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20 Tips for living with a quality of interior life


1. Work with perseverance and you will achieve everything you want.

2 learn to say no, without feeling guilty, or believing you are hurting someone. Wanting to please everyone produces a lot of wear and tear and ends up in conflict.

3. plan your day, but always leave a good space for any unforeseen, aware that not everything depends on you. Have a plan "b".

4. Focus on one task at a time. No matter how much mental capacity you have, you get tired… The dispersion only produces disorder and contradiction.

5. Forget once and for all that you are indispensable at work, at home, or in the usual study group. As much as this displeases you, everything walks without your participation, unless it is for yourself.

6. Stop feeling responsible for the pleasure or pain of others. You are not the source of the wishes, nor your eternal master of ceremonies.

7. Avoid becoming involved in other people's anxieties and tensions when it comes to anxiety and tension. Wait a bit and then return to dialogue and action.

8. Ask for help whenever necessary, having the good sense to ask the right people for it.

9. Separate the real problems from the imaginary ones and eliminate them, they are only a waste of time and occupy precious mental space for more important things.

10. Try to discover the pleasure of daily activities such as sleeping, eating and walking, without believing that it is the best you can achieve in life.

11. Your family is not you, it is next to you, it makes up your world but it is not your own identity.

12. Understand that inflexible principles and convictions can be a great burden that prevents movement and personal search.

13. Stiffness is good in stones, but not in humans.

14. You need to always have someone you can trust openly and speak with confidence.

15. Know the right time to leave a dinner, get up from the box and leave a meeting. Never lose your sense of the subtle importance of going out at the right time.

16. Do not want to know if they spoke ill of you, or torment yourself with that mental garbage. Listen to what was said well about you, with analytical reserve, prudent attitude and without believing it all.

17. Competing in moments of fun, work and life as a couple, is ideal for those who want to get tired or miss out on enjoying the best part.

18. Rest in a balanced way after your daily tasks.

19. Always keep in mind your three great and invaluable friends: intuition, innocence and faith.

20. Understand once and for all, definitely and in conclusion, that you are what you make of yourself.

20 Tips for living with a quality of interior life