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12 Tips to have a sales business website


If you have a website to make money from it, but you are not getting results, then you should analyze why.

I'm sure it happened to you too. I am sure that you have also become frustrated and desperate for not obtaining the expected results with your website. And that you have dedicated a lot of time to it, you have forced yourself to learn new terms, you have broken your head so that your website stands out among the others. You have selected the most beautiful colors, you have carefully placed the most striking photos, you have made everything perfect. Well with everything and that, nothing has worked!

I would not know how to explain to you clearly and precisely that having the most beautiful website on the internet and perhaps the most expensive website does not necessarily mean that it is a sales website.

Pay attention! I am sure that the following tips will make you reflect:

Different results require different actions!

1- Analyze your strategy! Does your website have a strategy for attracting, retaining and returning the visitor?

2- Avoid delays in loading your page! Do you know that slow pages to load lose strength?

3- Capture your visitor's attention in less than 9 seconds! Does your website have a striking headline that captures your visitor's attention?

4- Use a Landing Page for this! Does your website instantly show what your visitor wants to see?

5- Use a blog to communicate with your audience by contributing relevant and relevant news ! Do you have any way to build trust?

6- Link to Social Networks! Do you know where your potential clients spend more time ?

7- Build customer loyalty through valuable information bulletins, not advertising! Do you use an autoresponder?

8- Make analysis and measurements of your results! Do you use link shorteners or Analytics to analyze your results and improve them?

9- Absolute commitment and perseverance because it requires time, perseverance and your participation! Are you really committed to your project on the Internet ?

10- Put yourself in the customer's mind! Any type of effort on the internet can be identified through the clicks obtained. Are you blind in your online business or are you measuring results ?

11- Make for this purpose statistics and evaluations of your results in order to constantly improve!

12- The Responsibility is Yours. It is you who wants to boost your business and who wants to sell through the internet.

Quite a task, right? How about? Did you like it?

12 Tips to have a sales business website