying eternally in the same place can also make us brain stiff. Maybe we are not all the type of person who likes challenges, promotions, new jobs, changes, but rather enjoys monotony. Just keep your eyes open for new opportunities even if you don't take all the new opportunities that come your way, that you take some once in a while - very occasionally it's better than if you never take any.

10. Be respectful of your coworkers

Being equal or very joking at first can be very funny, but it tends to tire. On the other hand, being very hostile to your colleagues or subordinates can make us unpleasant in the eyes of others and create enemies in the short term. Do not make others fantasize about your departure from the company.

11. Make peace with those coworkers with whom you don't get along

Sometimes some people hate each other and don't even remember why anymore. Maintain peace of mind by making others feel comfortable with you and vice versa.

11 Tips to be happy at your job