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12 Things Happy People Do Different

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Scientific studies conducted by one of the great representatives of Positive Psychology Sonja Lyubomirsky Ph. D in Psychology from Stanford University.- point out 12 things that happy people do regularly to increase their levels of happiness and well-being. These habits are applicable at any time and in any context of life:

  1. Express gratitude - When what you have is appreciated, what is appreciated increases its value before us. Valuing the good things that are already evident in our lives and diverting our attention from what we lack, helps us generate a much deeper feeling of happiness. Cultivating optimism - Winners have the ability to generate their own optimism. Even in the worst situations, if your mind is trained to search for hidden opportunities and your dominant thoughts focus on possibilities; You will develop the skill that enables you to turn learning failures and growing adversity. Avoid redundant thinking and social comparison - Constantly comparing yourself to others is an emotional poison. If the comparison is in our favor,we develop a false sense of superiority; if it is against us, we discard our efforts and progress because someone "is doing better". The healthiest comparison is the one we make with our own version, being better today than we were yesterday. Practicing acts of generosity - Generosity helps us release serotonin in our brain. Selflessly helping someone has impressive benefits for our health and mood. Cultivating social relationships - The happiest people on the planet are those who have deep, meaningful relationships and feel “connected”. Studies reveal that the death rate increases almost double in lonely people. Developing strategies for dealing with pain - Pain and negative emotions are part of life.How you respond to the worst moments is what will shape your character. It can help you to have a box of "personal tools" where you include what you know what can help you to "get up" and to have thought ahead of time about certain strategies to regroup when you feel that you are "falling apart". Learning to forgive - Holding grudges and hatreds is the worst thing you can do to your well-being. Your mind does not distinguish the difference between the emotions generated by your present or your past, and negativity has an isolating effect that can weaken your immune system. Let it go and forgive, because you deserve to be well. Increase experiences in "flow state" - This state athletes know as the "zone" and is characterized because it absorbs us completely, we are good at what we are doing, Everything flows,We know exactly what the next step is, we don't feel the passage of time, and the activity itself delights us. Generally you can find your state of flux where your interests and passions are. Savor the joys of life - deep happiness does not exist but we are able to slow down our pace of life to enjoy the little tastes and joys. Learning to enjoy the moment we are in - with our 5 senses - is basic to happiness. Commit to goals - It is important to be fully committed to your long-term goals, your plans and the vision you have for your life.. Acting from the heart can help you accomplish what you know you have to do to achieve your goals, even when you don't feel like doing it.Practicing spirituality - Spirituality or religion helps us align all goals with a deeper purpose in our existence, also known as a life mission. Practicing spirituality in some way helps us answer why we are here. Taking care of your body - Taking care of your body is essential to increase your happiness.

If you are not in good condition, you will not have the levels of mental (focus), emotional (feelings), spiritual (purpose) energy to meet your goals. Taking care of our bodies with discipline and self-control helps us increase our sense of achievement and self-esteem.


The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky.

12 Things Happy People Do Different