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20 Tips to improve your inner quality of life


There are twenty rules that enrich us internally, we can do our best to achieve compliance with all of them, there are twenty rules of life that will surely help you live with internal quality, since from the inside we show what we have to the outside, what we are and how we feel, remember that your body is an external projection of your interior.

  1. Take a 5-minute break for every 2 hours of work, at the most, also repeat these breaks in your daily life, in your daily life, but spend these moments thinking about yourself, analyzing your attitudes, your potential and how you can improve. This will give you a positive and rewarding feeling. Learn to say no, but do not take it to the extreme, you do not need to feel guilty at any time of being the way you are, of thinking and having autonomy over your decisions, do not think that others are leaving To hurt by a simple no, remember that we can all accept each other's views, but you can't share many of them. Something important, when we seek to please we wear ourselves out, and we observe that many times it is an unnecessary expenditure of energy that takes us away from our personal work at every moment. Plan, every day,every week and every year, but consider a good time in those contingency plans, since part of the stability and the construction of the quality of life depends on the way we prepare to face events, in addition, just overcoming these adversities takes time. Concentrate, but only on one task at a time, when we are scattered but not concentrated we are more likely to err, so it is very important to dedicate ourselves to facing one situation at a time, since more agile and Skillful as his mental or physical potential is, he gets tired, that's why we walk one step at a time. Remember that we cannot do everything at the same time. Forget once and for all that you are indispensable, nobody is, however,your internal strength will guarantee your indispensable once you have worked enough to deserve it, meanwhile, you should not think about it, I remind you because the anguish generated by this feeling of unnecessary greatness will disperse and mentally exhaust us, remember once again that quality of life is worked from within. Stop feeling responsible for the pleasure or happiness of others. You are not the genie of the lamp, nor Merlin the magician, so that magically your surroundings are nourished with that happiness that we all yearn for, each one is capable of building their own happiness, therefore, this should not stress you, you should concentrate on Your tranquility. Ask for help, since when we deny ourselves the possibility of helping us because we believe we are self-sufficient, it takes much longer to complete or achieve our success.Anyone who helps you will be gratified by the fact that I help a successful person in life, you and not the one who did not ask for help and is still mired in failure. Separate the real problems from the imaginary ones, since if we speculate about the possible consequences of a real problem, we will decrease the possibility of finding quick and definitive solutions to them. So remove them permanently and focus on the tangible, on the real and give real solutions. Always try to discover the pleasure or gratification, whether physical or spiritual, of the things that make up the wonderful world of everyday life, but something important is not Accordingly, avoid mixing yourself into other people's anxieties, problems and tensions, worry about your own things and stay away from overwhelming people, remember that you are first of all,and especially the work for your quality of inner life. Your environment is not you, it accompanies you, it gives you affection but be clear that it is made up of people very different from you, we respect the qualities of others, we cultivate, we do not destroy, since exercising dominance we motivate the improper. Understand that we cannot be inflexible, so if we judge ourselves too harshly we will see that our state will take a depressive and gloomy aspect, product of the reproaches that are constantly given, so sometimes allow yourself a little excess. a person to whom you can trust your feelings, thoughts or ideas, but always remember that the person with whom you will do catharsis frequently, should be reserved, motivating and happy,This will ensure that you can let off steam easily and do not give up on continuing to face life's problems. Know your environment, do as the blind, memorize your space and therefore reduce the possibility of accidents, and it will also serve to measure your time, your possibilities within your living space and thus will begin to give value to the simple. Never expect to know or know if at any time they are speaking ill of you, this is called "mental parasites" or "cockroaches" that little by little Little and inadvertently will exhaust it, it is also unnecessary, since if you do things well and plan them you will have no problems, remember that destructive criticism is the product of envy. Competing since competition exercises a sense of perfection and improvement I continue, but I know how to compete,Be loyal to the principles or rules to follow, and above all do not compete unnecessarily against others, do it with yourself. Stiffness is magnificent in constructions, but in humans it is not a guarantee of success or tranquility, that's why straight lines they are so difficult to capture or draw, we must resort to external elements such as squares or rules to make them, let us realize that rigidity is not a virtue of human beings, it is a manifestation of people who feel inferior, and they resort to their rigidity to give importance in a given moment. An hour of immense pleasure is very capable of replacing the most intense displeasure, so do not deny yourself the possibility of enjoying what is presented to you. Any moment of fun, whether unforeseen or planned, on a physical or spiritual level should be a reward,since you deserve it. Keep in mind that there are three faculties that are inherent in the ability to dream of human beings, intuition, innocence and faith, if we hide them, we hide the possibility of building the imaginary worlds that are necessary to design and realize the real ones. Definitely understand that you are a product of your permissiveness, your decisions and your “berraquera”, you build yourself daily if you want, and you also destroy yourself voluntarily.of your decisions and of your “berraquera”, you build yourself daily if you want, and you also destroy yourself voluntarily.of your decisions and of your “berraquera”, you build yourself daily if you want, and you also destroy yourself voluntarily.
20 Tips to improve your inner quality of life