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12 Habits of happiness and success

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Samuel Smiles wrote:

Sow a thought and you will reap an act.

Sow an act, you reap a habit.

Sow a habit and you will reap a personality.

Sow a personality and you will reap a destiny.

In this article I present you the twelve habits that you must plant to reap happiness and success in your life.

1. Seek happiness within yourself and be happy

Happiness is a state of mind decided by you, if you want to be happy you just have to decide. It is common for people to be taught to be unhappy, this means to put their mood in things that they do not control, for example: the behavior of bosses, friends, the economic situation of the country, etc., in general behavior of the environment, of what surrounds us and we do not control.

So when these things don't meet people's expectations, they feel unhappy. The secret of happiness is in putting our state of mind in function of the things that we control such as our effort, capacity, etc., only in this way will we achieve permanent happiness, all that we control is called our inner world.

2. Smile

Performing a physical smile gesture will cause favorable and immediate effects on your mood, the smile inspires the deepest feelings of love, joy and happiness. Studies show that every time a person smiles, they put the TIMO to work, which sends a small discharge of chemicals that travel throughout the body, stabilizing the nervous system and improving the functioning of the brain, finally causing feelings of well-being in the persons.

It is easier to get what you want with a smile than with the point of the sword.

William Shakespeare

A smile provokes a response of joy and happiness in others, therefore it will allow your relationships with others to be better.

3. Be positive

Being positive is conditioned to the way of seeing the world, of facing situations and of waiting for the future. A positive person sees opportunities in the world, faces situations thinking that they will obtain positive results, and hopes that the future will bring good and not bad things.

A negative person sees threats in the world, faces situations hoping to obtain negative results; that is, he loses the war before having fought and expects only negative things from the future.

The question is what suits us, the answer is obvious, positive people are more likely to succeed than negative people. Always think and act positively.

Optimism is the faith that leads to success. Nothing can be done without hope and trust.

Helen Keller

4. Identify your vocation and undertake projects that go with it

The best way to feel good and succeed in the work you do is developing that activity in which you feel that you are good and that you also like, that is known as a vocation.

Many people live behind the back of their vocation, they never paid attention to it and due to life circumstances today they are developing different activities in which they do not feel comfortable and that represent jobs that they do out of obligation.

♫ ♫ ♫… everything you do out of obligation

♫ ♫ ♫ takes away the joy of your heart

Fito Páez (The next room)

The solution to this problem is to identify your vocation and undertake projects that are related to it.

Dare not to be unhappy all your life.

5. Set yourself a goal, focus all your effort on it and do everything possible to achieve it

Generally people set many goals and then live in anguish because they do not achieve any, the explanation is that they have dispersed their effort and resources, they want to achieve everything and in the end they did not achieve anything.

In order not to fall into this error, it is better to set a goal and focus on it. But it is not enough to have set a goal, to be successful, you must accompany the goal with activities to achieve it, let us not fall into the sin of those who set a goal but do nothing to achieve it, with which they only manage to be one more than the many dreamers who wonder why they get nothing.

The other mistake is doing things without having a goal, so we don't achieve any results because we don't direct our efforts towards an end. Draw a north and defend your purposes.

6. Be ambitious

Many people think that having many goals is being ambitious and they consider having a house, a profession, a good job, a good car and in the end they achieve nothing.

The ambition does not consist in setting many objectives but in the value of the objective, which is represented by the goal, which is the result that you want to achieve with the objective; for example, my goal is to earn money and the goal is the precise result that I want to earn (five thousand soles / dollars / pesos… this month).

Being ambitious means drawing a big result, which must be measured in terms of the imbalance it generates between what you have in resources and what you want to achieve; for example, I have 10 soles and I want to reach 10,000 soles, the bigger the gap, the more ambitious you will be.

But ambition has a reason for being, that you strive to make better use of your resources, if you set a big goal you will be forced to use your resources better to achieve it, if you set a small goal you will do the opposite.

7. Be honest

Your security lies in your integrity, as you commit to something and support your commitment to actions, your security will increase.

Integrity is having coherence between what one says, thinks and does.

If you are not consistent you lose internal security; that is, you stop believing in yourself, which will weaken you and that will not allow you to achieve your goals.

If you have integrity, your internal security increases and that translates into the strength that will allow you to achieve your goals.

8. Do not give up, persevere until you get what you want

Things are not easy, they take time and in that process you can have falls, the secret to succeed is not to stop and persevere, get up.

Our greatest glory is not in never having fallen, but in getting up every time we fall.

Oliver Goldsmith

People who have been successful followed that path; those who did not were discouraged in the attempt.

9. Turn falls into learning

Failure does not mean failure. A failure must be taken only as a lost battle, while you have life you will never have lost the war, only that battle; therefore, you have to consider failure as learning to use it in the next battle.

Failure is a great opportunity to start smarter again.

Henry Ford

10. Use the technology of the obvious

Please do not discover the powder, if someone has already invented a route to get something, use it.

The technology of the obvious is to imitate the good and then overcome it. It is recommended on this path, locate the best in a first stage and imitate him, then seek to overcome him. That will save you time on the road to success.

11. Let your boss be your principles

If you don't want to be wrong in life, make your boss your principles; That means that when you have to make a decision between two or more alternatives, each one is contrasted with your principles.

The principles are the values ​​that humanity has such as honesty, justice, sincerity, responsibility, love of neighbor, treating others as we want to be treated, etc., which have worked in all time and space and have protected man from destruction and misery.

Normally these principles are in the religions and the philosophical knowledge as common points, know them and practice them.

12. Act with maturity

Find the balance between the courage you have to have to defend your positions and the empathy you have to have so as not to harm others, maturity is that balance.

12 Habits of happiness and success