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12 useful ways to say no

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Knowing how to say "NO" is something that is learned and that most of the time it is difficult for us for not wanting to sound rude, for fear of losing a good opportunity, for fear of conflict, for not wanting to damage our relationships; or simply because: we do want to help, but we do not have the time or the resources to do so.

When we accept the commitment to take on a project or to help someone else, we must be careful that it is not at the expense of our well-being and our peace. The cost of saying "YES" when you wish you had said otherwise, is a very high cost. When you are unhappy with a decision, sooner or later it ends up being reflected in our attitude or in our results.

The easiest way to say "NO" is by saying it. You should not think so much, nor anticipate the reaction of others, in truth you will be surprised at how well people understand it. Start by saying "NO" to those things that really affect your needs and invade your space in the most obvious way; and over time it will be easier for you to choose your personal and professional commitments.

Stephen Covey said: "Define your priorities and say no to everything else", so establish what is most important in your personal and professional life and decide where you will invest your time and energy.

Here are 12 ways to say no assertively:

  1. I have other priorities at the moment, today I cannot commit to something like this, thank you. Now is not a good time, I am in the middle of a project, how about we discuss it again on X date? I cannot give you an answer now, let me Think about it and I'll call you later. I would love to, but I really can't. I'm not in a position to take something like that for now. It sounds very interesting, but it has nothing to do with what I'm doing today, I'll have it in mind for him. future. I really appreciate you offering it to me, but I can't do it. I understand that you really need my help, but honestly now I can't help you with something like that, I'm sorry. I feel honored because they considered me, however my answer is no… No, I can't do that, but this is what I can do… I can't get involved in something like this for now, but I can recommend you to X person.I don't think I'm the right person to help with this, but why don't you try X?


  • 10 Helpful Ways of Saying No - Julie de Acevedo Hanks. 7 Simple Ways of Saying No - Celestine Chua.
12 useful ways to say no