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16 essential ideas to temper the being


Excerpted from the book "16 Hours to temper the being." This is a summary of the concepts addressed in the pages of the book "16 hours to Temper the Self". I have extracted here some paragraphs that seem important to serve as a guide in the daily training towards the conscience.

Idea No. 1

"Self-leadership" is the human condition of self-discovery. It is to discover and enhance our strengths; it is to accept and transform our weaknesses, exploring the depths of our Inner Self, where the essence of the universe and its principles inhabit.

Idea No. 2

Our mind produces more than 60,000 thoughts per day and most of these thoughts are negative. This confirms, even more, that we are excessively clinging to negative energy and determines a real harm for us, in all areas where we operate.

Idea No. 3

In general, human beings focus attention on the problems of daily life, in the everyday; Be it financial, home, work, etc. difficulties, and we end up identifying ourselves with the negative emotions of helplessness, despair, jealousy, sadness, envy and so many more.

Idea No. 4

When undesirable thoughts invade our mind, they defeat our own will. It happens that we have become so accustomed to thinking negatively that, by re-educating her again, it will reveal her powerful stubbornness, since that vice of thinking inappropriately generates powerful rails that lead thoughts towards self-sabotaging beliefs.

Idea No. 5

Creative visualization allows us to approach a life in fullness; to a life in which we can obtain what we propose. It consists of putting in our mind an idea, an image of what we want to create for ourselves, imagining the present reality "transformed" into what we believe we deserve and then achieving that transformation.

Idea No. 6

THANKS, it is more than a word; it is to maintain our “certainty” that what we visualize is already a reality “here and now”. Why not thank our supreme power that constantly creates through us and that lives in our Being?

Idea No. 7

Each word we speak produces a specific direction generating the transformation of our living conditions. What we say or express creates realities for ourselves and also for others who share our existence.

Idea No. 8

Each word manifested with positive energy enables the generation of positive realities. Positive affirmations or phrases allow us to improve our living conditions. The repetition of these affirmations will allow us to create new patterns of thought or beliefs.

Idea No. 9

Expressing affirmations mentally or verbally, strengthens the positive thoughts that we generate in our minds as images and predisposes us to produce constructive changes in our lives, since they contribute to our creative processes.

Idea No. 10

It is important that at some time of the day we practice silence, to achieve the elevation of our energies and allow us to be in a contemplative and still state. In the act of experiencing silence, the answers we ask or need begin to appear. It is in the practice of silence that we enter the path of our own inner wisdom.

Idea No. 11

The manifestations on the material plane, that is, everything that we obtain in this tangible reality, start from the generation of thought, which places an image that we visualize and the emotional charge (intention) that will impregnate the sense or direction of that mental creation..

Idea No. 12

There is a synchronicity between human beings between language, emotions and the body. Mastery over this trinity - so to speak - makes us self-lead.

Idea No. 13

If we are aware of the messages of our body, we will be able to know the emotions that we experience. If we begin to give importance to the emotional registers that our body communicates, we will be able to classify them as positive and negative. If we classify emotions, we can choose the emotions that bring joy, peace, happiness, security and feel worthy of these emotions. If we choose constructive emotions, we will be "self-motivating".

Idea No. 14

"Attachment" is nothing more than the search for security in the known. What we know always belongs to something from the past that we record. It is there, in that state of seeking "security", where things stop in our lives. Being in the unknown, in "uncertainty", is being in permanent "evolution", where the seeds of creativity begin their process until the harvest, since it is the fertile path for our development. It is in uncertainty that there is the mystery of life.

Idea No. 15

The practice of detachment is a training that is necessary to work for our dreams to materialize. The universe always accepts what we long for and hopes that we will trust it by delegating the work of manifestation, which will make us glad to grant it to us.

Idea No. 16

Human resilience is that inner driving force that we possess; the “natural” capacity that each one of us has to be able to tolerate the adversities of life; to be able to transform them into challenges, into new opportunities to strengthen ourselves.

16 essential ideas to temper the being