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2 Tips for choosing a business idea


Looking for a partner is a lot like looking for a business idea. At first, you are almost ready for anything. Any available option is fine with trying; but soon you realize that this attitude will not get you anywhere, something is needed and that is called «doing chemistry».

"Chemistry" is a deep feeling that you are attracted to that partner for more than just appearance, and when that happens, you start "flirting" and "hovering" around what you find increasingly desirable and attractive.

The same happens with choosing a business idea, exactly the same.

You must "feel that chemistry" that comes from beginning to understand what kind of activity you are willing to dedicate your life to.

It is true that your economic activity is only a part of the three great areas of the Vital Triangle; But it is undeniable that the type of business you choose will have a direct impact on your life. Just as the type of partner you choose has an impact.

You must do two things before choosing a business idea:

1. Determine if you do chemistry with that business idea. I mean if that business is in accordance with your principles and values, your tastes and preferences. Would you like to dedicate your whole life to "that person"? I say "that business". Do you look at yourself dedicating your time, your love, your effort and all your energy?

2. Determine if that business has true profit potential. You must start by measuring the sales potential, the conversion rate that your target audience will have, then you must determine the profit margin of that product starting with the analysis of the unit cost. Then you must determine the break-even point, the investment capital and project the cash flow.

These are the tips that I wanted to offer today to choose "your ideal partner"… well "your ideal business". Remember that you are going to live with her for many, many years.

We will continue talking about this interesting topic in future articles.

In the meantime, I invite you to write your comments and reflections on this topic.

2 Tips for choosing a business idea